Gods Message Now➨ Put Your Trust In Me | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

Gods Message Now➨ Put Your Trust In Me | God Message Today |

my beloved child this week unfolds a treasure Trove of blessings for you blessings that are

unshakable filled to the brim with abundance free from sorrow or the weight of

debt my deepest wish for you is to live liberated from any chains that bind you

to steer clear of the snares laid by those who wish you ill if you hold on to faith and rise

with bravery nothing can deter you you will be indomitable resilient and

triumphant listen closely embrace my guidance place your trust in me for it

is I who Empower you to conquer I who shatter the bonds that restrain you I

who Infuse your life with meaning I am the key that unlocks New Beginnings the

Savior Who Has Lifted you from Peril believe in my truth and turn away from

the deceit spun by falsehoods you are mine i gaze into the essence of your

being into the very core of your heart I value your earnest efforts your

commitment to walk in my ways and to live by my teachings even when you stumble or feel

frail yet your Triumph is secured by faith not by the Illusions seen with

your eyes disregard the Illusions cast by adversity trust in my presence let go

of fear for I have claimed you as my own Calling You by name when you navigate

the storms I will be by your side when you cross tumultuous Rivers you shall

not be overwhelmed when you tread through flames you shall not be

scorched you are redeemed at a precious cost for you hold immense value and

honor in my eyes believe with all your heart hold my

words close for my love for you is beyond measure recognize that amid life’s

trials your most potent defense is your bond with me the

Almighty I will erase your uncertainties and fill your spirit with a joy that

knows no end I cherish you deeply your future is cradled In My Embrace Your

Blessings flourish under my watchful eye let not fear overshadow you lean into

your faith and stand back in Wonder at the Marvels I can unfold even the

Miracles you deem Out Of Reach will materialize I will shatter the shackles of Despair mend your heartaches and

rejuvenate your well-being believe me when I say nothing is beyond Redemption for you hold on to

Hope Never Surrender your prayers never go unheard I am forever responsive

providing precisely what you need the blessings I bestow bring no burden I am

ever Vigilant never turning away from you my ears are always attuned to your

voice my plans for you are unshakable I desire for you to delve

deeper into my Essence to ascend in strength and knowledge to see your gifts and skills

flourish so that all your endeavors enrich not only you but also those you hold

dear let others be drawn to you in their search for Aid may they witness my grace

and blessings in your life and may those yet to know me be moved to seek and embrace me through the love they see in

you this Vision shall become reality because I declare it so I vow to

see it through my word is a promise to you trust in it humble yourself in daily

prayer before me there you will triumph over adversity there you will UNC cover

the solutions you seek change is on the horizon there is much for you to

accomplish and I intend to work powerfully through you you might doubt or misunderstand me in light of your

current trials feeling Unworthy of such vast and incredible blessings yet it’s time to transform

your outlook I bestow my favor upon those I cherish and my will for you will

manifest sooner than you think you and your loved ones are on the verge of re receiving boundless blessings genuine

prosperity and spiritual Liberation voice these truths boldly

believe them wholeheartedly for those cleansed by the powerful blood of Jesus my son no curse

or bondage can Prevail this Dawn marks a new beginning and it’s no mere

coincidence that these words find you when you need them most for days now

you’ve sensed my desire to communicate with you and today you finally opened

your heart to hear my voice and to refresh the bond we share I acknowledge

your prayers and you must hold this truth in your heart to prevent worry from overwhelming you the false belief

that your prayers merely bounce off the ceiling unheard amplifying your distress and

isolation this is Far From Reality I do hear you and I have always listened

right from the start I have never turned a deaf ear to your appeals and I will

keep listening even when you’re engulfed in anguish you don’t upset me you don’t

provoke my wrath when you cry out I see the humility of your soul the depth of

your tender submission I am listening and I will continue to do so please talk to me I

yearn to hear your voice speak for your words reflect the thoughts of your heart

and knowing you hold a special place for me in your thoughts fills me with joy it’s a soft hymn of praise it’s genuine

adoration talk to me about everything your hopes your dreams your needs your

plans your frustrations your doubts speak for I am not just your God but

also your friend I know you’re searching for peace for a calm amidst the storm you’ve been

buffeted by the trials of Life faced with unexpected challenges is and the sting of disdain and harshness has

broken your spirit it’s left you yearning for serenity and fortitude you

seek peace and strength and my promise to you is that my words will bring you the peace you so desperately need for

days now you’ve sensed my desire to communicate with you and today you’ve

finally opened your heart to hear my voice and to refresh the bond we share I

acknowledge your prayers and you must hold this truth in your heart to prevent worry from overwhelming you the false

