I CAN HEAR YOU RIGHT NOW - JESUS |God message jesus | God Tells | - Free AI Voice Generator

I CAN HEAR YOU RIGHT NOW – JESUS |God message jesus | God Tells |

beloved an urgent word stirs Within Me

yearning to be

shared Can you feel it in your spirit a

shifting an

anticipation building like the distant

Rumble of an approaching

storm this is no ordinary season my

child you stand on the cusp of a Divine

acceleration where the very fabric of

time will bend and stretch at my command

in ages past the prophet Amos declared

behold the days are coming and those

days are upon you now the ancient words

echo through the centuries infused with

my breath spoken aresh for this

hour the plowman shall overtake the

reaper picture it a field where seeds

are still being swn yet the Harvest is

already ripe and ready the sewer and

Reaper work side by side their labors

overlapping in a glorious Collision of


blink and you might miss the moment the

first tender choots break through the

soil for they will leap towards the sun

with Supernatural Haste The Green stalks

will swell with grain as if fed by an

unseen hand and the heavy heads will bow

golden and bursting before the startled

farmer has even wiped the sweat from his

brow this is the pace of the hour you

have stepped into a headlong Rush of

answered prayers and dreams fulfilled

blessings chasing down blessings each

one treading on the heels of the last

the sheer speed of it will leave you

breathless marveling as you strain to

take it all in the Hills themselves will

drip with the sweet wine of my favor

drenching the land in a headyy flow of

provision and

plenty deserts will bloom in a riot of

color Lush and fragrant stagnant pools

will give way to rushing Rivers surging

with life and Power hour the

transformation will be so rapid so all

encompassing that the memory of lack and

barrenness will fade like a half


dream but I must give you a caution a

loving warning amidst this exhilarating

promise in your eagerness for what is to

come do not neglect the present moment

pregnant with

purpose each second arrives Laden with

my gifts each breath and opportunity to

commune with

me to live only for the future is to

risk missing the treasures hidden in the

now when you prayed for Revival for an

outpouring of my spirit did you consider

what it would require of you are you

truly ready for the Glorious disruption

the holy

upheaval I tell you the months and years

to which you have grown accustomed will

compress into days and

weeks the ponderous cycles of SE KN and

waiting will give way to lightning fast

reaping you will scarcely have time to

catch your breath between the birthing

of one promise and the birthing of the

next and even this will seem slow

compared to what is coming for I am

taking you deeper still into a place

where my glory annihilates

delay the seconds will swallow up the

seasons and moments will eclipse the

decades for when you step into my

presence when you make your home in the

realm of Glory you enter eternity and

Eternity has a way of overshadowing time

of causing it to Bow and bend in a stru

surrender just as light swallows up

darkness and life devours death my

eternal nature will consume the temporal

Shadows that have haunted you the clock

will no longer be your master nor the

calendar your

Jailer you will move to the rhythm of my

heartbeat Guided by the C of my

voice and now my child I invite you to

step into that same flow to relinquish

your grip on the familiar patterns and

embrace the wild exhilarating dance of

faith it will require a radical shift in

your perspective a reorientation of your

very being you must learn to see with

eternal eyes to think with an eternal

mind to love with an eternal heart this

is not a Journey for the faint of heart

or the Casual Seeker it is a call to

abandon yourself fully to my purposes to

be swept up in the Relentless current of

my love there will be moments when the

speed of it all takes your breath

away when you feel like you are hurdling

towards an unknown future with no Safety

Net in

sight but I assure you my hand will

never leave you my Grace will be the net

that catches you the wind beneath your

window WIS I am not leading you into

chaos but into a higher order a deeper

Harmony the acceleration is not meant to

overwhelm you but to free you from the

shackles of a lesser life so fix

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