I Marvel at You | God Message Today | God Message For You Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

I Marvel at You | God Message Today | God Message For You Today |

you surprised me I instructed you to be

strong but you exerted yourself and

chose to fight with all that you

possess you have gone above and beyond

what I asked of you you are an Exemplar

of loyalty and

Fidelity I observe with joy that all the

seeds I have swn in you which sprouted

and grew have borne such beautiful

fruits that is why better and brighter

times are approaching you are advancing

beyond your Des desires and dreams and

you will not cease until you conquer

that land where blessings and happiness

abound I understand that at times you

perceive things

differently your emotions falter when

you begin to feel envy and rejection

from people even those who profess to


you instead of recognizing your goodness

they persist in seeking ways to make you

feel miserable they delve into the past

dredging up memories to wound wound and

shatter your

spirit but as you listen to me today

make this decision just as you have

demonstrated your faith and strength in

the midst of pain also adopt an attitude

of Victory do not allow anyone to

destroy your efforts to do right do not

grant them the opportunity to dictate


emotions place your trust solely in my

word and be guided by the promises it

holds for you know that you belong to me

I will envelop you in my love I will

personally confront any enemy who dares

to challenge you they may attempt to

sneak into your mind sowing confusion

and mocking your

faith discard those thoughts that are

eay when problems surround you when

conflicts converge when weariness sets

in and when you are burdened with

numerous decisions when your spirit is

weary come and rest rest assured that

that in my presence you will find

comfort and hope the sum of your

troubles will not diminish the

protection of my

love understand this I did not send

these situations your way I assure you

that from where you are you will emerge

with my mighty hand to rescue

you I have never wanted you to suffer

Beyond Your Capacity I would never send

you a trial you cannot endure you will

emerge from this situation

and I will remove the heavy burdens from


shoulders it is not my will for you to

live in solitude and sorrow your future

is so magnificent that your enemies seek

ways to steal your

blessings however in this battle you

have the choice and your faith is a

sword that can conquer the obstacles in

your path you will falter if you open

the door to negative thoughts and

emotions sent by your

enemies but you will try Triumph if my

Holy Spirit holds the foremost place in

your life and

heart I have fulfilled my part I have

granted you

salvation I have prepared an inheritance

of Victory and blessings for

you now you must stand firm as you have

done I come to tell you just in time

that you are on the brink of reaching a

spiritual level where Miracles occur in

your daily walk do not

regress you have gained much ground do

not squander the tears you have shed the

sacrifices you have made and the trials

you have endured it does not matter

whether your family appreciates your

efforts or not focus on the goal your

faith and determination are stronger

than steel exert yourself and be

courageous many have abandoned their

purpose and regret their situation but

you have a different future my

presentence surrounds you my spirit

Reigns in your home the windows of

heaven will open bringing blessings and

joy to your household repentant Hearts

will return those who had departed it

will be a time of forgiveness and

Harmony do not fear for I am with you do

not be distressed for I am your God I

will strengthen you I will help you I

will uphold you with my Victorious right

hand I have have showered you with

blessings in Heavenly places so that my

glory May manifest in your

family this Grace will reach your

friends relatives and neighbors you will

be the instrument that brings healing to

many people you

know but this marvelous work begins

here thus I instruct you to come each

morning to listen remember all the

Miracles I have already performed in you

and how this word has become a reality

in those impossible situations that once

made you falter I have supported you

thus far do not turn back do not lose

what you have gained from now on great

blessings are coming I ask you to bring

your concerns prayers and vigilance to

me first do not let anger steal your

longed for

happiness do not utter words that can

hurt others do not compare them to

anyone else else do not wound their

souls it is true that there are rules

and Commandments that must be followed

in your home but do not raise your voice

never insult anyone before imposing

discipline in your family first calm

yourself take a few moments and request

that I take your hand and breathe divine

inspiration into your spirit I shall

guide you to lovingly counsel those you

cherish I shall be with you from dawn

until dusk even as you Slumber I shall

sit beside you speaking to you of my

word so that you may dream of The

Magnificent plans I have for you you

shall rise with joy and great

fortitude equipped to Traverse all

challenges with composure and

serenity I shall not permit you to face

a burden too heavy to

Bear if at this moment you feel you can

bear no more believe me when I say that

you can continue

forward Victory is already yours I have

won it for you simply stand and March

without tears or complaints for just a

few more steps and you shall discover

the reward for your perseverance the

recompense for your loyalty and the

fruit of your

labor this is my way of demonstrating my

appreciation for your faithfulness and