belief that your prayers merely bounce off the ceiling unheard amplifying your distress and

isolation this is Far From Reality I do hear you and I have always listened

right from the start I have never turned a deaf ear to your appeals and I will

keep listening even when you’re engulfed in anguish you don’t upset me you don’t

provoke my wrath when you cry out I see the humility of your soul the depth of

your tender submission I am listening and I will continue to do so please talk to me I

yearn to hear your voice speak for your words reflect the thoughts of your heart

and knowing you hold a special place for me in your thoughts fills me with joy it’s a soft hym of Praise it’s

genuine adoration talk to me about everything your hopes your dreams your

needs your plans your frustrations your doubts speak for I’m not just your God

but also your friend I know you’re searching for peace for a calm amidst

the storm you’ve been buffeted by the trials of Life faced with unexpected challenges

and the sting of disdain and harshness has broken your spirit it’s left you

yearning for serenity and fortitude you seek peace and strength and my promise

to you is that my words will bring you the peace you so desperately need I will fill your heart with

strength in the midst of afflictions you will find calmness when you feel weak

you will be strong for you will cling to my promise once more and when you feel

your burden is unbearable come to me for never forget that I am always with you

do not let doubt rob you of the blessings that await you on your journey I bless you because I love you and

because I have chosen to do so I shower you with favors and mercies because you

are precious to me you are so tender so beloved so entirely mine and my love for

you is unwavering and eternal my convictions remain steadfast

unaffected by the passage of time believe in me and from within you Rivers

of Life Will flow trust in me and you will find the Courage the spirit and the

strength to overcome the forces of Darkness I will not forsake you I will

not abandon you if you believe that I have forgiven your sins if you are

willing to let go of your mistakes and bury your past if you accept the love of an eternal omnipotent God then all the

living promises in my word will become real for you today is a special day a

day of life A Day of Victory a day you will not forget rise now and prepare

yourself for battle for you have chosen to trust in me and I will demonstrate to you that my purpose for you is

genuine prepare yourself today to enter into a new realm of Supernatural

existence and remember once more do not forget at any moment I hear hear you I

am always with you on the day you read these words make a commitment to renew

your faith I’m here to infuse your heart with courage in your hardest times you’ll

find peace when you’re feeling at your weakest you’ll discover an inner strength because you’ll remember my

promises and when the weight of the world feels too heavy to Bear remember to come closer to me for I’m Forever by

your side don’t let doubt steal away the blessing blings that are just steps away

on your path I shower you with blessings out of my deep love for you choosing freely to

do so my gifts and kindness pour over you because you are invaluable to me

you’re cherished deeply loved entirely mine and my love for you is constant and

knows no end my resolve is unchanging Timeless trust in my presence and from

within you streams of refreshing life will burst forth believe in my strength and you’ll find

The Bravery the will and the power to push back the Shadows I will never leave you I will

never forsake you if you trust in my forgiveness if you’re ready to leave

behind your errors and bury your past if you embrace the love of an everlasting

all powerful God then all the vibrant promises in my word will come alive for

you today marks a new chapter a day day filled with life Triumph a day you’ll

always remember stand up and ready yourself for the challenges ahead for in

placing your trust in me I will show you the truth of my plan for you gear up for today is the day you

step into a realm of the extraordinary and never forget I am listening I am

always with you on this day as you read these words

pledge to rejuvenate your faith you’ve faced many challenges doubts and tough times and criticism that has

chipped away at your Zeal it’s time to step back onto the path of belief

refresh your spirit with my life-giving words the shadowy periods are coming to an end the days of grief are nearly

behind you know that when your blessings unfold they’re sent with my deepest

affection I watched over you in the midst of strife I was your sustenance in

Barren lands I desire your faith to be vibrant and strong so that when Prosperity

envelops you you remember me your God your guide continue to pray for there is

much beyond your sight a battle rages beyond the physical I Will Bless You

amidst formidable challenges your Triumph hinges on faith your unwavering

Spirit your dedication and your commitment to prayer seek me t tirelessly at dawn and

dusk in silent petition times are shifting and I am watching over all

Warriors of Courage I call upon you miracles will happen within and through

you you’ll be a Channel of nourishment healing and hope to many as you extend blessings expect to

be abundantly blessed in this era of Wonders stand strong and determined again I urge lay down the

burdens that hinder you seek my presence rejuvenate your faith I cherish you

deeply your anxieties will dissipate becoming a distant memory all negativity will be left

behind I absolve view of your errors overlook your past missteps and cast

your sins away forever if worries plager your mind entr them to me release them

into my care my vision for you is a life filled with genuine Joy not momentary

pleasure but an everlasting Delight that’s beyond comparison This Joy will be your

