God Says Something Incredible Is Happening to You. Open God's Message Now - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says Something Incredible Is Happening to You. Open God’s Message Now

when you delve into the study of the Bible you’ll come to realize that from the very moment of creation humans were

deliberately fashioned by God for his own delight and companionship this means that you didn’t

come into existence by chance or originate from an unconventional source

as some might suggest according to the Bible each of us regardless of gender was purposefully

made in the likeness of God in Genesis – it is written then God said let us

make Mankind in our image in our likeness so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky

over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that

move along the ground so God created Mankind in his own image in the image of

God he created them male and female he created them God blessed them and

said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the Earth and subdue it rule

over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the

ground I appreciate how someone articulated this concept in a video I

once came across they explained when God brought everything else into existence he

commanded did something for them to appear for instance he spoke to the

Earth and plants and trees emerged he spoke to the water and

aquatic creatures took form however when it came to creating

man the Bible tells us that God spoke to himself as the Trinity the father Son

and Holy Spirit and it documents that he fashioned man in his own image and

likeness consequently everything is designed as a being connected to a

source which then becomes their natural habitat crucial for their survival God

is Humanity’s natural habitat which is why the Bible teaches us that we are

like lifeless beings without God as long as we follow our own ways I find this perspective profound

because it underscores how essential God is in our lives even more so than we

might realize after creating Man In His Image God breathed his own life into him if you

continue reading in Genesis you’ll see that man was God’s intimate

companion God visited Adam regularly and was the source of Adam’s

empowerment this empowerment was evident when Adam named all the animals God brought before him knowing their names

without prior instruction even when he awoke from a deep sleep to find Eve created he

recognized that she came from him and named her woman for the first time

however when both Adam and Eve Fell From Grace and lost their place in Eden

Humanity entered a life without God’s presence becoming subject to the influence and control of the devil yet

through the sacrificial death and Redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross the Bible assures shows us that we

are restored to Unity with God and the spirit of God can now reside in us once

again the Holy Spirit the third person of the Trinity exemplifies the

multifaceted nature of God capable of dwelling within our natural bodies

without overwhelming us I believe all these aspects reveal God’s profound love

for his most cherished creation mankind which includes you and me as you peruse

the Bible you will come across instances of ordinary individuals becoming

extraordinary when imbued with the presence of God they essentially became

vessels of God everywhere they went people sensed something exceptional

about them this was exemplified by the faithful Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and

Jacob even in times of famine they prospered when pharaoh and aimik tried

to take Sarah from Abraham God intervened when laan pursued Jacob with

ill intent God cautioned him in a dream when Joseph’s own Brothers pulled him

into slavery out of jealousy the Bible attests that God’s favor was upon him

even as a slave and prisoner I could go on but I believe you grasp the point my

hope is that this video message will inspire you to earnestly seek after God’s presence until you too become a

carrier of it understand that from the moment you become a child of God his

Spirit takes up residence within you however it’s crucial to actively receive

more of his presence so that it overflows to those around you solidifying your status as a carrier

allow me to provide an example the bible teach teaches that we receive the spirit

of God as a guarantee of our inheritance Ephesians –

States and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your

salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised

Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the Redemption of those who are God’s

possession to the praise of his glory this occurs at the moment of rebirth but

there’s an additional outpouring that results in an overflow of The Same Spirit extending beyond our individual

selves making our lives conspicuous to others this is precisely what transpired

on the day of Pentecost when the disciples assembled in the upper room

and the spirit descended like a powerful wind upon resting on them they began to

speak in other Tong songs offering praise to God the once timid Peter who

had denied Jesus just days prior stood before a crowd of thousands and boldly

proclaimed the gospel leading , to Christ that my friend is evidence of the

overflowing spirit of God within you then as recorded in Acts they gathered

to pray again and the place shook they were filled with the the spirit once

more and began to speak in other tongues preaching the gospel with unwavering

courage even in the face of threats from religious leaders these are clear indicators that

you’ve become a carrier of God’s presence nothing can hinder you because

you are overwhelmed by someone greater than anything before you do you recall

John you dear children are from God and

have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world allow me to outline some of

the signs that accompany you when you carry the spirit of God’s presence in your

life a hypen confidence in God that results in boldness when facing daunting

or uncertain situations akin to the courage displayed by figures like

Abraham David Joseph Moses and the disciples at one point people recognized

the audacity and wisdom of the disciples realizing they were ordinary individuals

and attributed this to the influence of Jesus they deduced that the disciples

had spent time with Jesus the Bible even assures us that

when the spirit dwells within us he will supernaturally invigorate our physical

bodies my friend I encourage you to seek the grace to spend more time with the

Lord until others can discern that what they see in you is Not Mere natural

ability while the distractions of the world may seem enticing they are

depriving you of the wondrous life of being a vessel for God to the world the

cost is straightforward devote more and more time to Jesus when you carry the presence of God

you will witness remarkable super natural occurrences in your life these

manifestations are referred to as the gifts of the Spirit in the Bible these

gifts are essentially the Overflow of God’s presence within a person impacting

those around them have you ever noticed how a woman was healed simply by

touching Jesus’s clothing without him even laying hands on her or how Peter’s

Shadow brought healing to people as he passed by them on the Street consider the handkerchiefs taken

from Paul’s body that were able to heal others think about David who took down

the Giant Goliath with a single Stone from his slingshot reflect on Joseph’s ability to

interpret Pharaoh’s dream effortlessly or Daniel’s aptitude to reveal King

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and its meaning without any prior knowledge all of these

were not the result of human effort they were the outcomes of individuals who became vessels for the spirit of God

when you stood in their presence they appeared as ordinary individuals much

like you however what set them apart was that wherever they went They Carried God

In God’s Presence anything is possible My Hope Is that these words are stirring

a hunger in your heart for more of God’s presence in your life

honestly our world today needs more than mere verbal professions of faith in

Christ they need to tangibly experience God through us but we cannot give what

we do not possess ourselves can we number three when you carry God’s

presence people will find it easier to confide in you about their personal struggles and they will attest that they

feel more secure opening up to you when I was young ER I often heard people say

this about men and women of Faith whom I greatly admired so I began to seek this effect

as well until I heard people say it about me I didn’t go through any special

training it was simply the Overflow of God within me this is precisely what

happened between Jesus and the woman at the well she probably wouldn’t have been

as open with strangers about her life but she felt comfortable doing so with

the Savior why there was something calming

loving and peaceful about him if you ever hear this said about you know that

it’s not you but rather the presence of God that you carry number four Joseph is

evidence that when you carry God’s presence you will experience favor the

Bible tells us that when a person’s ways are pleasing to God even their enemies

will be at peace with them Joseph was a slave yet he was elevated to the

position of chief steward over his master’s household when he was falsely accused by

his master’s wife and imprisoned he found favor with both the prison Warden

and his fellow inmates this favor would later speak for him before Pharaoh granting him the

opportunity to utilize his gift in interpreting the King’s dream and saving countless lives when you carry God’s

presence people are inclined to support and assist you number five another

indication of God’s presence in your life is that you become sensitive to sin and feel uneasy when you encounter sin

in your life or around you anyone who takes pleasure in sin or Embraces sinful

practices is someone lacking the presence of God no matter how appealing

sin may seem you will find that you are continually Restless even when you do sin you will

not find peace until you seek mercy and repentance this is a sign that you carry

God’s presence the final Point regarding these signs is that your heart will

consistently overflow with compassion for others especially for unbelievers or

those in need you will find yourself less judgment and more truthful always

contemplating how you can contribute to their transformation it will always pain you

to witness people on a path leading away from Jesus and towards

damnation the word of God clearly outlines how to nurture and cultivate

more of the spirit of God’s presence in our lives dedicate time to prayer and

fasting immerse yourself in the study and meditation of scripture

share your faith with others when you engage in these activities you are

creating a channel for the spirit of God to impact the world around you these are

