How I Want to Bless You Abundantly by My Grace - Free AI Voice Generator

How I Want to Bless You Abundantly by My Grace

greetings my beloved I am Jesus your
lord and savior I have come to speak to
you today about a powerful blessing that
I have prepared for you a blessing that
will fill your life with joy peace and
love a blessing that will make you a
light to the world a blessing that will
make you a witness of my grace you see I
love you with an everlasting love I have
chosen Chen you before the foundation of
I have chosen you
the world I have called you by name and
made you my own I have redeemed you by
my blood and forgiven you of all your
sins I have given you a new life and a
new identity you are my child my friend
my bride and as my child my friend my
bride I want to bless you abundantly I
want to give you all that I have and all
that I am I want I want to share with
How do you receive this blessing
you my riches and my glory I want to
shower you with my favor and my goodness
I want to do for you what no one else
can do but how do you receive this
powerful blessing how do you access this
Abundant Life how do you enjoy this
Divine favor well let me tell you it’s
not by your own Merit or by your own
effort or by your own performance it’s
How to receive this blessing
not by your works or your Deeds or your
achievements no the way to receive this
powerful blessing is by my Grace by my
gift by my Mercy by my love by My
Sacrifice you see grace is the reason
why I came to this world Grace is the
reason why I died on the cross Grace is
the reason why I rose from the dead
Grace is the reason why I ascended it to
Heaven Grace is the reason why I sent
you the Holy Spirit Grace is the power
that saves you heals you delivers you
transforms you empowers you Grace is the
source of every blessing in your life
the Bible says in Ephesians
– for it is by Grace you have been
saved through faith and this is not from
yourselves it is the gift of God not by
works so that no one can boast did you
No one can boast
hear that you have been saved by grace
through faith that means it’s not
because of what you did but because of
what I did for you it’s not because of
who you are but because of who I am in
you it’s not because of what you deserve
but because of what I freely give to you
and if I freely give you salvation what
else will I not freely give you you the
If I freely give you salvation
Bible says in Romans
: he who did not spare his own son
but gave him up for us all how will he
not also along with him graciously give
us all things did you catch that I will
graciously give you all things that
means there is nothing to good for you
there is nothing to hard for me there is
nothing to beg for us all things are
possible for those who believe in me so
All things are possible for those who believe
today I want to invite you to believe in
me like never before to trust in me like
never before to rely on me like never
before because I believe that as you do
you will experience something wonderful
in your life you will experience Grace
upon Grace you will experience favor
upon favor you will experience blessing
upon blessing you will experience the
powerful blessing of God in your life
Closing Prayer
like never before so don’t let go of
your faith don’t let go of your hope
don’t let go of your love because I will
never let go of you I have a powerful
blessing for you and it’s about to come
true in my name amen

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