strength fostering trust even amidst trials deep down you’ll know with

absolute certainty that nothing can ever detach you from my love I’m about to Breathe new life into

those dreams you thought were long gone those Visions you held for yourself and your loved

ones everything is changing your life is taking a new Direction but

it’s time to leave your worries behind stop fueling your fears with thoughts of

failure the chains are shattered you are liberated rise above and see just how

far you can reach if you trust in me embrace my assistance leave your past

where it belongs and stop lingering on what used to be if you felt unloved before now you

are enveloped in my love if you lacked support before now you have my backing

and my blessings if your past haunted you if you were denied opportunities all

that is now erased it ceases to exist your faith in

me your life laid in my hands now you are under my protection I will safeguard

your heart because it is mine entrust it to no one else you will not be harmed

again bring me your struggles your doubts those things you believe are Beyond

recovery the mazes with no apparent way out the painful circumstances that

baffle you wait for me I am ever present Always by your side and though foes may

claim you’re beyond hope they are mistaken I am your Beacon Lighting the

way forward I will extend my hand to save you from despair just reach out to

me for I understand your weariness but offer me your faith trust in my guidance

and I will see you through I am the path the truth your

very essence the gateway to my grace and blessings let go of the

past I offer you a fresh start free from old griefs your missteps are lost in the

Sea’s depths forgotten by me don’t let the weight of grudges keep you Bound in

anguish cultivate patience and love empathize with those who misjudge you

forgive those who misunderstand and open your heart to those who once turned you

away they will witness how I lavish you with favor behold I’m crafting new

aspirations within you you dreamt of climbing peaks of achieving greatness

yet I promise more you’ll reach further soar higher my blessings are with you

now and forever more for my love for you is Everlasting lasting I cherish you

deeply everything that was wrongfully taken from you I promise to return and

it will be even greater than before hold your ground refuse to be defeated life

may have knocked you down people may have turned their backs on you wishing to see you

fail but I your almighty God am by your side and I will never leave you with my

grace and love I will will strengthen your heart you will rise standing firm

like a brave Warrior those who try to bring you down those who aim to shame you those who

think they can defeat you will be taken aback they will be astounded to see how

I lift you from desolation and place you in a Land of Plenty where wonders never

cease despite the hardships your time of prosperity is now I will heal your

wounds lead you out of bondage and into a life of Splendid Freedom hold on to

hope for it is priceless treasure my words Above All Else and never let your

focus waver from them the jealous Whispers will disappear in the face of the Overflow of blessings

I pour into your life I will bless you with dignified work food on your table

ample Health safeguarding against harm loyal friends peace within your family

incredible dreams and the burning desire to live to fight to achieve to endure

and to keep pressing forward remember your age is irrelevant do not

underestimate yourself your years are no barrier to what I can do through you I

will work wonders in your life because of my love for you and because it pleases me to do so no one can stand in

my way you have my unwavering support my love and my faithfulness I seek your

heart and your devotion gear up for a life beyond the ordinary a

supernatural existence my love for you knows no end I saw the sadness in your

eyes and knew you needed strength for the road ahead remember I’m your father

not hidden in some far off Place unreachable by your heart I’m right here beside you where I’ve always

been even though you might sometimes forget reach out your hand and stand up

let’s take a walk through the corridors of your thoughts share with me your fears the reasons you feel life isn’t

worth living anymore why you’re thinking of giving up on your destiny yes the

world can be harsh as a child you looked at the world with wide hopeful eyes offering your

smile freely believing in the good of those around you but then lies and betrayal crushed

your spirit dimmed that smile and broke your will to carry

on your heart grew wary you closed yourself off and you doubted even

me but hear this clearly I understand you I know you as intimately as I know

the vast sky calling each Star by name so too I know every burden you carry

every scar I am acquainted with even your slightest discomfort we speak the same

heart language and I know precisely what will bring you peace take my hand as we

walk let me tell you about a place where you are cherished dressed in royalty

where your name is spoken with respect and admiration a place where day or

night your spirit is uplifted and fed just as a nestling is tenderly fed by

its mother there you are recognized for who you truly are a child of the most high

created in the image of the universe architect never lose sight of this truth

if you find yourself faltering once more remember in the most cherished expanse

of the cosmos there’s a spot reserved just for you and from this place you

cannot be displaced by anything or anyone gaze into the depths of my heart

where you’re safeguarded where you as my child have every right to approach and

talk with me even when you feel less than deserving don’t let FAL hoods Lead You

astray with My Sacrifice I have reclaimed your life and I assure you

from this Sanctuary no one can cast you out even if the cosmos itself trembles

nothing can pull you away no one can sever our bond in my heart you are

eternally cherished my dear child your blessing is on root a Down po of Grace

is set to drench your dwelling from this day forward without end for there exists No Love More

profound no schemy more magnificent nothing on this Earth can rivel what I’m

ready to bestow upon you I’m here to Grant you a steadfast purpose to envelop

you in peace to transform your most challenging trials into wonders I’m here to guide you from

barrenness to a place of renewal embrace my blessing when it arrives even if it seems modest Others