not one-time efforts they must become integral to your way of life you must

seek God’s help in loving him and pursuing him genuinely until you become

a vessel worthy of his use do not request to become his vessel solely for

the purpose of obtaining power that is a self-centered desire and God may not

honor it however with a pure heart devoted to God the more you open

yourself to his presence the more you will discover that demonstrating his presence to others is just one of the

benefits the primary advantage is that you will consistantly enjoy fellowship

with him where he protects you instructs you strengthens you in times of weakness

and comforts you in moments of pain consider this scenario what would you do

if while following God you found yourself standing before the Red Sea

with a ruthless enemy closing in from behind would you agree to be one of the

singers selected by King Jehoshaphat to lead in a battle against three alied

nations the accounts of how God intervened for his people in these situations ations serve as evidence that

when you allow him to fight your battles no matter how formidable your enemies

may be you will not be defeated this message is for you the

child of God do you desire to experience victory over your unfavorable

circumstances then you must let God fight your battles you have exerted Your Own

Strength enough you have toiled in your own power your natural intellect has

brought you to a standstill it is time to introduce the supernatural assistance of God on your

behalf it is understandable for a people who endured over years of slavery to

lose hope when they found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the approaching slave masters intent on

enslaving and annihilating them they were men women and children at this

moment there was no distinction of wealth or status among them this was not

the time to inquire about social hierarchies or to Showcase intellectual

prowess everyone was ens snared in the same seemingly hopeless situation they

could not move forward without risking drowning which would negate the purpose of leaving Egypt but they could not turn

back either as their former slave Masters were advancing in a battle formation that spell one thing death

they likely had resigned themselves to their fate then God spoke to them

through his servant Moses Exodus

to Moses responded to the people do not be afraid stand firm and you will see the

Deliverance the Lord will bring you today the Egyptians you see today you

will never see again the Lord will fight for you you need only to be still God

was conveying two crucial messages and I am presenting them to you now these two

messages rescued the Israelites before the Red Sea and the Egyptians and they

are just as powerful in Saving you today number one God declared fear not fear is

a faith killer it extinguishes Faith inhibiting your ability to Envision

possibilities for Faith to come alive it needs to see something based on what God

has said a woman believes she will bear her own child even when told it’s

impossible why because God promised it and she could see the

possibility years ago it was noted that there are approximately

instances in the Bible where the words fear not are used this could be God’s way of

emphasizing that for every day of Our Lives We should strive to reject and

overcome fear in first John to we

are reminded that God is love and when we reside in a life of love we dwell in

God and he dwells in Us in this state Love Takes Center Stage

matures within us and expels worry even on Judgment Day our position in the

world mirors that have Christ love and fear cannot coexist as

well-formed love casts out fear which is paralyzing a life filled with fear of

death and judgment signifies an incomplete understanding of love love on

the other hand empowers us to face any challenge with boldness knowing we are

not alone Isaiah reassures us that God

regards us as precious and honored and he loves us deeply he is willing to

exchange Nations for our lives we are encouraged to trust that

God has our backs and he will fulfill the desires he has placed in our

hearts he has brought us this far and he will see us through to the end

it’s essential to affirm I refuse to succumb to fear God loves me and is

always with me I choose to stand with him rejecting fear as it is not of God

it is a weapon of the devil and if allowed it will ens snare and hinder us

from realizing God’s plans for us god’s second directive is to stand firm a

spiritual stance that requires int intentional effort and resolve standing firm means unwavering

faith in God’s ability to fulfill his promises even when external circumstances seem

discouraging it can be challenging especially when it feels like others are succeeding while we may appear to be

stagnating however we are reminded that what works for others outside of God’s

guidance may not be the path he intends for us resist existing societal

pressures and trusting in God’s plan is crucial Matthew

reassures us that those who stand firm in their faith will ultimately be

saved this applies not only to the great trials prophesied in the last days but

also to our current struggles standing firm in our convictions of God’s faithfulness leads

to our deliverance in spiritual battles physical weapons are

ineffective instead Corinthians advises us to employ Divine weapons that

possess the power to dismantle strongholds and counter false arguments against the knowledge of God thus facing

difficulties be it a difficult boss a false accusation or a challenging family

member requires using spiritual weapons rejecting fear and standing firm in

faith prayer is a potent tool in facing challenges it has the capacity to

transform people influence policies and alter seemingly hopeless

situations remember if there is a man to pray then there is a God to answer

therefore bring your concerns before God In Prayer knowing that he is eager to

listen and respond standing firm in faith means means entrusting your battles to God and

then observing as he takes charge following his lead in the fight he will

guide your steps and provide wisdom on what to say and do this obedience

becomes your Weaponry in spiritual warfare emulate the faith of Moses and

the Israelites facing the Red Sea or King Jehosaphat in his time of

Crisis entrust your battles to God stand firm in your faith and watch him work

wonders in your life just as the troubles you face today will not be seen

tomorrow trust that God is fighting for you let me share a unique perspective on

the holy spirit that you may not have heard before keep an open heart as this

message aims to shed light on this wonderful aspect of God’s presence within you I’ll also discuss signs that

indicate the Holy Spirit spirit is communicating with you even if you’re not aware it’s him many Believers hold

various beliefs about the Holy Spirit some view him as God’s breath

associating his presence with the wind others see him as an agent of God’s

judgment when examined closely these perspectives seem to capture different

facets of his true nature the holy spirit is indeed God God’s breath but he

is also much more he is a distinct and co-equal member of the Trinity along

with God the father and God the son the Bible portrays the holy spirit in

personal terms emphasizing his role as a teacher guide comforter and

intercessor he possesses emotions intellect and will Jesus promised that

the Holy Spirit would lead us into all TR truth and reveal things yet to come

he described the Holy Spirit as our Advocate helper intermediary and

comforter the scriptures affirm the holy spirit’s deity through qualities like

omniscience omnipresence omnipotence and eternality the holy spirit’s work in our

lives is instrumental particularly in our salvation and

sanctification additionally the Holy Spirit dwells within Believers

permanently serving as the Seal of their salvation he never abandons them even in

moments of sin or weakness however a True Believer indwelt

by the Holy Spirit detests sin more than their sinful desires now regarding the holy spirit’s

communication one significant aspect of his work is providing guidance comfort

and correction however Discerning his voice can be

challenging here are some indicators that the holy spirit is indeed speaking

to you one you are prompted to exalt Jesus

not yourself or worldly desires this aligns with the Bible’s

guidance to test the spirits and recognize those that acknowledge Jesus

Christ two the Holy Spirit leads you to produce his fruit such as love joy peace kindness

and self-control these promptings guide you in aligning your actions thoughts and

decisions with God’s will in summary understanding the holy spirit’s

multifaceted nature and recognizing his role in our lives is crucial Discerning

his voice involves looking for prompts that PRI prioritize exalting Jesus and

producing his fruit may we continue to seek the holy spirit’s guidance and

honor God in all we do this story illustrates a powerful

truth about God’s protection over his chosen people when his angels are sent

forth they intervene in our lives bypassing enemy schemes and delivering

us from their snares it’s important to recognize that God God’s protection may not always come

in a comfortable or expected manner like the son’s challenging journey in the

story we may face difficulties or unexpected losses however these are the ways in

which God’s angels work to Shield us from even greater dangers the example of

Daniel in the Bible serves as another Vivid illustration despite being a captive in

a foreign land God’s favor and protection were evident in Daniel’s life

however this Prosperity triggered envy and led to a plot against him the

enemies devised a scheme that put Daniel in a life-threatening

situation yet through God’s intervention Daniel was miraculously saved from The

Den of Lions when the king approached the den at Dawn Daniel declared that God had

sent his Angel to shut the the mouths of the Lions sparing him from harm

furthermore those who had falsely accused Daniel faced Swift Justice

demonstrating the complete defeat of his adversaries this account emphasizes that

