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God Says: You Will Be Punished If You Skip | god message now | god says

for I know the plans I have for you

declares the Lord plans to prosper you

and not to harm you plans to give you

hope and a future Jeremiah

dear beloved congregation today I

bring you a message of Hope and

reassurance from the words of the

Prophet Jeremiah who conveyed the Divine

declaration for I know the plans I have

for you declares the Lord plans to

prosper you and not to harm you plans to

give you hope and a future Jeremiah

in a world often filled with

uncertainty and turmoil it’s easy to

lose sight of the fact that we are not

alone we serve a God who not only knows

our past and present but also holds our

future securely in his

hands this verse reminds us of God’s

unwavering commitment to his people it

serves as a Beacon of Hope Illuminating

the path ahead

even when the road seems dark and

uncertain firstly let us reflect on the

assurance that God’s plans for us are

plans for our prosperity not for our

harm in times of adversity it’s natural

to question why we Face certain

challenges or hardships yet even in the

midst of our trials God assures us that

he is working for our good our

difficulties are not a sign of God’s

neglect but rather an opportunity for

him to demonstrate his faithfulness and

and provision in our lives moreover

God’s plans are designed to give us hope

in moments of Despair or doubt it can be

tempting to succumb to feelings of

hopelessness however as Believers we are

called to place our trust in the

promises of God he is the source of Our

Hope and his plans are infused with the

promise of a brighter tomorrow no matter

how Bleak our circumstances may appear

we can take comfort in the knowledge

that that God is working behind the

scenes orchestrating events for our

benefit furthermore God’s plans offer us

a future filled with promise and purpose

in a world where the future often seems

uncertain we can take solace in the fact

that our destiny is secure in God’s

hands he has a unique and individualized

plan for each of us one that is

perfectly tailored to our talents

passions and desires as we surrender Our

Lives to his will we can walk

confidently into the future knowing that

God is leading us toward a life of

fulfillment and

abundance yet while Jeremiah offers

us tremendous hope and reassurance it

also requires something of us it calls

us to trust in God’s sovereignty even

when we cannot see the outcome it

challenges us to relinquish control and

embrace his plans for our lives knowing

that his ways are higher than our ways

and his his thoughts higher than our

thoughts as we meditate on these words

let us take comfort in the knowledge

that our heavenly father has a perfect

plan for each of us let us trust in his

goodness and faithfulness even in the

midst of life’s storms and let us walk

boldly into the future confident in the

promise that God’s plans for us are

plans for our prosperity plans to give

us hope and a future may we cling to

these truths in the days head knowing

that our God is faithful to fulfill his

promises and may we live our lives in a

manner that brings honor and glory to

his name

amen like if you believe in



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