May Overlook it chasing after only what’s visibly Grand yet I favor the

meek the Small Beginnings nurturing them into pillars of faith Keep Your Eyes

Wide Open be vigilant for Extraordinary events are on the horizon cling to my

teachings for only then will you discern the approaching blessings my gaze rests

on the pure in heart my spirit yearns to fill a life always prepared to offer to

cherish and to pardon I have chosen you never question

that since the beginning your destiny has been inscribed in an everlasting record I charted your journey with care

the moment has arrived for you to grasp the Wonders I’ve envisioned for you step into my light present your Ambitions at

my feet voice your uncertainties admit your missteps and embrace my

Absolution stand ready for victory my arrival draws

near there’s a lot ahead for you with numerous Marvels where I intend to

involve you tune out the distractions that cloud your thoughts and stir unrest

within you listen closely let my calm voice guide you as you witness the depth

of my undying love and genuine care you’ll realize how dearly loved you are

understanding that no force can ever pull you from My Embrace this day marks a new beginning

for you a day to fall in love with life all over again a day for rebirth I love

you you feel it deep within you believe it I know you I understand you as your

creator my omnipotent hand is forever extended to support you even when you

stretch or falter in your steps my love my protection my guidance never wains

ignore the voices of negativity hold firm to my command that you remain steadfast not letting emotions steer

your thoughts actions or conduct don’t let the trials of Life erode your faith

through every high and low I’ve been right beside you even in moments of Frailty or distance I stand as your

unwavering support you are not one one to shrink back your bravery shines

brightest in the toughest times raise your head high even if an army surrounds

you do not be consumed by fear or hesitation I will accompany you and

remain by your side wherever you Journey you will not be left alone abandoned or

dismissed I’m forever ready to lend an ear to comprehend your struggles to extend

forgiveness to overlook your errors and to shower you with blessings Beyond Your

Wildest Dreams this is my unchanging vow to you my love is

Everlasting your future is about to shift your current predicaments will see

Improvement I will step into your life in ways you can’t yet fathom you will witness with your own

eyes the resolution to the challenges you face steer clear of the path tread

by those who anchor their hopes in pessimism or the counsel of those mired in spiritual despondency if these words

reach you it’s a testament to the wisdom I’ve bestowed upon you you have matured

you are prepared the Gateway is on the verge of unlocking I am not an imaginary deity a

figment of wishful thinking you recognize me you’re familiar with my

Essence let there be no room for doubt concerning my assurances in times of

distress I’ve been your savior extending my sacred hand with

love I’ve encircled you breathed life into your being and regardless of a

tumultuous past I’ve ensured your now is always brighter let the vision I’ve

seated within you Kindle a flame in your heart growing into a tree that offers

shelter prosperity and sustenance for you and your loved

ones embrace the life I’ve granted you imbue your essence with even Greater Joy

for I am about to enact changes that will reshape your outlook you will gain a deeper understanding of my designs for

you hence despite previous failures no I’ve never left your side I forgave you

raised you from despair never allowing you to remain downcast or forsaken a new

down approaches Soro will be replaced with boundless Joy due to the miracle that’s about to unfold soon with your

very eyes you will witness this Marvel express your belief and dedication Now

by affirming I believe remember as I have always assured you I cherish you

deeply Journey alongside me as the Tempest rages seek shelter In My Embrace

Your Faith May waver in the gusts yet you’re fully aware that I empathize with you I am your God yet also your

companion I hold no judgment over your moments of dis spare and it’s crucial for you to realize that only I can

Safeguard you when perils threaten do not pledge your soul to others indefinitely you belong to me you are my