God’s angels not only thwart the enemy’s plans but they also render the elements

of their attacks powerless against his chosen ones the promise in job holds

true God frustrates the schemes of the crafty and ensures their attempts are

ultimately fruitless so when God sends his angels to protect his chosen people they may

directly confront and defeat our attackers or they may divert them from pursuing us all together this divine

intervention can manifest in miraculous escapes and hidden Provisions showcasing

the supernatural hand of God at work remember the assur urance in Isaiah

no weapon forged against you will prevail and you will refute every tongue

that accuses you this is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord and this is

their Vindication from me declares the Lord as God’s chosen we have the promise

of his unwavering protection and Vindication certainly I’d be happy to

provide a paraphrased version of The Passage

underscore you might be wondering how can I experience greater Angelic

protection in my life let me share three practical steps that can lead to God

sending his angels to watch over you one

embrace your identity as one of God’s chosen people there are two groups recognized in the Bible as God’s chosen

ones first the descendants of of Abraham known as the Israelites and second those

who through faith in Jesus Christ are born again when you receive God’s Saving

Grace you become a part of his chosen people to enjoy the Angelic protection

that comes with being a child of God Surrender Your Life to Jesus and

acknowledge his work on the cross this is how you enter God’s family where you

can walk in obedience and honor him Proverbs assures us that when the

Lord Delights in someone’s ways he causes their enemies to make peace with

them additionally God’s angels are always present to guard those who fear

Him and live in obedience to his word it’s not just about claiming membership

in God’s family but truly yielding your life and choices to him when you

prioritize God and commit to living according to his will as outlined in the Bible you can trust in Angelic

protection much like Daniel experienced two cultivate a genuine love

for the Lord and seek Him earnestly Psalm promises that those who love

God will be under the watchful care of his angels when you make God your Refuge

entrust your trust in him and demonstrate genuine love for him he

assures you that no evil will befall you acts of Love towards others and

dedicated service to God with the gifts he has granted you serve as evidence of your passion and pursuit of God when you

love and serve the Lord you need not fear his angels will safeguard you don’t

be anxious about the challenges ahead those who stand with you are mightier than those who oppose you three don’t

give up on your dreams even in the face of adversity consider Joseph’s story in

Genesis despite facing trials Joseph’s dreams

rejuvenated his spirit and energized his resolve rather than abandoning his

dreams he pursued them with unwavering belief have you ever had a dream that

you let Fade Away Today I encourage you not to abandon it every generation has

been captivated by Joseph’s story because it resonates with universal

themes of struggle resilience and divine intervention God’s hand is unmistakable

as we witness Joseph’s journey through its twists and turns what seems like devastating

setbacks are actually opportunities for God to advance his purposes like Joseph we’re encouraged to

hold on to our dreams knowing that God remains faithful and will see them

through to fruition he is remarkable and he deeply cares for you but God’s promises and his

love for you remain steadfast even in the face of challenges keep your faith and trust in

him for he is with you always dot when things don’t go as planned it’s

important to remember that God is still with with us and cares deeply about our journey we shouldn’t respond with

frustration or anger towards him but rather we should trust that he has a

greater purpose in mind just as Joseph didn’t give up on his dreams we

shouldn’t either God’s primary concern is our growth and development as mature

children capable of sharing in his Holiness he desires to see us bear the

fruits of righteousness while we may be eager to reach our desired destination God is

more interested in the process and the journey itself he values our loyalty and seeks

to shape our character more than he is concerned with our position or circumstances our relationship with God

is of Paramount importance we mustn’t allow circumstances to dictate our

perspective even on difficult days we can find solace in knowing that God is

always by our side as the Apostle Paul encouraged we should press on toward the

Heavenly prize that God has set before us leaving behind the past and looking

forward to what lies ahead when it comes to our dreams and plans it’s crucial to

bring them before the Lord in prayer while we may have our own intentions and

desires we must recognize that God ultimately has the final will say it’s

important to share our aspirations with him explaining why they matter to us and

asking that they align with his will Proverbs reminds us that while we

may make plans in our hearts the ultimate response comes from the Lord

our purity of intent may be self- perceived but it is the Lord who examines our

motives we should commit our actions to the Lord trust in that he will guide us

towards success in summary though we may have dreams and plans we must acknowledge

that God’s wisdom and guidance are Paramount we use our free will to make

decisions but it is ultimately through God’s grace and favor that the final

outcome is determined trusting in his Providence and seeking his will in all our

endeavors is the key to finding true fulfillment and success

it’s reassuring to remember that God is attentive to the desires of our hearts

when we align our hearts with our Heavenly savior his perfect will becomes the guiding force behind our innermost

aspirations we all have dreams and goals ranging from personal achievements to

life-changing Milestones some may be within our immediate grasp While others require

divine intervention it’s crucial to hold on to these dreams regardless of their magnitude and to

trust that God hears and understands our deepest desires Psalm to provides a

comforting promise take Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of

your heart commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will do this he will

make your righteous reward shine like like the dawn your Vindication like the Noonday sun when we deeply desire

something it tends to occupy our thoughts and energies instead of letting these

desires become all consuming we can transform them into prayers and entrust

them to God it’s essential to shift from a mindset of self-reliance to one of

seeking God’s guidance and intervention when our dreams take time

to materialize it’s natural to feel apprehensive however we can exchange our

anxiety for trust by entrusting our dreams to God through prayer we

acknowledge his power to overcome obstacles and bring about the Fulfillment of our heart’s desires as

Jesus taught our heavenly father cares for us as his children just as Earthly

parents strive to provide for their children’s needs God God our heavenly

father is even more attentive to our requests he will grant our heartfelt

desires at the right time according to his divine plan it’s important to

remember that you are a cherished child of God he hears and understands your

desires and he will grant them in his perfect timing even if it seems like

he’s not responding trust that everything will unfold Accord according to his Sovereign plan God knows what is

best for you and is attuned to the desires of your heart when the time is

right he will bring your heart’s desires to fruition patience and unwavering faith

in the Lord our key rest assured he will grant the desires of your heart Matthew

to emphasizes the trust we can place in our heavenly father you parents

if your children ask for a loaf of bread do you give them a stone instead or if

they ask for a fish do you give them a snake of course not so if you sinful

people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those

who ask him as God’s child you can confidently trust your heavenly father

to provide good things for you just as a child trusts their parents to give them

what they need instead of giving up on your dreams or plans seek God’s guidance

first and ask him to help you bring them to fruition remember that God is a loving

and gracious father who has promised to supply all our needs refuse to listen to the lies of

the enemy and instead demonstrate your trust in God by asking him for what what

you need and expecting him to provide for he will indeed do so when you delve

into the study of the Bible you’ll come to realize that from the very moment of

creation humans were deliberately fashioned by God for his own delight and

companionship this means that you didn’t come into existence by chance or originate from an unconventional source

as some might suggest according to the Bible each of us regardless of gender was purposefully

made in the likeness of God in Genesis to it is written then God said

let us make Mankind in our image in our likeness so that they may rule over the

fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and all the wild

animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground so God created

Mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them male and female he

created them God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in

number fill the Earth and subdue it rule over the fish in the sea and the birds

in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground I appreciate how someone

articulated this concept in a video I once came across they explained when God

brought everything else into existence he commanded something for them to appear for instance he spoke to the

