I Will Smile Again If You Watch - Free AI Voice Generator

I Will Smile Again If You Watch

God’s special message is only for you

don’t make the mistake of leaving it God

wants to solve all your problems in the

last seconds God will answer all your

questions my beloved child I hear your

prayers and see your

tears I know the burdens that weigh upon

your heart and I am here to comfort you

you are not alone in your

struggles I am with you every step of

the way and I will never forsake you I

know the pain you feel

and I weep with you but I also know that

you are strong and that you will

overcome this you are my child and I

love you

unconditionally I created you for a

purpose and I have a plan for your life

I know that you have doubts and fears

but I want you to know that I am always

with you guiding you and protecting you

I hear your prayers and I answer them in

my own time and in my own

way sometimes the the answer is not what

you expect but it is always what is best

for you trust in me type Amen in the

comments and don’t forget to share this

message with up to three people so that

God can help you and know that I’m

working all things together for your

good I see your tears and I am moved by

them your tears are precious to me and

they show me how deeply you

care but I do not want you to

cry I want you to be filled with joy and

peace I want you to know that you are

loved you are loved by me your Creator

and you are loved by your

savior Jesus Christ we both love you

more than you could ever

imagine so do not be afraid do not

despair I am with you I hear your

prayers I see your

tears and I love you now my

child I want to give you a few things to



first remember that I am always with you

I am with you when you are happy and I

am with you when you are sad I am with

you when you are strong and I am with

you when you are weak I am always with

you second remember that I love you I

love you

unconditionally I love you just the way

you are I love you even when you make

mistakes I love you because you are my


third remember that I have a plan for


life I created you for a purpose and I

have a plan for you to fulfill that

purpose trust in me and I will lead you

on the right path oh you my child if you

want God’s grace always upon you then

please consider to support our ministry

by clicking thanks button because this

message took us a lot of efforts do not

be ens snared by the Allure of time

Relentless passage do not allow yourself

to become a mere Observer passively

watching the days slip away like grains

of sand through your fingers instead

seize the reins of your existence grasp

each day with unwavering resolve and

make it a masterpiece worthy of

remembrance life’s true measure lies not

in the mere accumulation of days but in

the richness and depth with which we

live them it is not the quantity of

years that determines our worth but the

quality of our actions the love we share

and the Legacy We Leave

Behind as the sun rises each morning a

fresh canvas awaits your

Artistry Embrace this opportunity with

open arms for it is a gift a sacred

trust bestowed upon you paint your

life’s tapestry with vibrant Hues with

bold Strokes of compassion kindness and

unwavering Faith do not allow fear or

doubt to paralyze you step outside your

comfort zone Embrace new

challenges and pursue your dreams with



remember my

child I am always with you guiding your

steps strengthening your resolve and

cheering you

on in the face of

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