Offspring my love for you is steadfast even as storms Bellow and wines Buffet

you even when ocean waves assault you endeavoring to topple you Beneath My Wings you find sanctuary

and my hand will always be there to protect you I too have known sorrow I

felt the sting of Abandonment by those trusted endured the so deep wounds

inflicted by foes through Hate’s nails and suffered under the scourge of

compassionless and merciless acts I’ve experienced the depth of love that leads

to self-sacrifice offering my heart even when met with scorn in

return I understand I truly grasp what you’re going through that’s why it’s

Paramount for you to know you hold significance to me as your tears Cascade and your heart

weighs heavy with sadness and worry rest assured I am vigilantly caring for you

you are important to me I desire for you to grasp this truth to confide in it and

to dispel any thoughts that belittle your worth surround yourself with Souls who value you who look out for you who

lift you up and Champion your success you are of immense Worth to me I

treasure you attend to you adore you your challenges are

surmountable having entrusted your plight to me rest assured I will address it I haven’t let you down in the past I

won’t start now therefore Harbor no fear combat life’s battles not on your own

Traverse not alone nor confront hardships in isolation hold steadfast to

your Faith even in moments when my presence seems distant trust in my

Assurance remember I’ve promised to be by your side day and night this commitment stems not from your

flawlessness but from my profound love for you Embrace this truth and don’t

retreat in the face of adversity stand strong and I will see to it that your adversaries who rise against you will be

vanquished every threat aimed to dishearten you will dissolve none shall overpower you

exercise patience Journey forth with faith and determination you and your

loved ones are exactly where you need to be safely and sconed in my care I watch

over you provide for you and bring healing be judicious prioritize your

well-being your peace your blessings keep your heart steady and let your eyes follow the path I’ve laid out for you do

not deviate do not be distracted do not look back gaze forward do you see me

waiting for you my arms are wide open and I affirm to you once more with heartfelt sincerity I cherish you you’ve

asked Lord if you truly cherish me show me and so here I am again speaking

directly to your heart soothing your soul mending yesterday’s hurts and

planting the seeds of new dreams and happiness for your tomorrow promise ing a future filled with benevolence peace

joy and wealth recall the divine assurances within my word which serve as

your anchor amidst the storms challenges may arise to dishearten you but my promises will

inspire you to persevere to Triumph to celebrate infusing you with the strength

and vitality needed to never feel isolated know and believe with all your

heart that I am ever present my support is unwavering through every

trial ask yourself do you trust in my words I hold you dear never lose sight

of that my presence surrounds you my might follows you wherever you

go if you pause and truly listen You’ll sense my nearness I’ve never left your

side and if you don’t shy away from life’s harsher moments the very challenges that might wound you will

instead become the air you breathe for my might can turn any adversity into a

blessing for you so in times when you’re most downtrodden don’t cast your gaze to

the ground instead lift your eyes and confront what lies ahead wield your

faith like a sword sever the ties That Bind you and Rise raise your hands high

and Proclaim to the world that you cannot be vanquished after all who are you a beloved offspring of the Eternal

within you dwells the Majesty of the almighty God stand firm for your

destined not just for mere battles but to overcome Legions to surpass every challenge not for Applause not for

Renown nor for transient wealth I call upon you to face the world with the strength I imbue within you to be the

humble Champion courageous and true that your community your nation requires to

lay the foundations of my kingdom here on Earth to be a source of blessings and Life to those you hold dear and to

countless others you’ve yet to meet but will one day Rejoice with in eternity as

they express their gratitude for your perseverance for never deeming yourself

defeated through someone like you they encountered God and embraced everlasting

life hence I urge you now arise I will bless and increase you guiding you

across the globe to fulfill my purpose should you heed my call declare your

willingness proceed with faith Harbor no doubts search for me in the early hours

and just as the Sunrise dispels the night and bathe you in daylight so too will my glory shine upon you lighting up

your life the darkness will recede your heart will brim with my truth your

spirit will surge with Vigor and your thoughts will no longer dwell in

despair I invite you to renew your commitment to pray to seek my presence

to dedicate time to me to eliminate distractions and to entrust your thoughts and decisions fully to

me you’re navigating through tough times and facing challenges that leave you

unsure of your next steps so let me reassure you affirm to you command and

plead with you live by faith anything is possible for those who

believe in me for those who recognize my presence and reality for those who have

chosen to trust in me wholeheartedly despite the hurdles on their path for

those who understand my love for them who hold tight to me even when

adversaries claim I’ve left them to suffer they know my love is Everlasting

and steadfast I’ve always watched over them always always shielded them with

faith my child I aim to make your journey smoother I long to guard you but

I need you to truly believe in me I Am Your vitality your passion your

might and your protector walk by faith trust that you

will witness the Miracles still unseen Hope For What remains invisible to your

eyes you might think your faith is insignificant but it’s precisely what I ask of you and it’s exactly what you

need to keep receiving countless blessings live by faith cling to my

promises engage with my word daily leave your transgressions behind dedicate your

life to me I know you believe and will persist in faith smile for I’ve filled

your life with joy with moments to treasure and with extraordinary blessings so when you face trials and