Earth and plants and trees emerged he spoke to the water and

aquatic creatures took form however when it came to creating

man the Bible tells us that God spoke to himself as the Trinity the father Son

and Holy Spirit and it documented that he fashioned man in his own image and

likeness consequently everything is designed as a being connected to a

source which then becomes their natural habitat crucial for their survival God

is Humanity’s natural habitat which is why the Bible teaches us that we are

like lifeless beings without God as long as we follow our own ways I find this perspective profound

because it underscores how essential God is in our lives even more so than we

might realize after creating Man In His Image God breathed his own life into him if

you continue reading in Genesis you will see that man was God’s intimate

companion God visited Adam regularly and was the source of Adam’s

empowerment this empowerment was evident when Adam named all the animals God brought before him knowing their names

without prior instruction even when he awoke from a deep sleep to find Eve created he

recognized that she came from him and named her woman for the first time

however when both Adam and Eve Fell From Grace and lost their place in Eden

Humanity entered a life without God’s presence becoming subject to the influence and control of the devil yet

through the sacrificial death and Redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross the Bible assures us that we are

restored to Unity with God and the spirit of God can now reside in us once

again the Holy Spirit the third person of the Trinity exemplifies the

multifaceted nature of God capable of dwelling within our natural bodies

without overwhelming us I believe all these aspects reveal God’s profound love

for his most cherished creation mankind which includes you and me as you peruse

the Bible you’ll come across instances of ordinary individuals becoming

extraordinary when imbued with the presence of God they essentially became

vessels of God everywhere they went people sensed something exceptional

about them this was exemplified by the faithful Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and

and Jacob even in times of famine they prospered when pharaoh and aimc tried to

take Sarah from Abraham God intervened when laan pursued Jacob with

ill intent God cautioned him in a dream when Joseph’s own Brothers pulled him

into slavery out of jealousy the Bible attests that God’s favor was upon him

even as a slave and prisoner I could go on but I believe you grasp the point my

hope is that this video message will inspire you to earnestly seek after God’s presence until you too become a

carrier of it understand that from the moment you become a child of God his

Spirit takes up residence within you however it’s crucial to actively receive

more of his presence so that it overflows to those around you solidifying your status as a carrier

allow me to provide an example the Bible teaches that we receive the spirit of

God as a guarantee of our inheritance Ephesians – States and

you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your

salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised

Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance and until the Redemption of those who are God’s

possession to the praise of his glory this occurs at the moment of rebirth but

there’s an additional outpouring that results in an overflow of The Same Spirit extending beyond our individual

selves making our lives conspicuous to others this is precisely what transpired

on the day of Pentecost when the disciples assembled in the upper room

and the spirit descended like a powerful wind upon resting on them they began to

speak in other tongues offering praise to God the once to me Peter who had

denied Jesus just days prior stood before a crowd of thousands and boldly

proclaimed the gospel leading , to Christ that my friend is evidence of the

overflowing spirit of God within you then as recorded in Acts they gathered

to pray again and the place shook they were filled with the spirit once more

and began to speak in other tongues preaching the gospel with unwavering courage even in the face of threats from

religious leaders these are clear indicators that you’ve become a carrier of God’s

presence nothing can hinder you because you are overwhelmed by someone greater

than anything before you do you recall why John

you dear children are from God and have overcome them because the one who

is in you is greater than the one who is in the world allow me to outline some of

the signs that accompany you when you carry the spirit of God’s presence in your

life a hypen confidence in God that results in boldness when facing daunting

or uncertain situations akin to the courage displayed by figures like

Abraham David Joseph Moses and the disciples at one point people recognized

the audacity and wisdom of the disciples realizing they were ordinary individuals

and attributed this to the influence of Jesus they deduced that the disciples

had spent time with Jesus the Bible even assures us that

when the spirit dwells within us he will will supernaturally invigorate our physical bodies my friend I encourage

you to seek the grace to spend more time with the Lord until others can discern

that what they see in you is Not Mere natural ability while the distractions of the

world may seem enticing they are depriving you of the wondrous life of being a vessel for God to the world the

cost is straightforward devote more and more time to Jesus

when you carry the presence of God you will witness remarkable Supernatural occurrences in your life these

manifestations are referred to as the gifts of the Spirit in the Bible these

gifts are essentially the Overflow of God’s presence within a person impacting

those around them have you ever noticed how a woman was healed simply by

touching Jesus’s clothing without him even laying hands on her or how Peter’s

Shadow brought healing to people as he passed by them on the street consider

the handkerchiefs taken from Paul’s body that were able to heal others think

about David who took down the Giant Goliath with a single Stone from his

slingshot reflect on Joseph’s ability to interpret Pharaoh’s dream effortlessly

or Daniel’s aptitude to reveal King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and its mean meaning without any prior knowledge all

of these were not the result of human efforts they were the outcomes of individuals who became vessels for the

spirit of God when you stood in their presence they appeared as ordinary

individuals much like you however what set them apart was that wherever they

went They Carried God In God’s Presence anything is possible My Hope Is that

these words are stirring a hunger in your heart for more of God’s presence in

your life honestly our world today needs more than mere verbal professions of

faith in Christ they need to tangibly experience God through us but we cannot

give what we do not possess ourselves can we number three when you carry God’s

presence people will find it easier to confide in you about their personal struggles and they will attest that they

feel more secure opening up to you when I was younger I often heard people say

this about men and women of Faith whom I greatly admired so I began to seek this effect

as well until I heard people say it about me I didn’t go through any special

training it was simply the Overflow of God within me this is precisely what

happened between Jesus and the woman that the well she probably wouldn’t have

been as open with strangers about her life but she felt comfortable doing so

with the Savior why there was something calming

loving and peaceful about him if you ever hear this said about you know that

it’s not you but rather the presence of God that you carry number four Joseph is

evidence that when you carry God’s presence you will experience erence favor the Bible tells us that when a

person’s ways are pleasing to God even their enemies will be at peace with them

Joseph was a slave yet he was elevated to the position of chief steward over

his master’s household when he was falsely accused by his master’s wife and imprisoned he

found favor with both the prison Warden and his fellow inmates this favor would later speak for

him for Pharaoh granting him the opportunity to utilize his gift in interpreting the King’s dream and saving

countless lives when you carry God’s presence people are inclined to support

and assist you number five another indication of God’s presence in your

life is that you become sensitive to sin and feel uneasy when you encounter sin in your life or around you anyone who

takes pleasure in sin or Embraces is sinful practices is someone lacking the presence of God no matter how appealing

sin may seem you will find that you are continually Restless even when you do sin you will

not find peace until you seek Mercy in Repentance this is a sign that you carry

God’s presence the final Point regarding these signs is that your heart will

consistently overflow with compassion for others especially for unbelievers or

those in need you will find yourself less judgmental and more truthful always

contemplating how you can contribute to their transformation it will always pain you

to witness people on a path leading away from Jesus and towards

damnation the word of God clearly outlines how to nurture and cultivate

more of the spirit of God’s presence in our lives dedicate time to prayer and and

fasting immerse yourself in the study and meditation of scripture share your

faith with others when you engage in these activities you are creating a

channel for the spirit of God to impact the world around you these are not

one-time efforts they must become integral to your way of life you must

seek God’s help in loving him and pursuing him genuinely until you become

a vessel worthy of his use do not request to become his vessel solely for

the purpose of obtaining power that is a self-centered desire and God may not

honor it however with a pure heart devoted to God the more you open

yourself to his presence the more you will discover that demonstrating his presence to others is just one of the

benefits the primary advantage is that you will consistently enjoy en jooy fellowship with him where he protects

you instructs you strengthens you in times of weakness and comforts you in

moments of pain consider this scenario what would you do if while following God

you found yourself standing before the Red Sea with a ruthless enemy closing in

from behind would you agree to be one of the singers selected by King Jehoshaphat to

lead in a battle against three Allied Nations the accounts of how God intervened for

his people in these situations serve as evidence that when you allow him to

fight your battles no matter how formidable your enemies may be you will

not be defeated this message is for you the child of God do you desire to experience

victory over your unfavorable circumstances then you must let God

fight your battles you have exerted Your Own Strength enough you have toiled in

your own power your natural intellect has brought you to a

standstill it is time to introduce the supernatural assistance of God on your

behalf it is understandable for a people who endured over years of slavery to

lose hope when they found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the approaching slave masters intent on

enslaving saving and annihilating them they were men women and children at this

moment there was no distinction of wealth or status among them this was not

the time to inquire about social hierarchies or to Showcase intellectual

prowess everyone was ens snared in the same seemingly hopeless situation they

could not move forward without risking drowning which would negate the purpose of leading leaving Egypt but they could

not turn back either as their former slave masters were advancing in a battle

formation that spell one thing death they likely had resigned themselves to

their fate then God spoke to them through his servant Moses Exodus

to Moses responded to the people do not be afraid stand firm and you will see the

