God Says: You Have To Choose one Heaven VS Heidi | God Message Today | God's message | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: You Have To Choose one Heaven VS Heidi | God Message Today | God’s message |


God Says: You Have To Choose one Heaven VS Heidi | God Message Today | God’s message |

my beloved child I am here to support

you in every step of your journey

remember that I am not only your savior

but also your constant companion guiding

you through life’s challenges and

celebrating your victories you may rely

on me for support and insight as you

make your way through life’s challenges

have faith in my wellth thought out plan

knowing that everything is being land

out for your benefit remain calm and

know that I am pulling everything

together for your good even in the face

of uncertainty come to me in times of

overwhelm for solace in prayer find

comfort in the knowledge that I hear

everything you say and comprehend every

thought give me your whole heart and I

will give you the Tranquility that is


comprehension accept the path of

development and metamorphosis that I am

guiding you on as my spirit leads you

into greater closeness with me let it

Revitalize your heart and intellect you

will live the Bountiful life I have

promised you as you submit to my will

keep searching for me with all your

heart knowing that I am never far away

take pleasure in our partnership as it

is a NeverEnding source of happiness and

contentment know that you are incredibly

loved and that I am by your side at

every turn so walk with confidence may

you mature spiritually and become more

like me in every way as each day goes by

put your faith in my unwavering love and

allow it to be the rock that keeps you

afloat when life storms

hit enjoy the hope I have given you and

allow it to give you bravery and

fortitude I am always here for you my

dear child ready to guide you into the

prosperous life I have planted for you

put your trust in me and I’ll lead you

safely back into my warm embrace if

impatience sets in remember that I also

wait for the moment when you are ready

to receive the blessings I have lovingly

prepared for you blessed are all those

who wait for me I am training you in

patient endurance this lesson isn’t for

the faint of heart but it’s a rich

blessing one aspect of sharing in my

kingdom and my suffering my kingdom is

eternal and of infinite value I’ve made

it clear that sharing in my sufferings

is necessary for sharing in my glory

moreover this experience produces real

benefits in your character patient

endurance can only be developed through

hardship embrace the very problem you

dread bring it into my presence with

Thanksgiving acknowledging your

willingness to endure it as long as I

see fit ask me to take that dark ugly

thing and and transform it into

something beautiful I can weave strands

of Glory into the most heart-wrenching

situations it may take time for the

lovely pattern to emerge but this

waiting builds patience Rejoice beloved

for I am refining your character until

it shines with the light of my glory I

am the living one who sees you always I

see into the depths of your being not

one of your thoughts escapes my notice

my intimate awareness of everything

about you means that you are never alone

whether in good times or struggles I

also want to cleanse your thoughts of

their sinful Tendencies when you find

yourself thinking in a Loveless hurtful

way confess it to me immediately ask me

not only for forgiveness but also for

transformation you don’t need to plead

for Grace as if you had to convince me

to extend it to you I endured a

torturous execution and separation from

my father to remove your sins SS as far

as the East is from the West I Delight

in forgiving you remember that I see you

clothed in radiant garments my perfect

righteousness I already see the Glorious

Vision you will become When Heaven

becomes your Eternal home whoever

believes in me does not believe in me

only but in the one who sent me when you

look at me you see the one who sent me I

came into the world not only to be your

savior but also to help you see the

father more

clearly he and I always work in perfect

Unity as I proclaimed when I taught in

the temple in Jerusalem I and my father

are one so when you strive to live close

to me fixing your eyes on me you are by

no means ignoring my father the Trinity

Father Son and Holy Spirit is a

wonderful gift to you even though it

remains a mystery beyond your

comprehension this three-in-one God

greatly enriches your prayer life you

can pray to the father in my name speak

directly to me and the Holy Spirit is

always available to help you in your

prayers don’t be troubled by The

Mysteries of the godhead instead respond

with joyous praise and adoration share

this video with your contacts if you

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God Message Today channel to stay connected

with my voice

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