my dear child give this moment to me with all your heart I know you long for
me so I’m here to surround you with my love don’t turn away now trust that the
time you spend with me is never wasted after hearing my words you will feel free and complete my love supports you
my peace calms you new times are coming but you will face them with a calm
Spirit many around you may be driven by fear but you will remain peaceful
knowing that I love you and no matter what happens in this world I will always be with you say it
now write it down who loves you so deeply who Moved Heaven and Earth to
bless you to soothe your grief and wipe away your tears who gave his life for you and valued you so greatly who rose
from the dead with eternal power to show that you too can overcome all your
struggles and barriers you are a child of the Eternal holy and mighty king you
an heir to spiritual blessings you’re victorious in me you will find a safe
haven I will always be there to Shield you under my wings comfort you in both
good and bad times give you strength help you rise from Deep pits and guide you with my
light in the darkest times today I ask you to listen to my words with a calm
heart do not fear when you find yourself on uncertain and dark paths You are not
alone my hand will always be joined with yours leading you towards a life of Eternal
blessing so rest in my unconditional love and trust that I will guide you
towards the light rescuing you from the darkness that sometimes surrounds your soul it is your faith that lights the
candle and makes clear my words it is your heart that rejoices when hears my
gentle voice your future is safe in my hands I Will Bless You So abundantly
that you will forget your past struggles and the memories that once hurt you will
fade away the world and people might tell you it’s not worth continuing to
fight but listen to me I’m telling you that you will long to live forever once
you fully understand how much I love you and how my love fills you wraps around
you transforms you and surrounds you with peace and affection making your
problems disappear and all conflicts resolve I did not create you to suffer endlessly
let your faith be ignited dare to believe I brought you into this world to
give you the keys to my kingdom so you can be brave and claim the blessings waiting for you sitting in a corner
weeping and lamenting your situation is not your fate you have been chosen to
live from Victory to Victory from blessing to blessing that is your Divine
Purpose see how gentle and affectionate I am toward you feel how my presence
covers you how gently I hold you in my holy Embrace do not be afraid as you walk
even though many try to instill fear in you to make you doubt my promises and lose
Faith but my Holy Spirit fills your soul and when moments of
discouragement come I will comfort you with a whisper of love it is not my will for you to live
burdened by sadness and guilt yes I have forgiven your sins you
owe nothing do not let anyone convince you of guilt that isn’t yours or burden
you with bitterness you shouldn’t carry from dawn I bless your journey I watch
over you in all you do I guard you as you return home I protect you at night I’m always with you may these words be
precious to you do not forget or ignore them I want them engraved in your heart
for they are a gift of affection a display of love you know that my words
give you life fill your weary heart with courage and energy I will continue to hold you in my
hands no one can snatch you away not discouragement not sadness nor the
attacks of your enemies for my words give you strength and will lift you up even if you have stumbled I love you
this is the truth there is no force in the universe that can surpass this love
respond to me with loyalty and devotion take a moment to write down and tell me
how you receive these words with gratitude and what you hope for with faith and blessing
declare it and write it now I am listening and I accept your
trust with faith beloved your case is settled your mistakes are erased you are
forgiven I don’t even remember your sins anymore you have made Brave and
beautiful choices you decided to leave the past behind and walk in truth your
determination to stick to my word and to believe to the end what wise decisions
you have made I will make others see in you what I see a valuable and smart
person who knows what they want and understands the effort and courage it takes to achieve
it realize that faith in my word and prayer are stronger
weapons than any hidden schemes the enemy might use against you you stand
solidly on the rock of Truth you are an heir of my Everlasting promise
I protect you with love and care and my holy armies also surround you rise
courageously and go bring back those family members who are distant from me
use the power of my word to break through barriers many blessings are yours I have granted them to you with
Grace and love now fight for them with determination and bravery do your part
and let me also clear away what holds you back I want you to shine brightly like a
diamond go forth and fight for your family go earn your
livelihood fear no one and do not be overwhelmed when opportunities arise everything you do is for the betterment