Deliverance the Lord will bring you today the Egyptians you see today you

will never see again the Lord will fight for you you need only to be still God

was conveying two crucial messages and I am presenting them to you now these two

messages rescued the Israelites before the Red Sea and the Egyptians and they

are just as powerful in Saving you today number one God declared fear not fear is a faith

killer it extinguishes Faith inhibiting your ability to Envision

possibilities for Faith to come alive it needs to see something based on what God

has said a woman believes she will bear her own child even when told it’s

impossible why because God promised it and she could see the

possibility years ago it was noted that there are approximately

instances in the Bible where the words fear not are used this could be

God’s way of emphasizing that for every day of Our Lives We should strive to

reject and overcome fear in John

to we are reminded that God is love and when we reside in a life of love we

dwell in God and he dwells in Us in this state Love Takes Center Stage matures

within us and expels worry even on Judgment Day our position in the world

mirrors that of Christ love and fear cannot coexist as well-formed love casts

out fear which is paralyzing a life filled with fear of

death and judgment signifies an incomplete understanding of love

love on the other hand empowers us to face any challenge with boldness knowing

we are not alone Isaiah reassures us that God

regards us as precious and honored and he loves us deeply he is willing to

exchange Nations for our lives we are encouraged to trust that

God has our backs and he will fulfill the desires he has placed in our hearts

he has brought us this far and he will see us through to the end it’s essential

to affirm I refuse to succumb to fear God loves me and is always with me I

choose to stand with him rejecting fear as it is not of God it is a weapon of

the devil and if allowed it will ins snare and hinder us from realizing God’s

plans for us god’s second directive is to stand firm a spiritual stance that

requires intentional effort and resolve standing firm means unwavering

faith in God’s ability to fulfill his promises even when external circumstances seem

discouraging it can be challenging especially when it feels like others are succeeding while we may appear to be

stagnating however we are reminded that what works for others outside of God’s

guidance may not be the path he intends for us resisting societal pressures and

trusting in God’s plan is crucial Matthew reassures us that those who stand

firm in their faith will ultimately be saved this applies not only to the great

trials prophesied in the last days but also to our current struggles standing firm in our

convictions of God’s faith fulness leads to our deliverance in spiritual battles

physical weapons are ineffective instead Corinthians

advises us to employ Divine weapons that possess the power to dismantle strongholds and counter false arguments

against the knowledge of God thus facing difficulties be it a difficult boss a

false accusation or a challenging family member requires using spiritual weapons

rejecting fear and standing firm in faith prayer is a poal tool in facing

challenges it has the capacity to transform people influence policies and

alter seemingly hopeless situations remember if there is a man to

pray then there is a God to answer therefore bring your concerns before God

In Prayer knowing that he is eager to listen and respond standing firm in faith means

entrusting your battles to God and then observing as he takes charge following

his lead in the fight he will guide your steps and provide wisdom on what to say

and do this obedience becomes your Weaponry in spiritual

warfare emulate the faith of Moses and the Israelites facing the Red Sea or

King Jehoshaphat in in his time of Crisis entrust your battles to God stand

firm in your faith and watch him work wonders in your life just as the

troubles you face today will not be seen tomorrow trust that God is fighting for

you let me share a unique perspective on the holy spirit that you may not have

heard before keep an open heart as this message aims to shed light on this

wonderful aspect of God’s presence within you I’ll also discuss signs that

indicate the holy spirit is communicating with you even if you’re not aware it’s him many Believers hold

various beliefs about the Holy Spirit some view him as God’s breath

associating his presence with the wind others see him as an agent of God’s

judgment when examined closely these perspectives seem to Capt capture

different facets of his true nature the holy spirit is indeed God’s breath but

he is also much more he is a distinct and co-equal member of the Trinity along

with God the father and God the son the Bible portrays the holy spirit in

personal terms emphasizing his role as a teacher guide comforter and

intercessor he possesses emotions intellect and will Jesus promised that

the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth and reveal things yet to come he

described the Holy Spirit as our Advocate helper intermediary and

comforter the scriptures affirm the holy spirit’s deity through qualities like

omniscience omnipresence omnipotence and eternality the holy spirit’s work in our

lives is instrumental particular particularly in our salvation and

sanctification Additionally the Holy Spirit dwells within Believers

permanently serving as the Seal of their salvation he never abandons them even in

moments of sin or weakness however a True Believer indwelt

by the Holy Spirit detests sin more than their sinful desires now regarding the holy spirit’s

communication one significant aspect of his work is providing guidance comfort

and correction however Discerning his voice can be

challenging here are some indicators that the holy spirit is indeed speaking

to you one you are prompted to exalt Jesus

not yourself or worldly desires this aligns with the Bible’s

guidance to test the spirits and recognize those that acknowledge Jesus

Christ two the Holy Spirit leads you to produce his fruit such as love joy peace

kindness and self-control these promptings guide you in aligning your actions thoughts and

decisions with God’s will in summary understanding the holy spirit’s

multifaceted nature and recognizing his role in our lives is crucial Discerning

his voice involves looking for prompts that prioritize exalting Jesus and

producing his fruit may we continue to seek the holy spirit’s guidance and

honor God in all we do this story illustrates a powerful

truth about God’s protection over his chosen people when his angels are sent

forth they intervene in our lives bypassing enemy schemes and and

delivering us from their snares it’s important to recognize that

God’s protection may not always come in a comfortable or expected manner like

the sun’s challenging journey in the story we may face difficulties or unexpected

losses however these are the ways in which God’s angels work to Shield us

from even greater dangers the example of Daniel in the Bible serves as another

Vivid ill illustration despite being a captive in a foreign land God’s favor and

protection were evident in Daniel’s life however this Prosperity triggered an

envy and led to a plot against him the enemies devised a scheme that put Daniel

in a life-threatening situation yet through God’s intervention

Daniel was miraculously saved from The Den of Lions when the king approached the den

at Dawn Daniel declared that God had sent his Angel to shut the mouths of the

Lions sparing him from harm furthermore those who had falsely accused Daniel

faced Swift Justice demonstrating the complete defeat of his

adversaries this account emphasizes that God’s angels not only th the enemy’s

plans but they also render the elements of their attacks powerless against his chosen

es the promise in job holds true God frustrates the schemes of the crafty

and ensures their attempts are ultimately fruitless so when God sends his angels

to protect his chosen people they may directly confront and defeat our attackers or they may divert them from

pursuing us all together this divine intervention can manifest in miraculous

escapes and hidden provisions showcasing the supernatural hand of God at work

remember the Assurance in Isaiah no weapon forged against you will

prevail and you will refute every tongue that accuses you this is the heritage of

the Servants of the Lord and this is their Vindication from me declares the

Lord as God’s chosen we have the promise of his unwavering protection and

vindication certainly I’d be happy to provide a paraphrased version of the

passage underscore you might be wondering how

can I experience greater Angelic protection in my life let me share three

practical steps that can lead to God sending his angels to watch over you one

embrace your identity as one of God’s chosen people there are two groups recognized in in the Bible as God’s