challenges remember my presence I vowed to enrich your life why doubt

when obstacles emerge my love for you is unending my blessings Perpetual why let anxiety halt

your steps I chose and cherished you even before you knew me I sought you out

for you did not seek me first how many times have I proven my loyalty dismiss

the falsehoods of the world embrace the truth that I am here I am real and I am

with you and when the response to your heartfelt prayers arrives remember it

was I who unlocked that door and met your needs precisely when you needed it

most what’s destined for you will unmistakably be yours no Force no person

can snatch it away if you find yourself feeling robbed of your blessings pause and reflect on

where your trust lies is your faith placed in the true and miraculous God who adores you you or

in the hands of deceivers offering nothing but empty praise wishing to see your downfall you must place your trust

in me release your uncertainties embrace my affection and proceed with

conviction progress at your own pace the key is not the speed but your steadfastness and resilience I am

vigilantly watching over you and your loved ones securing your well-being and

showering you with my favor Embrace this beautiful day I’ve crafted for you with anticipation and

happiness for I Am Your Divine protector and I promise never to let you

down Proclaim your faith in me spread my message to those in need of my love and

might when you call upon me it’s a testament to your awareness of my love

and your faith in my eternal promises be assured I am here to support you move

forward with the assurance tranquility and happiness that comes from knowing

your heavenly father stands with you in moments of Doubt or when you stumble

remember my grace is Limitless my Mercy unfailing I have never left you wanting

and I am even more present now in your time of need when your spirit is heavy

when tears Cloud your vision awaken each day with renewed hope listen for my

voice a new and you’ll find the Vitality to face the day trust in me for I

Envision a future filled with peace and happiness for you I urge you to hold

tightly to my love and to life itself continue to live to endure march

on despite the hurdles keeping your eyes fixed on my promises in the face of

hardship let not your spirit be weighed down when challenges emerge don’t

surrender nor succumb to despair at the hint of Menace recall The Bravery you

hold in my sight even when faced with disdain from others Embrace with your whole heart

this truth this year is yours profound spiritual and everlasting Treasures Will

Spring forth from the trials you endure right where you stand I am set to enrich

you bountifully so you may flourish for you have been grandly chosen by me

seek me through prayer bow your heart kneel before me and ardently present your prayers each day rejoice in my

company and I will fulfill the noble yearnings of your heart how Splendid it is that you’ve encountered these

words I trust you’ll approach your life and the Endeavors awaiting you this year with Earnest

dedication bear this in mind never letting it fade this moment is yours

grasp it not withstanding your errors my love for you endures I feel compelled to

remind you especially when trials besiege you leading you to doubt my affection fearing you’ve been forsaken

or assuming the warmth of my love was but a fleeting moment you might think our bond was

momentary that I resemble those who pledged love yet retreated upon their word you’ve been misled to think all

faults are yours to Bear some May strive to tether you with falsehoods eager to

rob you of The Splendid future I’ve laid out for you they might fault you for missteps unmade failures

unremembered drenching you in the fictitious M of sins they

conjure should you accept their narrative you’ll Overlook the extraordinary existence awaiting You In

My Embrace cease to demean yourself or Harbor guilt over sins I’ve long since

pardoned I’m a God of boundless Mercy unwavering love and infinite

forgiveness understand deeply that your repentance has touched my heart through my sacrifice you have been

purified it’s time to break free from the shackles of your past to stop the

cycle of self- condemnation let no one diminish your worth I who sacrificed myself for your

Redemption have cleansed you with my sacred blood empower emping you to walk

in dignity your identity isn’t defined by the words of others it is affirmed by my

declaration over you you must choose whose voice you heed I Proclaim you are

my cherished child my Valiant Warrior resist the urge to succumb to those

critical voices you were fashioned for Triumph to claim victories not to settle

for the fleeting Joy others begrudgingly spare I’ve bestowed upon you dominion

over sin illness destitution and want arise and radiate your light Proclaim my

promises with conviction my love for you is boundless you are my beloved Offspring I do not

dispatch tribulations your way nor do I wield punishment for each misstep such

misconceptions stem from distorted views the adversary has tainted their Spirits

leading their lives astray Harbor no fear don’t be

disheartened I stand by you ready to elevate you embrace the fresh Mercy I

extend to you today it’s your heritage the Wellspring of your fortune I am

committed to fostering Harmony within your family to mending your mental and physical well-being and to instilling

