How To Manifest Anything using a BAY LEAF RITUAL for 2024 - Free AI Voice Generator

How To Manifest Anything using a BAY LEAF RITUAL for 2024

hi everyone this is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics and if you’re wondering how can

you set your intents for the new year using bay Le you landed on the Right video today I’m going

to give you a quick tutorial on what to do with bay leaves to set that intent to put it out there

to the universe of what it is you want going into the new year but before we get started if

you’re new to this channel this is a metaphysical law of attraction channel that give manifesting

techniques so only thing I’m asking for you to do at this time is the like subscribe tap the bell

for notifications of my up and cominging videos and just keep watching the videos so if you want

to know how to use bay leaf to set the intent for what it is you want in the upand cominging new

year keep watching I’m back now what is it that I have to tell tell you about one of my favorite

topics and that is bile now listen if you don’t know about biley but you’ve been hearing about

it bay leaves is used in funu it’s a natural herb that we use for cooking but it also has properties

of attracting and manifesting whatever it is that you want now there’s a lot of rituals that you can

use with bay leaves and I’m about to give you a couple of them right now what I’m going to show

you is things that you can do to set the intent for what it is that you want in the coming new

year now watch this all the way to the end because you guys know I just love throwing in extra tips

to help you reach whatever goals you have now the first ritual you can actually do very quickly

within a couple of minutes and you can do this as often as you want you can actually take one of

these bay leaves doesn’t matter if it’s broken or not and place it in your wallet I would actually

hold it in my hand and state what it is that I want something like thank you God for blessing

me with $, at this point I have the $, to do everything that I need to do so that I am

more settled whatever it is you want to say and you can place it in the wallet now where I would

place it is somewhere near your money it could be near your dollars it could be near your change

whatever it is now to take this to the next level you can add a couple of things to the bay leaf

before you place it in the wallet besides praying and stating what it is that you want you can add

a little oil on your hands and Pat it on the bay leaf now what type of oil if you don’t have it you

welcome to use olive oil but make sure you set the intent on what it is that you want if you

have intent oils you can use Road opener if you’re trying to get a better career or get a promotion

you can use Prosperity if you want to bring in prosperity in all different ways maybe money maybe

career Whatever It Is Love whatever it is you can use Prosperity you can also use like magnet oil

to attract whatever it is that you want in your life whatever it is you’re setting the intent in

the bay now if you want any of these oils you are so welcome to go in the description hit the link

for the shop and go to the oil section again buy the oils that resonate with you now the

next thing you can do before putting a bay leaf in your wallet is you can write on the bay leaf

what it is that you want so again you’re going to this bay leaf right here it’s going to take

a bay leaf that is basically whole okay now you’re going to take the bay leaf and you’re going to use

something like a Sharpie why am I saying Sharpie because the Sharpie is felt and it’s not going to

break the bay leaf cuz again the bay leaf is dry okay it’s dry bay leaves okay and you’re going

to write on the bay leaf whatever it is that you want so you can write your name on the front and

on the back you can put loads of money you could put $, you can put dollar signs you can put

the year two and put dollar signs all around it be creative with whatever it is you’re trying

to do and then pray on it um set the intent and then if you want to add a little oil okay again

you’re going to place this near your money and let it go now an extra tip because you guys know

as I go along I love throwing in some extra tips it just makes me happy you can add with the bay

leaf in your wallet you can add little things like cinnamon which is known also to attract abundance

this is a cinnamon chip I have here cinnamon sticks and some people prefer just to sprinkle

a tiny little bit of cinnamon powder whatever you want near your money I choose to use the sticks

because the cinnamon powder is a little messy I’m giving you guys a lot of tips so don’t forget to

like subscribe tap the bell okay the next thing if you want to use bay leaves to set your intent

for the new year this is one of my most popular rituals that you can do and that is you can write

on the bay leaf set the intent and place it under your pillow now when I say pillow I’m talking

about in the pillowcase under the pillow so that it is under your head while you are sleeping now

you’re probably saying Will Eyvette what is it that I do again you’re going to take a whole bay leaf

and a Sharpie and you’re going to write your name and if you can very small write what it

is that you desire okay as if it is already done now you can just write words like money