chosen ones first the descendants of Abraham

known as the Israelites and second those who through faith in Jesus Christ are

born again when you receive God’s Saving Grace you become a part of his chosen

people to enjoy the Angelic protection that comes with being a child of God

Surrender Your Life to Jesus and acknowledge his work on the cross this

is how you enter God’s family where you can walk in obedience and honor him

Proverbs assures us that when the Lord Delights in someone’s ways he

causes their enemies to make peace with them additionally God’s angels are

always present to guard those who fear Him and live in obedience to his word

it’s not just about claiming membership in God’s family but truly yielding your

life and choices to him when you prioritize God and commit to living

according to his will as outlined in the Bible you can trust in Angelic protection much like Daniel

experienced two cultivate a genuine love for the Lord and seek Him earnestly

Psalm promises that those who love God will be under the watchful care of

his angels when you make God your Refuge entrust your trust in him and

demonstrate genuine love for him he assures you that no evil will Beall you

acts of Love towards others and dedicated service to God with the gifts he has granted you serve as evidence of

your passion and pursuit of God when you love and serve the Lord you need not

fear his angels will safeguard you don’t be anxious about the challenges ahead

those who stand with you are mightier than those who oppose you three don’t

give up on your dreams even in the face of adversity consider Joseph’s story in

Genesis despite facing trials Joseph’s dreams

rejuvenated his spirit and energized his resolve rather than abandoning his

dreams he pursued them with unwavering belief have you ever had a dream that

you let Fade Away Today I encourage you not to abandon it every generation has

been captivated by Joseph’s story because it resonates with universal

themes of struggle resilience and divine intervention God’s hand is unmistakable

as we witness Joseph’s journey through its twists and turns what seems like devastating

setbacks are actually opport opportunities for God to advance his purposes like Joseph we’re encouraged to

hold on to our dreams knowing that God remains faithful and will see them

through to fruition he is remarkable and he deeply cares for you m God’s promises and his

love for you remain steadfast even in the face of challenges keep your faith and trust in

him for he is with you always when things don’t go as planned it’s

important to remember that God is still with us and cares deeply about our journey we shouldn’t respond with

frustration or anger towards him but rather we should trust that he has a

greater purpose in mind just as Joseph didn’t give up on his dreams we

shouldn’t either God’s primary concern is our growth and development as mature

children capable of sharing in his holiness he desires to see us bear the fruits of

righteousness while we may be eager to reach our desired destination God is

more interested in the process and the journey itself he values our loyalty and seeks

to shape our character more than he is concerned with our position or circumstances our relationship with God

is of Paramount importance we mustn’t allow circumstances to dictate our our

perspective even on difficult days we can find solace in knowing that God is

always by our side as the Apostle Paul encouraged we should press on toward the

Heavenly prize that God has set before us leaving behind the past and looking

forward to what lies ahead when it comes to our dreams and plans it’s crucial to

bring them before the Lord in prayer while we may have our own int intentions

and desires we must recognize that God ultimately has the final say it’s

important to share our aspirations with him explaining why they matter to us and

asking that they align with his will Proverbs reminds us that while we

may make plans in our hearts the ultimate response comes from the Lord

our purity of intent may be self- perceived but it is the Lord who exam

our motives we should commit our actions to the Lord trusting that he will guide us

towards success in summary though we may have dreams and plans we must acknowledge

that God’s wisdom and guidance are Paramount we use our free will to make

decisions but it is ultimately through God’s grace and favor that the final

outcome is determined trusting in his Providence and seeking his will in all our

endeavors is the key to finding true fulfillment and success it’s reassuring to remember that

God attentive to the desires of our hearts when we align our hearts with our

Heavenly savior his perfect will becomes the guiding force behind our innermost

aspirations we all have dreams and goals ranging from personal achievements to

life-changing Milestones some may be within our immediate grasp While others require

divine intervention it’s crucial to hold on to these dreams regardless of their

magnitude and to trust that God hears and understands our deepest

desires Psalm to provides a comforting promise take Delight in the

Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord

trust in him and he will do this he will make your righteous reward shine like

the dawn your Vindication like the Noonday sun when we deeply desire

something it tends to occupy our thoughts and energies instead of letting these

desires become all consuming we can transform them into prayers and entrust

them to God it’s essential to shift from a mindset of self-reliance to one of

seeking God’s guidance and intervention when our dreams take time

to materialize it’s natural to feel apprehensive however we can exchange our

anxiety for trust by entrusting our dreams to God through prayer we

acknowledge his power to overcome obstacles and bring about the Fulfillment of our heart’s desires as

Jesus taught our heavenly father cares for us as his children just as Earthly

parents strive to provide for their children’s needs God our heavenly father

is even more attentive to our requests he will grant our heartfelt

desires at the right time according to his divine plan it’s important to

remember that you are a cherished child of God he hears and understands your

desires and he will grant them in his perfect timing even if it seems like

he’s not responding trust that everything will unfold according to his Sovereign plan God knows what is best

for you and is attuned to the desires of your heart when the time is right he

will bring your heart’s desires to fruition patience and unwavering faith

in the Lord are key rest assured he will grant the desires of your heart Matthew

to emphasizes the trust we can place in our heavenly father you parents

if your children ask for a loaf of bread do you give them a stone instead or if

they ask for a fish do you give them a snake of course not so if you sinful

people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those

who ask him as God child you can confidently trust your heavenly father

to provide good things for you just as a child trusts their parents to give them

what they need instead of giving up on your dreams or plans seek God’s guidance

first and ask him to help you bring them to fruition remember that God is a loving

and gracious father who has promised to supply all our needs refuse to listen to the Li eyes of

the enemy and instead demonstrate your trust in God by asking him for what you

need and expecting him to provide for he will indeed do so when you delve into

the study of the Bible you’ll come to realize that from the very moment of creation humans were deliberately

fashioned by God for his own delight and companionship this means that you didn’t

come into existence by chance or originate from an unconventional source

as some might suggest according to the Bible each of us regardless of gender was purposefully

made in the likeness of God in Genesis – it is written then God said let us

make Mankind in our image in our likeness so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky

over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that

move along the ground so God created Mankind in his own image in the image of

God he created them male and female he created them God blessed them and said

to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the Earth and subdue it rule

over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the

ground I appreciate how someone articulated this concept in a video I

once came across they explained when God brought everything else into existence

he commanded something for them to appear for instance he spoke to the

Earth and plants and trees emerged he spoke to the water and

aquatic creatures took form however when it came to creating

man the Bible tells us that God spoke to himself as the Trinity the father Son

and Holy Spirit and it documents that he fashioned man in his own image and

likeness consequently everything is designed as a being connected to a

source which then becomes their natural habitat crucial for their

survival God is Humanity’s natural habitat which is why the Bible teaches

us that we are like lifeless beings without God as long as we follow our own own

ways I find this perspective profound because it underscores how essential God

is in our lives even more so than we might realize after creating Man In His Image

God breathed his own life into him if you continue reading in Genesis you will

see that man was God’s intimate companion God visited Adam regularly and

was the source of Adam’s empowerment this empowerment was evident when Adam

named all the animals God brought before him knowing their names without prior

instruction even when he awoke from a deep sleep to find Eve created he

recognized that she came from him and named her woman for the first time

however when both Adam and Eve Fell From Grace and lost their place in Eden

Humanity entered a life without God’s presence becoming subject to the influence and control of the devil yet

through the sacrificial death and Redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross the Bible assures us that we are

restored to Unity with God and the spirit of God can now reside in us once

again the Holy Spirit the third person of the Trinity exemplifies the

multifaceted nature of God capable of dwelling within our natural bodies

without overwhelming us I believe all these aspects reveal God’s profound love

for his most cherished creation mankind which includes you and me as you peruse

the Bible you’ll come across instances of ordinary individuals becoming

extraordinary when imbued with the presence of God they essentially became

vessels of God everywhere they went people sensed something exceptional

about them this was a exemplified by the faithful Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and