your commitment to fight to the end with

your head held high full of

determination and dignity I imbue you

with such strength that you shall treade

upon serpants and deceitful demons

overcoming all manner of evil forces and

no one shall harm you

ever this is how I wish to see you

brimming with confidence indomitable

Spirit and the certainty that all

beautiful things you anticipate will

soon come to

fruition this is your faith the spark of

trust that you bestow upon me each time

you open your eyes at

dawn you greatly please me and my way of

rewarding you is to reveal countless

wonders in your

life I love you and even in moments of

Silence when I contemplate the

Magnificent future that lies before you

I am with you do not fear the processes

do not shy away from

trials in my Holy Name take them on and

confront your problems head on tell me

that you will that you shall not allow

your emotions to dominate you or be

bound by any

illness I heal you I care for you I

provide for you and I sustain

you I give you what you need multiplying

the fruit of your efforts bestowing

faith and steadfastness upon your

thoughts most importantly I instill in

your soul today this unshakable

conviction the unwavering knowledge that

my love for you is profound and even if

you stumble and make mistakes I shall

continue loving you forever assisting

you in all

ways this is your daily life a path

filled with delightful surprises

numerous opportunities and processes

leading to Greater

victories your countenance radiates with

faith and assurance and your smile

illuminates those who who behold

you your interactions with people

especially your family bear witness to

my power and my love showcasing the

Wonders I can bring about in those who

surrender their hearts to

me I have told you today that all the

processes you face serve a purpose so

fear not let not your soul tremble with

fear continue on this path with

determination for I shall always be with

you offering love peace patience and

strength I shall breathe happiness and

Tranquility into your life I love you

and you shall feel it in this very

moment in the sound of my voice in the

affection I bring to your heart in the

healing words that enter your ears and

remain to comfort you in the midst of

any situation you

endure you are paying great attention

and I know it my Holy Spirit can

converse with you in a beautiful and


manner though the battles you face in

life may be many you can feel my

peace your soul shall be filled with

Tranquility I shall nourish your heart

and every word you hear shall fill you


happiness today you have this immense

opportunity to open your eyes to the

supernatural world and witness the

countless wonders Miracles and prodigies

I can and will perform in your family

your life your finances your health and

more all areas where my power shall

manifest each

day you shall witness how blessings

multiply and know that my love is

pouring down upon you and yours I’m not

here to demand your money in exchange

for these beautiful blessings I have in

my hands for you I ask only for what I

have always asked for your whole heart

your lord loyalty your commitment to

place me first and to seek and serve me

eternally I bestow upon you a genuine

spiritual inheritance that shall bring

about a miraculous transformation and

profound changes in this

life I grant you the power to

confidently tread upon all the forces of

the enemy that rise against you for you

have my powerful word my promises do not

fail they are your Shield shield and

your sword protection for your soul you

have your faith and I possess the

determination to fulfill what I promise

to make you a faithful and true

Testament to my great power I want and

can completely eliminate all your

concerns and problems so that you no

longer experience the pain and distress

that have been robbing you of

life it is my will that you cast aside

these baseless fears and F focus on what

truly matters your family your future

your spiritual life your education your

health and many other aspects in which

my power shall be made

manifest each day you shall witness

blessings increasing and you shall know

that my love is pouring down upon you


yours everything that malicious

individuals have taken from you I shall

restore this is your moment to Triumph

to achieve your your goals I shall give

you what you ask for when you are

focused on giving me your whole heart

serving your family satisfying the needs

of the needy and pursuing many other

beautiful dreams and Powerful acts of

kindness envious individuals may

criticize you but pay no heed to their

words or their attempts to hinder your

Prosperity I shall be vigilant against

anything they attempt to do against you

or their ill intentions


the blessing I have for your life is

written and authorized from the

beginning of time sealed with my

Supernatural power at the moment of your

birth nothing and no one shall impede my

determination to give you what you

deserve and to lift you up among the

Nations and even among your own

people those who currently hold you in

disdain shall respect

you I have seen what you have done for

people you did not even know you

extended a helping

hand therefore I assure you that your

generosity shall transform into a shower

of blessings from above the windows of

Heaven shall open wide providing


provision what I give you no one can

take away so From This Moment decide to

believe in me so that you do not weaken

in the face of the Devourer threats if I

say it you shall prosper if I command it

it shall be

done you need not plead with anyone for

an opportunity just be patient and treat


kindly avoid getting entangled in

disputes or quarrels speak the truth in

entirety refrain from spreading gossip