Serenity in your soul my love for you is eternal cast

aside any doubts amen [Music]

my beloved child I am the Divine your source of bliss and

serenity my desire is for you to derive Joy from your connection with me and my

sacred word I am the Eternal Word present since the beginning of time and

enduring for all eternity you will find my profound Essence within the pages of my written

word the Bible as you immerse yourself in its verses your soul will resonate

with my presence and the Delight of my company will become a constant companion set aside moments for

contemplation upon these sacred verses perhaps even commit some to memory they

will be your Solace during restless nights and moments of

adversity understanding that I am the Wellspring of your joy will shield you from lamenting your

circumstances or coveting the apparent prosperity of others my everpresent presence in your

life ensures that you have an unceasing source of Joy find Delight in Me by rejoicing in

my name throughout your day a mere utterance of Jesus in prayer can elevate

your spirits embrace the opportunity to Revel in my righteousness a gift I

lovingly bestowed upon you this cloak of righteousness envelops you

eternally gratefully acknowledge the challenges that life presents you for they are gifts from me opportunities for

you to become stronger and more reliant on me contrary to Conventional wisdom in

My Kingdom strength and dependence are intertwined you were designed to walk

closely with me throughout your Earthly Journey difficulties emphasize your neediness and encourage you to rely on

my boundless sufficiency when circumstances turn arduous and you rise

to meet them placing your trust in me you are blessed overcoming challenges that once

seemed insurmountable becomes a thrilling experience when undertaken with me your relationship with me

deepens as you navigate these trials together your adeptness in handling difficulties

fortifies your sense of security you gain the confidence that in concert with

me you can confront any trials the future may hold through the infusion of inner

strength that I provide you become ready for all challenges rejoice in my

sufficiency in my loving presence you will discover tranquility and boundless

Joy seek me as you journey through your day for I eagerly anticipate your desire to

connect with me I never lose sight of you I continually watch over you

nevertheless distractions abound in the world and it is easy to lose sight of me

remind yourself of my constant companionship whenever such distractions threaten to steal your

focus a far more perilous predicament is forsaking your first love

if you find yourself in this situation repent and return to me confess the

idols that have drawn you away from me accept my forgiveness with gratitude and

collaborate with me to reorder your priorities placing me at the Forefront of your

life as you immerse yourself in my presence contemplate my identity I Am

The Sovereign of the universe the Illuminator of the world back ask in this radiant light of life allowing it

to permeate your being and reflect my love joy and peace to

others when you encounter seemingly insurmountable obstacles turn to me and

declare I am incapable but together with you I am

capable acknowledging your limitations is a healthy dose of reality however

recognizing my enduring presence and my desire to assist you is the most crucial

part of the equation pour out your heart to me beseech me to shoulder your burdens

and illuminate your path forward refrain from expending your energy on matters

beyond your control instead direct that energy towards our

connection seek my face unceasingly and remain prepared to follow my lead

trusting that I will clear the path before you perceive your inadequacy as a gateway to

my presence consider your journey as an adventure we Embark upon together

maintain constant communication with me relishing my companionship as we

navigate life’s challenges together I want you to Fathom the

vastness of my love a love that transcends human comprehension distinguish between

knowing me personally and merely possessing knowledge about about me to experience my loving presence fully you

require the empowerment of my spirit request his strength to fortify your

inner self enabling you to grasp the depth of my love completely since your salvation I have

dwell within your heart the more space you create for me the more I can saturate you with my

love expand this space by dedicating time to me relishing my presence and

studying my word maintain a constant line of communication with me as the Apostle

Paul exhorted pray without ceasing this joyful practice will keep

you close to me lastly allow my love to flow through you permeating both your

words and actions this is how my love within you becomes whole treasure Me Above All Else

for this will Infuse your heart and mind with joy furthermore it brings glory to me to

treasure something is to hold it in the highest regard deeming it precious I am

teaching you to cling firmly to me your savior God and constant companion

recognizing that I never depart from your side enhances your joy and peace immeasurably esteeming me as your

precious savior strengthens your commitment to keep me as the central focus of your

life as you hold me in the highest esteem other Earthly concerns lose their

grip on you to discern your true affections reflect upon your thoughts when your mind is at

rest if you discover areas that require adjustment do not despair you can train

your mind to focus more consistently on me memorizing scripture particularly

verses that draw you nearer to me can be beneficial Place reminders of my loving

presence throughout your home and workplace and seek the guidance of my spirit who Delights in guiding you back

to me I am the gate through me you shall find

Salvation I am not a locked barrier but an open door for you and all my chosen

followers I entered the world to bestow upon you Abundant Life in all its fullness Abundant Life takes different

forms for each individual thus as you seek to live life to its

fullest avoid comparing your circumstances to those of others you do not require as much wealth

or luxury as your neighbor to lead a fulfilling life great gain lies in godliness paired