Jacob even in times of famine they prospered when pharaoh and aimik tried

to take Sarah from Abraham God intervened when laan pursued Jacob with

ill intent God cautioned him in a dream when Joseph’s own Brothers pulled him

into slavery out of jealousy the Bible attests that God favor was upon him even

as a slave and prisoner I could go on but I believe you grasp the point my

hope is that this video message will inspire you to earnestly seek after God’s presence until you two become a

carrier of it understand that from the moment you become a child of God his Spirit takes

up residence within you however it’s crucial to actively receive more of his

presence so that it overflows to those around you solidifying your status as a

carrier allow me to provide an example the Bible teaches that we receive the

spirit of God as a guarantee of our inheritance Ephesians –

States and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your

salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seed the promised Holy Spirit who is a

deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the Redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his

glory this occurs at the moment of rebirth but there’s an additional outpouring that results in an overflow

of The Same Spirit extending beyond our individual selves making our lives

conspicuous to others this is precisely what transpired on the day of Pentecost

when the disciples assembled in the upper room and the spirit descended like a powerful wind upon resting on them

they began to speak in other tongues offering praise to God the once timid

Peter who had denied Jesus just days prior stood before a crowd of thousands

and boldly proclaimed the gospel leading , to Christ that my friend is

evidence of the overflowing spirit of God within you then as recorded in Acts

they gathered to pray again and the place shook they were filled with the

spirit once more and began to speak in other tongues preaching the gospel with

unwavering courage even in the face of threats from religious leaders these are clear indicators that

you’ve become a carrier of God’s presence nothing can hinder you because

you are over welmed by someone greater than anything before you do you recall

John you dear children are from God and

have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world allow me to outline some of

the signs that accompany you when you carry the spirit of God’s presence in your

life a hypen confidence in God that results in both boldness when facing

daunting or uncertain situations akin to the courage displayed by figures like

Abraham David Joseph Moses and the disciples at one point people recognized

the audacity and wisdom of the disciples realizing they were ordinary individuals

and attributed this to the influence of Jesus they deduced that the disciples

had spent time with Jesus the Bible even assures us that when the

spirit dwells within us he will supernaturally invigorate our physical

bodies my friend I encourage you to seek the grace to spend more time with the

Lord until others can discern that what they see in you is Not Mere natural

ability while the distractions of the world may seem enticing they are

depriving you of the wondrous life of being a vessel for God to the world the

cost is straightforward devote more and more time to Jesus when you carry the presence of God

you will witness remarkable Supernatural occurrences in your life these

manifestations are referred to as the gifts of the Spirit in the Bible these

gifts are essentially the Overflow of God’s presence within a person impacting

those around them have you ever noticed how a woman was healed simply by

touching Jesus’s clothing without him even laying hands on her or how Peter’s

Shadow brought healing to people as he passed by them on the street consider

the handkerchiefs taken from Paul’s body that were able to heal others think

about David who took down the Giant Goliath with a single Stone from his

slingshot reflect on Joseph’s ability to interpret Pharaoh’s dream effort LLY or

Daniel’s aptitude to reveal King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and its meaning without any prior knowledge all of these

were not the result of human efforts they were the outcomes of individuals who became vessels for the spirit of God

when you stood in their presence they appeared as ordinary individuals much

like you however what set them apart was that wherever they went They Carried God

In God’s Presence anything is possible My Hope Is that these words are stirring

a hunger in your heart for more of God’s presence in your life honestly our world

today needs more than mere verbal professions of faith in Christ they need to tangibly experience God through us

but we cannot give what we do not possess ourselves can we number three

when you carry God’s presence people will find it easier to confide in you about their personal struggles and they

will attest that they feel more secure opening up to you when I was younger I

often heard people say this about men and women of Faith whom I greatly

admired so I began to seek this effect as well until I heard people say it

about me I didn’t go through any special training it was simply the Overflow of

God within me this is precisely what happened between Jesus and the woman at the well she

probably wouldn’t have been as open with strangers about her life but she felt comfortable doing so with the

Savior why there was something calming loving and peaceful about him if you

ever hear this said about you know that it’s not you but rather the presence of

God that you carry number four Joseph is evidence that when you carry God’s

presence you will experience favor the Bible tells us that when a person’s ways

are pleasing to God even their enemies will be at peace with them Joseph was a

slave yet he was elevated to the position of chief steward over his master’s

household when he was falsely accused by his master’s wife and imprisoned he

found favor with both the prison War Wen and his fellow inmates this favor would later speak for

him before Pharaoh granting him the opportunity to utilize his gift in interpreting the King’s dream and saving

countless lives when you carry God’s presence people are inclined to support

and assist you number five another indication of God’s presence in your

life is that you become sensitive to sin and feel uneasy when you encounter sin in your life life or around you anyone

who takes pleasure in sin or Embraces sinful practices is someone lacking the

presence of God no matter how appealing sin may seem you will find that you are

continually Restless even when you do sin you will not find peace until you seek Mercy in

Repentance this is a sign that you carry God’s presence the final Point regarding

these signs is that that your heart will consistently overflow with compassion for others especially for unbelievers or

those in need you will find yourself less judgmental and more truthful always

contemplating how you can contribute to their transformation it will always pain you

to witness people on a path leading away from Jesus and towards

damnation the word of God clearly outlines how to nurture and cultivate

more of the spirit of God’s presence in our lives dedicate time to prayer and

fasting immerse yourself in the study and meditation of scripture share your

faith with others when you engage in these activities you are creating a

channel for the spirit of God to impact the world around you these are not

one-time efforts they must become integral to your way of life you must

seek God’s help in loving him and pursuing him genuinely until you become

a vessel worthy of his use do not request to become his vessel solely for

the purpose of obtaining power that is a self-centered desire and God may not

honor it however with a pure heart devoted to God the more you open

yourself to his presence the more you will discover that demonstrating his presence to others is just one of the

the benefits the primary advantage is that you will consistently enjoy fellowship

with him where he protects you instructs you strengthens you in times of weakness

and comforts you in moments of pain consider this scenario what would you do

if while following God you found yourself standing before the Red Sea

with a ruthless enemy closing in from behind would you agree to be one of the

singers selected by King Jehoshaphat to lead in a battle against three Allied

Nations the accounts of how God intervened for his people in these situations serve as evidence that when

you allow him to fight your battles no matter how formidable your enemies may

be you will not be defeated this message is for you the

child of God do you desire to experience victory over your unfavorable

circumstances then you must let God fight your battles you have exerted Your Own

Strength enough you have toiled in your own power your natural intellect has

brought you to a standstill it is time to introduce the supernatural assistance of God on your

behalf it is understandable for a people who endured over years of slavery to

lose hope when they found themselves El trapped between the Red Sea and the approaching slave masters intent on

enslaving and annihilating them they were men women and children at this

moment there was no distinction of wealth or status among them this was not

the time to inquire about social hierarchies or to Showcase intellectual

prowess everyone was ens snared in the same seemingly hopeless situation they

could not move forward without risking drowning which would negate the purpose of leaving Egypt but they could not turn

back either as their former slave masters were advancing in a battle formation that spell one thing death

they likely had resigned themselves to their fate then God spoke to them

through his servant Moses Exodus

to Moses responded to the people do not be afraid stand firm and you will see the

