God message for you
today if you have ever been distant from
God but somehow found yourself praying
again praising again thinking about him
again it’s because God was working
behind the scene to bring you back to
him he is not letting you go God says
don’t be scared or a your weaknesses I
created you this way and I love you for
who you are don’t try pretending let’s
talk it out together if
anything is lacking I will provide if
you are hurting I will heal my child I
love you so dearly let me help you God
says the past can be very dating and
scary for many of you you have changed
your lives around and stopped living a
life filled with
sin and when you look back at who you
used to be it troubles you because you
just because you just want to erase that
part of you it’s a hard but remember
that all those things transformed you
all those things are your story I love
you my child God says my daughter and my
son this world needs more leaders to
Spirit love hope and
forgiveness I need you to be the
example I love you my child good says I
don’t care what he or she said about you
because it is not
true they don’t know you like I know you
you are better than what they say about
you stop believing the lies that people
say about you I love you my child God
says it is great to know what I desire
from each person but is necessary to
live the way I desire for each person I
don’t just want you to now that living
away from sin is good and it is what I
desire but I want you to actually live
that way it is easier
said if you commit your life to me every
day it can be done I love you my child I
happy that you are doing better than
before much better days are yet to come
all things work out for the good of
those who love me I love you my child
God says life has meaning it has purpose
and there is purpose in your life you
important live your life holy flee from
sin and help your brothers and sisters I
love you my child God says I know how
hard it was for you to pull yourself out
of your dark situation I now the to that
it took on you
mentally I’m happy for you
because you trusted me and together we
got through it I love you my child God
says I want you to stop being negative
stop bringing yourself down stop
devaluing yourself you are a
champion stop doubting yourself stop
doubting me I will strengthen you I will
protect you my child
my child when you pray to me be genuine
tell me when you are angry at me tell me
when you are confused and scared I want
to listen to how you truly
feel it is okay to feel angry scared and
confused and it is okay to communicate
it to
me God says stay patience my timing is
perfect I have something I have
something bigger planned for you and
trust me you are going to love it God
says I don’t need you to be perfect I
need you to devoid your life to be a
better person every day I need you to
make essential
sacrifices that will get you closer to
I need you to listen to me I love you my
child do not worry I will help you again
I understand that you are human and will
continuously make mistakes I forgive you
I love you my child Hey listen even if
the world is against you I stand with
you even if the world hurts you I will
restore you
my children will never loss I love you
if you believe in God please comment
amen and please subscribe this Channel
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