and future of your family my gaze has swept across the world and rested upon you I have seen
deep within you the heart of a brave Warrior I heard your prayer listened as
you earnest sought my presence like a servant yearning for water your soul thirsts for me calling
out day and night I tested your faith allowed you to walk through a desert to
see if your faith was strong and pure enough to turn you into an unbreakable anointed
Warrior you passed this test with steadfast faith and devotion you didn’t look back even as
you endured great struggles and your love for the world did not outweigh your love for me you know I can cry too my my
tears fall upon your soul I weep with joy because you are the vessel through which I choose to show my love to the
world I ask only that you love me with all your heart and mind without any
doubt and that you do not remain indifferent to the suffering of others it deeply touches me to see how
much you love me and how ready you are to support your family family and be a blessing to your people and your nation
don’t hide I’m speaking to you even if you think you’re too old to dream that’s
not true I can renew all your desires filling you with a new passion to live
more intensely than ever before in one year you will reach the
goals you thought were Beyond reach you’ve dwelt on the negative outcomes that nearly ruined your life
due to past mistakes and sins but hear me now believe with all your heart and
strength your case is closed don’t sit in darkness lost in
despair don’t dwell on those who haven’t forgiven you they miss out on the grace of
forgiveness you are here with me and you won’t go back to the past I have lifted
you up I am right here with you I am both your Defender and your judge your
sins are forgiven you don’t have to pay for them again you’ve already suffered
the consequences you’ve walked through the desert the Lush living trees you now see
are real not just a mere AJ from your desperation here I am with open arms and
your freedom in hand you are no longer a captive declare it loudly write it down
share it so everyone can know I am forgiven I am alive my case is is closed
there’s no punishment for me I accept forgiveness and open my heart to Jesus today I choose to rise and live my
dreams will come true because Jesus is my life my way and my truth a wonderful
future full of blessings and joy awaits me and my family never let doubt or
thoughts that belittle his love enter your heart think about all I’ve done for you
let these thoughts give you the strength to keep going to fight to push towards your goals and not give up if you let
negative words into your mind you’re opening the door for the enemy to accuse and distress
you if you rely more on the advice of those who dislike you they will
eventually strip away your peace your life your happiness I want you to speak out loud
think deeply write down and believe in me despite the storms today and
forever never doubt the Everlasting Love I hold for you it’s yours you know it I
will never withhold it from you and if you feel distant if you feel abandoned
it’s because you’re letting the trials of Life dampen the fire in your heart hold tight to me so the Winds
Don’t sway you remember whether in times of Plenty or in need I am your Shepherd
I will ensure bread is plentiful on your table and in the presence of those who scorn you I will fill you and your
family with joy my blessing and mercy will follow you wherever you go when the
enemy tries again with his lies to deceive you stand firm and say my life belongs to God my soul is in his hands I
am loyal to my Lord promise me this tell me you love me
write it down loyal to my God forever believe it deeply for it was true it is
true and it will always be true this is the sign you’ve been waiting for the answer you’ve been
seeking you’ve cried out to me shed tears and begged for a solution to your troubles and now I’m here to
respond this isn’t just happen stance you’re hearing these words exactly when
you need the most my Holy Spirit surrounds and strengthens you for days
you felt that I wanted to communicate with you but I waited for the perfect moment so you could feel my
love I’ve been preparing you in many ways through words and phrases with
powerful messages written in your Bible which glow before your eyes when you
open it with a sincere heart today you’ve opened your heart to
hear me to renew the promise you made with me to offer me your faith your
trust and to put all your hope in me believe that I hear your prayers so you
don’t feel anxious thinking your words don’t reach beyond the ceiling from the moment you
first cried out an angel left my heavenly throne with the key to your freedom but you are very special there
is a battle for your life happening in the Heavenly Realms the enemy wants to see you defeated crawling on the ground
not Victorious but my armies are fighting in for your future combating the forces of
evil in the heavens the sudden troubles that have come upon you are not by chance you must
be aware and Discerning from this point forward be careful with your words Keep
Your Secrets close be cautious about whom you trust the enemy seeks to devour
you to find a weak spot in your soul he aims to destroy you with lies
and deceit trying to shake your faith your future is full of Wonders and
