"I NEED TO BREAK SOME HARD NEWS TO YOU...‼️| God's Message Now | God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

“I NEED TO BREAK SOME HARD NEWS TO YOU…‼️| God’s Message Now | God Says

today God is telling you right

now my sweet child in the tremendous

Symphony of Li Styles each word you play

resonates with the melody of my grace at

instances to sector’s cacophony May

drown it out however keep in mind that

my grace is persistent usually echoing

inside the

background as you navigate life’s

complexities alow

this mild reminder of my presence be

your guiding rhythm. node that with

every Venture and Triumph my grace is

there harmonizing with your adventure

bringing a music of love and peace on


heart as you navigate life’s

complexities allow this mild reminder of

my presence be your guiding Rhythm know

that with every Venture and Triumph my

grace is there harmonizing with your

adventure bringing a music of love and

peace on your

heart like this video if you trust God


unwavering in the Bible versus

Corinthians speak no temptation has

overtaken to accept what is common to

Mankind and God is devoted he’ll now not

let you be tempted past what you may


my little kids I recognize the Deep harm

and ache that comes with feeling

rejected or abandoned and I want you to

recognize which you are not on my own in

this I am here to walk with you through

this hard time offering you my love hand

a every step of the

way I need you to know that you are

loved and loved just as your you are a

treasur baby of mine and nothing can

ever trade that no count what others may

say or do you are constantly worth of

love and

attractiveness I know that it may take

time to heal from the pain of rejection


abandonment however I want you to

realize that it is viable with my help

you may find the electricity and courage

to move ahead leaving the ache in the

back of and embracing a brighter

Destiny remember that I am continually

right here for you paying attention to

your prayers and offering you my

guidance and guide trust in me and my

love for you and recognize that I will

never leave your

aspect Lord says type y yes if you want

to experience my

peace dear God I knew at this trusting

thing and I am not positive if he’ll be

very desirable at it I genuinely do not

know a way to ask for assist however I


attempt right now I want to take a stand

towards my pain and infusion I Supply it

to you God I will consider that you care

about me and which you need me

too it is written that God says I speak

to you continually my year is to talk

though not continually in words I fling

wonderful sunsets across the sky day

after daily I talk in the faces and

voices of loved

ones I caress you with a mild Breeze

that refreshes and delights you I

communicate softly inside of depths of

your spirit in which I have taken up how

you can find me in each second when you

have eyes that see and ears that listen

do ask my spirit to sharpen your

spiritually and listening

too I have fun whenever you discover my

presence practice searching and

listening for me in the course of quiet

durations gradually you may discover me

an extra and more of your moments you

will are looking for me and discover me

when you are seeking for me in


else times as wel go me possibilities to

accept as true with me you have me

beside you and me spirit inside you so

no set of occasions is in excessive

amount of with the purpose to take care

of when the course earlier than you is

dotted with difficulties to wear of May

measuring your strength against those

challenges that calculation is sure to

riddle you with anxiety without me you

would not make it past the primary

hurdle challenging the way to walk

through annoying days script my hand

tightly and live in near communication

with me let your thoughts and spoken

phrases be richly flavored with consider

and thankfulness regardless of the days

troubles I can keep you in best peace as

you stay close to

me typ how man if you believe in Jesus

Christ my child I speak to you from the

depths of Eternity before the arena

turned into formed I am you pay

attention me in the depths of your being

in which I even have taken up residence

I I am Christ in you the wish of Glory I

your lord and savior I am alive inside

you learn to tune into my residing

Presence by way of in search of me in

silence as you have a good time The

Wonder of my beginning in Bethlehem

Rejoice additionally your rebirth into

Eternal existence this Everlasting

present change into the so because of my

entering your sustained

Global receive my present with a and

humility take time to explore the

extensive dimensions of my love allow

thankfulness to float freely from your

coronary heart in response to my superb

gift let my peace rule on your coronary

heart and be

grateful type Jesus’s Supreme King for

things God needs you to know

this one today is a breakthrough day for

you expect unexpected phone calls good

information and advantages to return

your manner this begins now in Jesus

call two I declare the curse is broken

your health will improve and your budget

will begin to

multiply three

God is pronouncing to you these days

it’s your winning season nitrogen

monoxide extra losses no greater money

owed and no extra

disappointments four God is saying why

he asked to your prayer request he goes

to provide you more than you asked

for type yes to claim this

blessing the scripture always always

speak what do you do to honor God a lot

of instances human beings suppose how

visit Church honor God I read my Bible

to honor God I sing and clap and worship

to honor

God and yes the ones are approaches to

honor God but did you know what you

honor God just does a whole lot whilst

you get to work on time you honor God

while you are productive each day and

honor the humans and authority over you

you honor God when you Excel on your

career actions talk louder than phrases

when you supply your very nice in the

administrative Center your complete

existence is giving praise to God

showing up with a very good attitude

being friendly prepared just being your

fine humans will be aware where there is

something distinct about

you they’ll want what you have got doubt

as Believers we need to set the standard

in all areas of life people need to see

the depth of your man or woman and your

spirit of excellence and recognize which

you are a child of the most high

God make the selection to honor him in

All which you do do to the fact you are

his representative in the earth these

days God says my child at slow of

waiting is over and sense your ache I’ll

bless you and your family quickly this

week be prepared for something

extraordinary to occur for your

Lifestyles expect a week full of

advantages and

achievements the upcoming days promise

to be full of incredible

advantages possibilities and a degree of

fashion you’ve got in no way skilled

don’t be afraid for I will help you due

to the

fact your financial struggles might also

weigh heavily for your coronary heart

but I guarantee you that I am your ever

gift source of strength and provision

trust in my unfailing love and steering

and recognizing thought he will by no

means forsake

you typ our man if you believe in

Christianity the salvation of the

righteous comes from the Lord he’s their

stronghold in time of problem Psalm

– dear listener join this faithful

prayer with me and repeat after me

omnipresent God I pray for my kid

schooling help them through their

Adventure I understand that you made

anyone special and we like them for it I

pray that you grant them the

intellectual energy and fortitude toss

and up to bullies I pray would you carry

up there

self-confidence and also you cause them

to sense a proud for who

there to now not let everybody make them

sense inferior to not allow them sense

small or ashamed to be distinctive bless

them take delivery of themselves and now

not base their happiness on whether

humans like them or

not let them Rejoice their

variations and now not be made to feel

awful about them let them now not sense

victimized by their teachers or their

schoolmates if they may be going through

something in school

grant them the courage to tell us about

it let them now not receive bullying and

allow them to face up to it let them no

longer be pressured into accepting

themselves as mediocre they are your

kids and we like them very much let them

experience this love and undergo their

lives with self assurance

amen I appreciate you fewer are still

watching this and write Jesus our guider

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