Prosperity success um love true love whatever it is that you want but I do want you again to hold

the bay leaf in your hand and set the intent no matter how you do it you program the bay

leaf for what it is that you want and again doing any of these rituals I am asking you to take some

time and while you’re doing it visualize what it is that you want as if you already have it like

someone saying congratulations for getting that new car someone telling you congratulations for

getting that new home or that promotion at your job or that love of your life where you are now

engaged haha these are my little secrets that I love telling you guys so now what are you going

to do after you write on the bay leaf you’re going to put it in something like a little bag

a little sachche bag it could be white it could be pink for love it could be green for abundance for

money it could be gold and you’re going to place that in the bag after you programmed it okay now

a couple of things you can do you can again place a piece of cinnamon in the bag also okay little

small little pieces of cinnamon you can actually at this time take your time to write your write

on the paper what it is that you want and actually hold it in your hand pray on that also and place

it in the bag now I’m just giving you guys some examples of what you can do you don’t have to do

everything you can just take the bay leaf put it under your pillow if you have a bag you can place

it in here if you want to place some more items in here and then keep it all together and then

place it under your pillow but the whole idea is to set your intent and sleep on it let your

subconscious mind know that this is the last thing you’re thinking of and you want this in your life

okay not want but basically stating it is part of my life so that your subconscious mind can accept

it and bring it into your life now to add on to this if we’re talking about abundance and you

have small crystals okay you can put a pyite in here which is called fool’s gold and it is known

to attract abundance it is also a protector you can play Place something in here like a load Stone

load stone is a crystal that is known to attract it’s like a magnet okay and it goes along with

the magnet oil okay and you can place this also in there now I’m just giving you some examples so I’m

not telling you to place all these crystals under your head so let’s just say we made this and we’re

using a green bag to bring in abundance we wrote oursel a letter as if it is already done we placed

in here the bay leaf with whatever we wrote on it and we place one or two crystals in here let’s

just say we use the load Stone to attract what we want and we use the pyite you’re going to take

this and you’re going to hold it in your hand you can visualize whatever it is you want as if it is

already done keep saying a prayer say affirmations whatever it is is you want to do and then place

it under the pillow now after you put this under your pillow you can end it with saying a prayer to

your Supreme Being whether that’s God Jesus um the universe your higher self and just state that you

are so happy and you are so grateful to receive whatever it is that you want and then you can ask

for guidance um dreams whatever it is to take you in that direction okay now you’re probably saying

well Evette how long do I leave this under my pillow for me I have no problem leaving it under

my pillow and to it manifest Some people prefer to leave it under there for days or days

now I’m going to give you another tip if you’re writing on something like a piece of paper and

it’s in here or the bay leaf I would read it every single night before going to sleep haha now what

else can you do with a bay leaf everyone to set that intent for whatever it is that you want and

here we’re going to talk about candles everyone now this is a regular Cent candle and I chose

the color orange now why orange orange is the color for Success everyone success in anything

that you’re doing it also represents a little bit of creativity so this is the perfect candle to

use going into the new year now this is the time you’re going to need that whole bay leaf again

and you’re going to need some tweezers one other thing that I’m going to ask you to have and that

is something to catch the ashes so it could be anything that’s fireproof okay and again be very

safe while doing this and never leave a candle burning alone so now what you’re going to do

again you’re going to write on the bay leaf what it is that you want utilize the entire bay leaf

the front your name the back what it is you want dollar signs a new car a new home whatever it is

you want and you can also place the year if it’s later whatever year you’re in you can

write the year now once you do that you can either anoint it again with some type of or oil placing

a little bit of oil on your hand or a few oils on your hand and then tapping it on the bay leaf

after you rode on it okay again you’re going to use a Sharpie the next thing you’re going to do is

you’re going to burn it in the candle now you are welcome to use a white candle if you don’t have

a orange candle the whole thing is setting the intent now for me before I um light this candle

I would have already programmed this candle for whatever it is that I want now after you wrote on

the bay leaf and placed a little bit of oil on it if you choose to do so you are then going to burn

the bay leaf okay now again you need something to catch the ashes and I’m going to show you what it

looks like okay now you can say something like as I burn this bay leaf in the flame Prosperity comes

to me now as I burn this baile Lea in the flame Prosperity comes to me now as I burn this bay

leaf in the flame Prosperity comes to me now again you’re not holding it by your hand you’re holding

it with tweezers and any ashes that you have is going to drop in is going to drop in the um glass

dish okay and it’s going to look something like that and that’s it okay now what are you going to

do with this after you caught the ashes for me I would take it outside if it’s at night and blow it

out to the universe if it’s during the day blow it out to the universe and let it go now you’re

probably saying bet how often do I do this you can do it once you can do it once now and once leading

into the new year you can do it how many times you want but the only thing I’m asking is that you be

very safe while doing it now this is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics and I just told you how to

set your intent using bay leaves now listen if you want any of these items please look in the description

go to the site everything is there and again sign up for my newsletter because I always offer

discounts if you desire one-on-one coaching from me or reading please go in the description everything

is there again if you really want to support this Channel Sign up for me membership and don’t forget

to like subscribe tap the Bell but most of all people just keep watching the videos and namaste

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