miracles a supernatural life awaits you you might face hardships now but
remember your struggles are temporary and will soon end the sorrow you feel
now will soon lift some who have wronged you will come back asking for forgiveness and you will
forgive them but your faith and trust should remain solely in me though people may
promise you everything Under the Sun do not believe them no one else has
the power to truly bless you and save you from evil no one else holds the true word that I alone can give I never fail
and I never lie however if you start to doubt me and put your trust in the false promises of
deceitful people your blessings will disappear like Dust in the Wind and some may never
return now is your time anchor your faith in my powerful and ET Eternal Word
Alive strong and true forever the moment to decide is coming
soon choose my love my comfort my peace
My Embrace commit seriously to meet with me each morning to be filled with my word
that guides you and gives you a reason to keep going come without
fear I want to hear from you no matter how you come or what state you’re in
my doors are always open my ears always listening come before the dawn it’s the
perfect time to present your request to me and to experience my loving
Embrace talk to me because your words reflect your thoughts knowing that you keep a place
for me in your mind is like sweet incense to me a gentle praise a pure
worship share your dreams needs frustrations and doubts with me tell me everything for I am your
friend the only one who truly understands and knows you completely you have faced Strong Winds
of hardship walked through unexpected times of anxiety and felt the sting of
scorn and cruelty break your spirit leaving you gasping for
peace my word brings you that peace you will find peace I will fill your heart
with strength even in tough times you will feel calm when you feel weak you will be
strong and when you feel overwhelmed you will not fear hold on to my promise and
when your burden feels too heavy come to me always remember that I am with you do
not let doubt take away the blessings that lie on your path I bless you because I love you and because I have
chosen to do so I shower you with favors and mercies because you are precious to
me beloved than mine my love for you is unbreakable and
everlasting today marks a special day a day of Victory you will always remember
I have sealed these promises with my own blood you will be filled with joy I will
grant you eternal life in my presence there will be no more tears or pain this
is your sign open your eyes the challenges you face will
disappear the help you’ve been waiting for is on its way and the provision you need will be met I love you today that
is proven tell me you love me tell me you believe in me even in this tough moment
I am here to extend my hand to you grab it hold on to me with all your strength
let go of your deep Sorrows put aside the worries that plague you and come
with me with my loving Embrace and my Divine Touch I will heal you
it’s time to heal I will perform a miracle in you I will surely heal all
the wounds that have troubled you and erase them no one will see on your face
the painful experiences you have [Music] endured you will bear no marks it is
better this way so that you too may forget and look forward to a better
future the enemy tried to defeat you to destroy you but with my love
I will remove the scars I am lifting many burdens I’ve forgiven your sins you will not be the
same the time for change has arrived it is time for you to understand and believe that I
have chosen you something great is happening it is time to come home if you
feel lost it is time to reflect and return to the right path the holy path
you had chosen though life’s circumstances made you falter it is not too late I have come
for this though you felt distant my love for you has been
greater I do not want to see you lost I want us to walk into the future together
to the time of your Harvest I want to see in your eyes The Gaze of Hope when
Miracles you have longed for come to pass when you witness the birth and growth of the fruits of your hard work
despite the tears it has cost you begin each day with gratitude speak
no words of defeat do not berate yourself in your own thoughts when people ask you where
you’re headed or why you’re walking alone tell them God loves me he has
restored me he has erased my sins my past is behind me and I am not walking
alone God will never leave me he walks with me he wants me to succeed and I
trust in my God in his grace and in his goodness this is your time of Victory my
child I am healing your entire being cloaking you in my power and Glory stay
vigilant do not lower your guard I am here to help you but you must keep your
mind and soul alert and prepared you’ve said you feel there’s no
rest for you but trust in me and come into my presence when you’re troubled I
will give you rest do not let your worries steal your faith or your
peace the enemy is Relentless always trying to make you falter laying traps
to make you lose heart and abandon your faith this has always been the case but
I’m watching over you protecting you from the onslaughts of your adversaries even while you
