God Says: Those Who Commit These 10 Things Will Not Be Blessed - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Those Who Commit These 10 Things Will Not Be Blessed


within you bitterness seems Justified but in truth it poisons your soul by

clinging to resentment you chain yourself to wounds of the past hindering the freedom I intend for you forgiveness

takes great courage but my beloved it is the path to peace not to excuse wrongs

but to release them into my hands trusting me to heal your deepest hurts lay your anger down at my feet I

understand the pain that fuels it but to find Joy again you must let go I know

forgiveness can feel impossible without my help take heart for I will Empower you to break free of bitterness if you

are willing I desire your happiness more than you know trust me to lift anger’s

burden soothing your soul as I wash resentment sting away you were created for Abundant Life with me forgiveness

opens your arms to receive it while Pride may seem a mountain each step of

surrender carves away its illusion revealing a path to Blessings Beyond imagination do not fear humility or

dependence on me for they are the gateway to True Life my light shines brightest through yielded and open

vessels in Stillness before me Pride’s voice grows dim my Whispers drown out

its lies declaring you self-sufficient daily Release Control into my hands for I alone comprehend the

great plans I’ve prepared for you cease your anxious toiling and striving I will

provide all you need in proper season come now take rest in the truth that I am God not you my shoulders can bear the

weight of Worlds yours were not made for burdens lay down feudal labors to prove

your worth or gain my approval you have all of it already in my beloved Son your identity rests securely in him so come

make your Dwelling Place in the shadow of my wings here you will find a joy unlike any other the Delight of being

fully known and fully loved Pride lost is only exhaustion but surrender to me

brings Life Without End Disobedience lures you from safety with Hollow promises always leaving you empty and

disillusioned sin’s Glitter Fades giving way to Darkness and danger when you disregard my loving instructions yet

obedience however difficult safeguards you in my blessings I have gifted you my

word a lamp for your feet lighting the path I’ve prepared when you insist on

straying you abandon its protective glow but within its Radiance you will discover not restriction rather

Liberation into purpose and meaning for my ways alone lead to Abundant Life my

commands are given in grace to guard you from harm and guide you into peace and contentment found only close by my side

I am for you not against you trust that my heart’s desire is your prosperity in every way so come let go of sin’s

fleeting Illusions instead embrace the unchanging richness of life in me here

your soul will will finally rest satisfied and secure remember who you are my precious Priceless child and

remember who I am the god for whom nothing is impossible what I have promised I will perform what I have

purposed cannot be thwarted yet unbelief traps you in defeat cycle limiting the

Miracles I long to do my power operates through faith alone so even when

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