with contentment I want you to find satisfaction in my Provisions for

you if you possess food and clothing the essentials of Life strive to be content

with them if I bestow upon you more receive it with joy and

gratitude however refrain from clinging to your possessions or coveting what you

lack the one thing you can cling to without harming your soul is

me seek me in the challenging aspects of your life it is easy to find me and

answered prayers in moments of beauty and in heartfelt Joy however I am also present in moment

moments of adversity and your difficulties provide fertile soil for growing in Grace and experiencing my

loving presence more deeply therefore seek me in the darkness

both past and present if painful memories and past wounds haunt you

invite me into those broken places and together we will rebuild in new

ways if you are currently traversing difficult terrain hold on to my hand

tightly amidst aders it the Brilliance of my presence shines with Transcendent

Radiance against the dark backdrop this light blesses you abundantly offering both Solace and

guidance I will reveal the path forward step by step as you walk closely with me

I will draw you into a deeper and richer intimacy with myself to heighten your awareness of my

presence you must Master the art of self- forgetfulness you were not created to be

perpetually preoccupied with yourself the Disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden introduced

selfishness as a natural inclination of humanity nonetheless I have equipped you

to live supernaturally since the moment you invited me to be your savior my spirit

has resided within you call upon this holy helper to liberate you from self-centeredness praying help me Holy

Spirit as often as needed one common trap that Fosters self-absorption is excessive concern

about your appearance either in the mirror or in the eyes of others instead of making yourself the focal point of

your thoughts fix your gaze upon me and be attentive to those around you seek my

spirit’s assistance in seeing Beyond yourself with eyes that truly perceive you are secure in my

Everlasting Embrace and complete in my loving presence redirect your attention toward

trusting and loving me cast your burdens upon me and I will

uphold you carrying your own burdens is wearing you down as your shoulders were never

designed for such heavy loads I implore you to learn the art of

casting your cares upon me the initial step is recognizing when something is

weighing you down subsequently evaluate the source of the burden to ascertain whether it is

true truly yours to Bear if it is not simply release it and leave it behind if

it indeed belongs to you engage in a conversation with me about it I will

provide you with my perspective and illuminate the path forward be prepared to take appropriate action but do not

allow problems to consume your focus make a deliberate effort to cast your cares upon me for my shoulders are

strong then proceed with the next test ask Joy fully relying on

me take heart in my promise to sustain you to uphold you and provide for your

needs I will supply everything you require according to my abundant

resources when you embark on a new day or task feeling inadequate remember this

my grace is sufficient for you the present tense of the verb is

underscores the Perpetual availability of my wondrous Gra therefore do not squander your energy

lamenting your perceived weakness instead embrace your

insufficiency rejoicing in the realization of how much you need me seek

my assistance and take Delight in my boundless sufficiency my power is most evident in

your weakness as you tackle tasks in joyful dependence on me you will be amazed by

how much you can accomplish accomplish moreover your work will be enriched through our

collaboration consider the incredible privilege of working alongside me the

king of kings and Lord of lords strive to align your will with mine offering

yourself as a Living Sacrifice this is an act of worship that pleases me infusing your life with

meaning and joy it provides but a glimpse of the immense and Indescribable joy that

awaits you in heaven as you seek me I encourage you to rejoice and find

gladness in my presence dedicate time to praise me through psalms and songs

contemplate my Splendor majesty and Beauty then reflect upon my selfless Act

of leaving the splendors of Heaven to bring you into my kingdom of eternal life and everlasting light this Joy will

Usher You deeper into my holy presence drawing you nearer to me this closeness

will provide you with even more cause for rejoicing your joy blesses not only you

but also those around you your family and friends will benefit from your happiness which can be

contagious you can also Influence People beyond your immediate circle when my followers exude Joy

unbelievers are more likely to be drawn to me joy shines brightly in a world

darkened by uncertainty prompting some to inquire about its source always be prepared to share the

reason for your hope I have the ability to prevent you from stumbling I understand your weakness how

easily you lose your footing without my support while you are growing in Grace

complete freedom from sin is unattainable in this Fallen World hence

you require my assistance continually I can present you faultless

blameless perfect and unblemished before my glorious

presence I have adorned you in the garments of Salvation and clothed you in a robe of

righteousness Embrace these Regal vestments with confidence knowing that your security is derived from my

righteousness not your own exceeding Joy awaits both you and

me I presently Delight in you but this Joy will magnify immeasurably when you

join me in glory the Jubilation you will experience in heaven is beyond description

surpassing any pleasure you could fathom in this world nothing can rob you of

this glorious inheritance one that will never perish spoil or Fade Away


[Music] amen

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