I Will Be Happy If You Open This | Urgent Message For You | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

I Will Be Happy If You Open This | Urgent Message For You | God Message Today

my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

today let us focus into the profound

teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ as recorded in the Gospel of Luke

in these verses Jesus imparts

invaluable wisdom on the subjects of

judgment forgiveness and

self-awareness urging us to examine our

hearts and attitudes towards others let

us explore these teachings together and

allow them to penetrate our hearts and

transform Our Lives Jesus begins by

issuing a powerful command do not judge

and you will not be judged do not

condemn and you will not be condemned

forgive and you will be forgiven Luke

these words cut to the core of

human nature for we are often quick to

pass judgment on others pointing out

their faults and shortcomings while

ignoring our own but Jesus calls us to a

higher standard urging us to refrain

from judgment and condemnation and

instead to extend forgiveness and Grace

why is Judgment so dangerous because

when we judge others we set ourselves up

as the ultimate Arbiter of right and

wrong placing ourselves in the position

of God but as Jesus reminds us with the

measure you use it will be measured to

You Luke

in other words the same standard of

judgment that we apply to to others will

be applied to us if we are quick to

condemn others we will find ourselves

condemned in turn but if we extend

forgiveness and Grace we will receive

the same in abundance from our heavenly

father Jesus further emphasizes the

principle of generosity and

reciprocity give and it will be given to

you A good measure pressed down shaken

together and running over will be poured

into your lap for with the measure you

use it will be measured to You Luke

this principle runs counter to the

world’s mindset which often tells us to

hoard our resources and look out for

ourselves above all else but Jesus calls

us to a different way of living a way of

sacrificial giving and

selflessness when we give freely of our

time talents and resources God promises

to bless us abundantly in return this is

not a transactional relationship where

we give in order to receive rather it is

a principle of sewing and reaping where

our generosity opens the floodgates of

God’s blessings in our lives as we give

generously to others God pours out his

blessings upon us in ways we cannot even

imagine Jesus then illustrates his

teachings with a parable can the blind

lead the blind will they not both fall

into a pit the student is not above the

teacher but everyone who is fully

trained will be like their teacher Luke

and in this Parable Jesus warns

against following blind guides those who

lack spiritual insight and discernment

instead he calls us to be fully trained

and equipped becoming like our teacher

Jesus himself what does it mean to be

fully trained it means allowing the Holy

Spirit to work in our lives transforming

us from the inside out and con forming

us to the image of Christ it means

immersing ourselves in God’s word

allowing it to shape our thoughts

attitudes and actions and it means

following the example of Jesus who lived

a life of humility compassion and

obedience to the father finally Jesus

addresses the issue of self-awareness


humility why do you look at the speck of

sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no

attention to the plank in your own eye

how can you say to your brother brother

let me take the speck out of your eye

when you yourself fail to see the plank

in your own eye you hypocrite first take

the plank out of your eye and then you

will see clearly to remove the speck

from your brother’s eye Luke and

this powerful imagery Cuts straight

to the heart of our human tendency

towards hypocrisy and

self-righteousness we are quick to point

out the faults and shortcomings of

others while ignoring our own own

glaring flaws but Jesus calls us to a

different way of living a way of

humility and

self-awareness before we can help others

remove the specks from their eyes we

must first deal with the planks in our

own eyes this requires humility a

willingness to acknowledge our own

sinfulness and shortcomings before God

it requires self-awareness an honest

evaluation of our own hearts and motives

and it requires repentance a turning

away from sin and a turning towards

God my dear brothers and sisters as we

reflect on these teachings of Jesus let

us allow them to penetrate our hearts

and transform Our Lives let us refrain

from judgment and condemnation extending

forgiveness and Grace to others just as

we have received forgiveness and Grace

from our heavenly father let us give

generously of our time talents and

resources trusting in God’s promise to

bless us abundantly in return let us be

fully trained Disciples of Jesus

allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our

lives and conform us to the image of

Christ and let us walk in humility and

self-awareness acknowledging our own

sinfulness and shortcomings before God

May these teachings of Jesus guide and

Inspire us as we seek to live lives that

honor and glorify God and may we be

transformed by the power of His Spirit

becoming more like our teacher Jesus

himself with each passing day amen like

if you believe in God

1 thought on “I Will Be Happy If You Open This | Urgent Message For You | God Message Today”

  1. I wonder how can I talk with you please. How am I gonna to talk with you only by prayers ?is there any other way please please


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