and pay no attention to those sowing

hatred and

resentment learn from me for I am humble

and meek of heart in doing so you you

shall find true peace for your soul I

speak to you with affection I whisper my

word in your ear sing to your spirit and

gently stroke your hair in the early

morning hours sewing in your

being these promises Laden with

love success and prosperity lie before

you so walk with confidence for I carry

you in my

arms never disregard any of the

blessings I shall place in your hands do

not falter and when you feel weak or

vulnerable pray and cry out for I shall

be with you to strengthen your soul and

revive your faith be strong and

courageous do not be discouraged for I

will be with you wherever you go you can

choose to be strong and courageous even

when you are feeling very

weak however the weaker you feel the

more effort it takes to choose to be

strong it all depends on where you look

if you gaze at yourself and your

problems your courage will melt

away the choice to be bold rests on your

confidence that I am with you and for

you through eyes of Faith see me on the

path before you beckoning you on one

step at a

time looking to me consistently will

increase your strength and Valor when

everything seems to be going wrong

refuse to get discouraged remember that

I I am a god of surprises I am not

limited by the way things are or by the

poultry possibilities you can

see I am infinitely creative and

Powerful with me all things are possible

the longer you wait for your prayers to

be answered the closer you are to a

breakthrough meanwhile waiting for me

aware of my loving presence is a blessed

way to live I am good to those who wait

for me trust in my timing and my perfect

plan for your life your journey may be

fraught with challenges and setbacks but

these are not signs of my

absence instead they are opportunities

for you to demonstrate your faith and

deepen your Reliance on

me when you face obstacles see them as

stepping stones not stumbling blocks

each one is designed to elevate you

higher to a place of greater

understanding and closer communion with

me in moments of Doubt or despair when

the world’s noise drowns out my gentle

Whispers quiet your mind and seek my

peace it’s in the Stillness that you’ll

hear my voice reassuring you of my love

and my promises remember you are never

alone I am always walking beside you

guiding and guarding your path so stand

firm in your faith let your heart be

steadfast and let your spirit be

rejuvenated by my grace the trials of

this world are temporary but my love for

you is eternal you are my beloved child

Chosen and cherished step forward with

confidence knowing that in me you have

everything you need to overcome and

Thrive I am with you now and forever

more be of good courage and I will

strengthen your heart

I want my children to be brave not

cowardly in fact the Bible contains

warnings of dire consequences for the

Cowardly the unbelieving the vile the

murderers when you are going through

very tough times and there is no relief

in sight you usually start looking for a

way out these Escapist longings stem

from self-pity and a sense of

entitlement you think you deserve better

conditions than your current

situation but when you think this way

you’re ignoring my

sovereignty over your life though your

circumstances May indeed be painful and

difficult they are not worthless so

muster the courage to say yes to your

life trusting that I am in control and I

am with you in your

struggles come to me with a courageous

heart hoping in me and I will bless you

in many ways

moreover I will multiply your small Act

of Bravery I will strengthen your heart

embrace the challenges you face as

opportunities to grow stronger in your

faith and closer to me your trials are

not punishments they are part of a

refining process designed to shape you

into the image of my

son as you endure hardships let them

teach you patience perseverance and a

deeper Trust in my unfailing

love each difficulty is a brush stroke

in the Masterpiece I am creating with

your life when you feel overwhelmed

remember that my power is made perfect


weakness your vulnerability is not a

liability it’s an invitation for me to

work more effectively within you in

these moments surrender your fears and

anxieties to me let me carry your

burdens and lighten your load my grace

is sufficient for you

and my strength will carry you through

the toughest of

times so Stand Up Against The Winds of

adversity with a heart full of courage


Faith do not shrink back in fear but

move forward with confidence knowing

that I Am with You guiding your

steps your bravery no matter how small

it may seem is precious in my sight each

step you take in faith is a testament to

my power working in and through you

remember dear child that you are not

walking this journey

alone I am your steadfast companion your

shield and your

strength with me by your side there is

nothing you cannot

face hold on to my promises and let them

be the anchor for your

soul in my presence you will find the

courage and strength you need to

continue and in my love you will find

the peace and joy that surpass all

understanding my Holy Spirit Embraces

you and calms you I remove all your

burdens and Grant you peace so that you

may sleep and feel free and confident

even in your




1 thought on “I Marvel at You | God Message Today | God Message For You Today |”

  1. Lord Father Jesus, thank you for every day and you guide me and you will continue to protect me. I pray that you give me stability of heart and that I can succeed in what you want me to do.
    I wish Please don’t doubt me and I will try to make myself worthy of you through your help.❤🙏


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