my beloved
child as the day comes to a close I come
to you with a message of healing and
Solace take a moment to breathe to
release the burdens of the day and to
allow my love to envelop you like a warm
embrace I wrap you in the warmth of my
love let go of the worries that weigh
heavy on your heart for in this moment
you are safe In My
Embrace close your eyes dear one and
feel the gentle rhythm of your breath
release the tension in your body
allowing each exhale to carry away the
burdens of the
day know that I am here holding you in
the soothing Embrace of my healing
light let my love wash over you like a
gentle tide soothing the wounds of the
past and bringing Comfort to your weary
Soul trust in my divine presence for I
am the Healer of all wounds physical
emotional and
spiritual as you drift into Slumber
Envision yourself bathed in the radiant
glow of my healing
energy feel it permeate every cell of
your being restoring balance and Harmony
to your body mind in
spirit know that with each passing
moment you are moving closer to
wholeness and
well-being rest now my beloved child
knowing that I am watching over you with
unwavering love and
compassion may your dreams be filled
with visions of Hope renewal and Divine
Healing with all my love
God my beloved remember as you receive
so must you give share this message with
others that they too may find Solace and
hope your act of kindness will Ripple
through eternity don’t forget to
subscribe and together let’s embrace the
Journey of Faith and blessings may peace
be upon you