GOD Will Make Your Way Victorious - Free AI Voice Generator

GOD Will Make Your Way Victorious


when you come to Christ there is freedom

in the Lord freedom from worry freedom

from Eternal damnation Freedom From The

Snare of the devil this means that in

Christ there is peace there is peace

which is unexplainable in Jesus a sense

of calmness and Tranquility that can be

found in a person even when everything

around them is chaotic or

hostile when you come to Christ Romans

to says if you declare with your

mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your

heart that God raised him from the dead

you will be saved for it is with your

heart that you believe and are Justified

and it is with your mouth

that you profess your faith and are

saved this means that in Jesus you have

a savior who will justify you meaning

that when you accept Jesus Christ as

your lord and savior he moves you away

from the state of sin and death and by

his grace and mercy he gives you the

opportunity and the gift of eternal life

we ought to hold on to the promises like

those found in psalm

which says cast your burden on the

Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall

never permit the righteous to be

moved you see in times of difficulty we

have to remember God’s nature and his

nature can be found in his

word in the Bible God is described as a

refuge huge and a deliverer he is

described as faithful he is described as

Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and

the end he is patient caring and loving

and so I encourage you to put your trust

in the Lord regardless of what you are

facing whether you are in a valley or on

top of the mountain we should be seeking

the Lord

always Jesus gave us wonderful advice

when it comes to Preparing and surviving

the storms of life in Matthew –

the Bible reads everyone then who hears

these words of mine and does them will

be like a wise man who built his house

on the rock and the rain fell and the

floods came and the winds blew and beat

on that house but it did not fall

because it had been founded on the Rock

and everyone who hears these words of

mine and does not do them will be like a

foolish man who built his house on the

sand and the rain fell and the floods

came and the winds blew and beat against

that house and it fell and great was the

fall of it and so in the Bible tells us

to be like a wise man who built his

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