I Still Love You - Free AI Voice Generator

I Still Love You

my beloved child I come to share with you the most profound and Powerful message you will hear

today please Embrace its truth with all your heart know that I love you with a love

that is pure and wondrous I have been with you I am with you now and I will

always be by your side your family holds a special place in my heart and many of your prayers

will soon find their answers the blessings that are approaching are both beautiful and abundant

do not be afraid for your help and salvation come from the heavens and nothing can stand in their

way challenges may arise and adversaries May multiply for there are forces in the

spiritual realm that have risen against you fiercely and relentlessly but I repeat do not be

afraid no harm shall befall you my angels surround you and my glorious presence will shield you from all harm

do not judge or hold grudges is against anyone for your true battle is not against

them your attacks come from a hidden enemy lurking in the shadows a cunning

adversary who sets traps to ensnare you using Messengers and servants to wage a battle that may lead to deep

discouragement causing you to stumble to combat these malevolent spiritual forces

on with my Army of angles through praise and worship kneel in prayer in the early

morning it is crucial for the end times are drawing near prepare your soul

inform your family and come together in prayer within your home allow my Holy

Spirit to take control of your life I will grant you self-control and remove fear filling your heart with confidence

the enemy is Crafty and deceitful but do not fear or waver for he is not all

powerful omnipresent or privy to your thoughts and my plans he watches your progress with

seething Envy many tremble and fear this adversary when he attacks forgetting that they

have a God so great and powerful that none can compare you are under the shelter of

your omnipotent God my grace Shields you from evil there is no power that can

defeat you and no one can accuse you I am your protector and Advocate no one

can snatch you from my [Music] hand do not let fear weaken your knees

guard your thoughts never believe that the enemy has more power than your heavenly

father though he is persistent and shrewd he will continue to hover around your life waiting for moments of

weakness or neglect times when you feel breathless or on the verge of falling in those moments call upon me

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