sleep you may sometimes feel the intensity of this harsh and violent struggle but remember you’ve also
endured great battles without even realizing it I fight for you in Heavenly Realms I
battle against dark spiritual forces and ensure they cannot harm you when they try know that you are especially blessed
and protected for you have an enormous advantage over those who oppose you this is because you have me your
heavenly father almighty and Invincible do not view your problems as
greater or stronger than me do not feel trapped by difficulties or afraid when
you hear their threats you don’t have to be perfect or never have made mistakes for me to love
and protect you your family and your entire household enemies May hurry to bring you
down with lies and empty threats with madeup problems and baseless
accusations I will shield you from these cruel attacks and Lead You Out of these challenges triumphant and Victorious do
not focus on your past errors your shortcomings or your weaknesses my word reassures you and
promises that my victory is your Victory from my Throne the rewards for
your suffering will soon be yours the reward for your bravery the medal for
your resolve to Prevail the Crown of Life and countless blessings waiting for
your acceptance and Faith declare with your lips and your heart that you will receive them today
is a truly special day for you filled with surprises and Abundant Blessings as
you begin a new remember my joy is your strength many wonderful things are in
store for you be thankful and keep trusting in me don’t be discouraged by any
challenges that come your way don’t be scared you know I love you and my
blessing is upon you you have consistently trusted in me me and believe that I can assist you in all
things if you believe it it will happen over the past year you faced
numerous battles and trials and though it was tough you held on to my grace and
triumphed in each one you’ve also sown many good seeds of
Purity love Faith and commitment I assure you my child you
will harvest many good fruits everything will occur in my perfect timing just right for you to fully enjoy every
moment every minute every detail Every Blessing I believe in you I know your
heart I understand your desires and I’m delighted by your
dreams I see all your struggles and I have been by your side fighting your
battles with you every day I am with you and when you sleep at night I provide
the rest you need and strengthen your faith now as the sun rises I speak to
your heart again reminding you that your life is in my hands and today can be
another wonderful day you are cared for by a real omnipotent and merciful god
never underestimate how much you mean to me you are incredibly important I will watch over you wherever
you go and if you ever start drifting from my love I will gently bring you
back and keep you safe in my heart after reading and listening to these
words close your eyes for a moment and talk to me tell me how you’re feeling and what
you need today give me a chance to show you my wonderful love hello how are you
do you have a moment to talk do you have a few minutes for a good friend I want to speak with you to spend some time and
Trust on issues that matter to both of us about your life the most precious
gift you’ve received saved from Death by a great
sacrifice the enemy tried to throw you into the darkest depths but the gates of
hell did not overcome no one can pull you from my hands not the highest Heights the
deepest depths nor the enemy with all its forces can challenge me I saved you and gave you Divan
encouragement I saw you faltering and out of my love for you I did everything to keep you alive think about this
feeling in your heart recognize that something special is happening the time
has come for me to reveal myself to you in a powerful way get ready for the incredible things you’re about to see
the world around you will shift and many will begin to see that they can’t live
without me I plan to do amazing things with you to make you a living testimony
of the infinite power of your God let others come to you and see my
presence in your actions I want to use you to heal the sick and feed the
hungry I want all your family and friends to be astonished by the changes
in you everyone will witness your transformation and acknowledge that I am
real that I can help them too you will be my tool like clay I will
shape you into a valuable and sacred vessel believe me you can
change I can transform you you just need to let go and let me work in you don’t
hide anything from me it’s better you tell me directly than for me to have to
unearth those deep-seated issues you’ve prayed for peace freedom
relief and stability now the time has come the door
is open but don’t be scared I approach you as a friend take my hand and let’s
start start on this new path to a new life filled with blessings so you can share my grace with the world I love you
get ready for this marvelous transformation I have a question for you listen
closely answer me without fear no matter your response my love for you remains
unwavering I support the good you do I will continue to bless you and keep you
safe it’s a simple question yet some who claim to seek me hesitate unsure of what
to say or do you might not fully grasp who you are or what you can become
before you answer reflect on this message write it down share it with others feel how these words clear away
your fears and fortify your beliefs and Faith the fire growing within you cannot
be extinguished my holy spirit is with you now and starting today wonders and
miracles will occur in your life my dear child please answer me in the midst of the
challenges you face what will you do will you move forward like a brave Soldier or will you shrink back in fear
will you endure insults and let the malicious steal your blessings or will you rise and in my Holy Name seize the
victory I have secured for you tell me that you will fear nothing
and no one no matter how powerful wealthy or smart they might be even if
your foes dress grandly and their threats make others Quake you will not be afraid because the almighty God is
with you what right do these evildoers have to intimidate
you they only aim to instill fear understand this if you take your
faith seriously also recognize the authority I’ve given you this power is not for humiliating or harming others
nor for boasting my power doesn’t work if you lack humility but in a peaceful heart my
presence dwells and with the right attitude you can conquer Nations so
remember even when you feel weak sometimes you are not even when the
evil one Whispers doubts about your worthiness know that you are worthy
worthy of my embrace my love my forgiveness and this home filled with
love waiting for you you have an inheritance you’re already receiving you are my child and I
desire to see you Triumph for your sake and for your families I am ready and able to bless
you abundantly Believe In This Promise the time to move forward is now
do not stop despite everything happening around you I am always with you keep
moving forward without looking back hold on to the progress you’ve made and continue with determined steps
holding tightly to my hand know that even as you walk through Valley shadowed
by threats I am there with you I am your father your creator your companion your
protector and your shelter it fills me with joy to help you
I take pleasure in blessing you and staying close by your side I will never turn away from you or be unfaithful
I know that sometimes you may receive news that makes you anxious but remember nothing in this world can
separate you from me in me you’ll find the strength needed to keep going to
enjoy the blessings I have for you and to successfully reach your goals you’ll hear many things in life
but don’t let them disturb your peace or disrupt your sleep don’t be frightened by threats are
worried by a doctor’s diagnosis your life is in my hands your well-being is
part of my plan your future is bright and secure so don’t let fear stop you so take these
promises to heart after listening to me spend a few more moments in my presence
with all your requests thoughts and fears I know you’ve made mistakes and I
want to forgive you and cleanse you with my powerful blood blood so you no longer
carry unnecessary guilt and remorse that could block your way I shall strengthen
you twofold bless you and multiply all your blessings each time you come to converse
with me I shall assist you in overcoming and triumphing however remember what I’m
imparting to you today you have many tasks to fulfill do not allow anything
or anyone to hinder you do you comprehend my message the curses of your
adversaries shall not touch you the pit they have dug for you will ens snare them I always watch over your comings
and goings your sleep and your waking moments my angels surround you
protecting your life and well-being with flaming swords I give you the power to
step on serpents and scorpions nothing will harm you none of them will have
power over you seek my word pray fast and kneel before
me daily to receive my blessings to hear my words and to be shielded by my
protection I will intervene in the lives of those who oppose you they will feel
ashamed and will not dare to harm you again they will understand that no one
can mock my holy name and they will realize that faith is not a trivial
matter they will see that your faith in me represents power honor integrity and
Truth many around you including yourself will start to take their spiritual lives
more seriously this is important walk with confidence looking up at the
sky do not look back at those who tried to bring you down I hold you in my hands
and will not let you fall or trip over the obstacles they set in your
path stand strong and do not be scared by threats or ridicule from others
because if you show Fear they will see it in your eyes some may think you’re weak and try
to attack you but they are nothing they cannot harm you because they will face me and their true cowardly nature will
be revealed by my glorious light keep Faith stand firm and upright
Victory is already yours now you can rest and live in peace knowing that no
harm no person no evil can come near you or your family live your life in
complete peace letting go of those who wish you ill hold on to my love and evil
will not touch you Embrace this day with joy placing all your worries in my hands
my Army of angels will be with you wherever you go and I will never stop showing you and telling you how much I
love you amen