Deliverance the Lord will bring you today the Egyptians you see today you

will never see again the Lord will fight for you you need only to be still God

was conveying two crucial messages and I am presenting them to you now these two

messages rescued the Israelites before the Red Sea and the Egyptians s and they

are just as powerful in Saving you today number one God declared fear not fear is

a faith killer it extinguishes Faith inhibiting your ability to Envision

possibilities for Faith to come alive it needs to see something based on what God

has said a woman believes she will bear her own child even when told it’s

impossible why because God promised it and she

could see the possibility years ago it was noted that there are approximately

instances in the Bible where the words fear not are used this could be God’s way of

emphasizing that for every day of Our Lives We should strive to reject and

overcome fear in John to we are

reminded Ed that God is love and when we reside in a life of love we dwell in God

and he dwells in Us in this state Love Takes Center Stage matures within us and

expels worry even on Judgment Day our position in the world mirrors that of

Christ love and fear cannot coexist as well formed love casts out fear which is

paralyzing a life filled with fear of death and judgment signifies an

incomplete understanding of love love on the other hand empowers us to face any

challenge with boldness knowing we are not alone Isaiah reassures us that God

regards us as precious and honored and he loves us deeply he is willing to

exchange Nations for our lives we are encouraged to trust that

God has our backs and he will fulfill the desires he has placed in our hearts

he has brought us this far and he will see us through to the end it’s essential

to affirm I refuse to succumb to fear God loves me and is always with me I

choose to stand with him rejecting fear as it is not of God it is a weapon of

the devil and if allowed it will in snare and hinder us from realizing God’s

plans for us god’s second directive is to stand firm a spiritual stance that

requires intentional effort and resolve standing firm means unwavering

faith in God’s ability to fulfill his promises even when external circumstances seem

discouraging it can be challenging especially when it feels like others are succeeding while we may appear to be

stagnating however we are reminded that what works for others outside of God’s

guidance may not be the path he intends for us resisting societal pressures and

trusting in God’s plan is crucial Matthew reassures us that those who stand

firm in their faith will ultimately be saved this applies not only to the great

trials prophesied in the last days but also to our courage struggles standing firm in our

convictions of God’s faithfulness leads to our deliverance in spiritual battles

physical weapons are ineffective instead Corinthians to

advises us to employ Divine weapons that possess the power to dismantle

strongholds and counter false arguments against the knowledge of God thus facing

difficulties be it a difficult boss a false accusation or a challenging family

member requires using spiritual weapons rejecting fear and standing firm in

faith prayer is a potent tool in facing challenges it has the capacity to

transform people influence policies and Al to seemingly hopeless

situations remember if there is a man to pray then there is a God to answer

therefore bring your concerns before God In Prayer knowing that he is eager to

listen and respond standing firm in faith means entrusting your battles to God and then

observing as he takes charge following his lead in the fight he will guide your

steps and provide wisdom on what to say and do this obedience becomes your

Weaponry in spiritual warfare emulate the faith of Moses and

the Israelites facing the Red Sea or King Jehoshaphat in his time of

crisis in trust your battles to God stand firm in your faith and watch him

work wonders in your life just as the troubles you face today will not be seen

tomorrow trust that God is fighting for you let me share a unique perspective on

the holy spirit that you may not have heard before keep an open heart

as this message aims to shed light on this wonderful aspect of God’s presence

within you I’ll also discuss signs that indicate the holy spirit is

communicating with you even if you’re not aware it’s him many Believers hold

various beliefs about the Holy Spirit some view him as God’s breath

associating his presence with the wind others see him as an agent of God’s

judgment judgement when examined closely these perspectives seem to capture

different facets of his true nature the holy spirit is indeed God’s breath but

he is also much more he is a distinct and coequal member of the Trinity along

with God the father and God the son the Bible portrays the holy spirit in

personal terms emphasizing his role as a teacher guide comforter and

intercessor he possesses emotions intellect and will Jesus promised that

the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth and reveal things yet to come he

described the Holy Spirit as our Advocate helper intermediary and

comforter the scriptures affirm the holy spirit’s deity through qualities like

omniscience omnipresence omnipotence and eternality

the holy spirit’s work in our lives is instrumental particularly in our

salvation and sanctification Additionally the Holy

Spirit dwells within Believers permanently serving as the Seal of their

salvation he never abandons them even in moments of sin or

weakness however a True Believer indwelt by the Holy Spirit detests sin more than

their sinful desires now regarding the holy spirit’s

communication one significant aspect of his work is providing guidance comfort

and correction however Discerning his voice can be

challenging here are some indicators that the holy spirit is indeed speaking

to you one you are prompted to exalt Jesus

not yourself or worldly desires this aligns with the Bible’s

guidance to test the spirits and recognize those that acknowledge Jesus

Christ two the Holy Spirit leads you to produce his fruit such as love joy peace

kindness and self-control these promptings guide you in aligning your actions thoughts and

decisions with God’s will in summary understanding the holy spirit’s

multifaceted nature and recognizing his role in our lives is crucial Discerning

his voice involves looking for prompts that prioritize exalting Jesus and

producing his fruit may we continue to seek the holy spirit’s guidance and

honor God in all we do this story illustrates a powerful

truth about God’s protection over his chosen people when his angels are sent

forth for they intervene in our lives byp passing enemy schemes and delivering

us from their snares it’s important to recognize that God’s protection may not always come in

a comfortable or expected manner like the sun’s challenging journey in the

story we may face difficulties or unexpected losses however these are the ways in

which God’s angels work to Shield us from even greater Danger iners the

example of Daniel in the Bible serves as another Vivid illustration despite being a captive in

a foreign land God’s favor and protection were evident in Daniel’s life

however this Prosperity triggered envy and led to a plot against him the

enemies devised a scheme that put Daniel in a life-threatening

situation yet through God’s intervention Daniel was miraculously saved from The

Den of Lions when the king approached the den at Dawn Daniel declared that God had

sent his Angel to shut the mouths of the Lions sparing him from harm furthermore

those who had falsely accused Daniel faced Swift Justice demonstrating the

complete defeat of his adversaries this account emphasizes that God’s angels not only thwart the enemy’s

plans but they also render the elements of their attacks powerless against his chosen ones the promise in job holds

true God frustrates the schemes of the crafty and ensures their attempts are

ultimately fruitless so when God sends his angels to protect his chosen people they may

directly confront and defeat our attackers or they may divert them from pursuing us all together this divine

intervention can manifest in miraculous escapes and hidden Provisions showcasing

the supernatural hand of God at work remember the Assurance in Isaiah

no weapon forged against you will prevail and you will refute every tongue

that accuses you this is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord and this is

their Vindication from me declares the Lord as God’s chosen

we have the promise of his unwavering protection and Vindication certainly I’d be happy to

provide a paraphrased version of the passage

underscore you might be wondering how can I experience greater Angelic

protection in my life let me share three practical steps that can lead to God

sending his angels to watch over you one

embrace your identity as one of God’s chosen people there are two groups recognized in the Bible as God’s chosen

ones first the descendants of Abraham known as the Israelites and second those

who through faith in Jesus Christ are born again when you receive God’s Saving

Grace you become a part of his chosen people to enjoy the Angelic protection

that comes with being a child of God Surrender Your Life to Jesus and

acknowledge his work on the cross this is how you enter God’s family where you

can walk in obedience and honor him Proverbs assures us that when the

Lord Delights in someone’s ways he causes their enemies to make peace with

them additionally God’s angels are always present to guard those who fear

Him and live in obedience to his word it’s not just about claiming membership

in God’s family but truly yielding your life and choices to him when you

prioritize God and commit to living according to his will as outlined in the Bible you can trust in Angelic

protection much like Daniel experienced two cultivate a genuine love

for the Lord and seek Him earnestly Psalm promises that those who love

God will be under the watchful care of his angels when you make God your Refuge

entrust your trust in him and demonstrate genuine love for him he

assures you that no evil will befall you acts of Love towards others and

dedicated service to God with the gifts he has granted you serve as evidence of your passion and pursuit of God when you

love and serve the Lord you need not fear his angels will Safeguard you don’t

be anxious about the challenges ahead those who stand with you are mightier than those who oppose you three don’t

give up on your dreams even in the face of adversity consider Joseph’s story in

Genesis despite facing trials Joseph’s dreams

rejuvenated his spirit and energized his resolve rather than abandoning his

dreams he pursued them with unwavering belief have you ever had a dream that

you let Fade Away Today I encourage you not to abandon it every generation has

been captivated by Joseph’s story because it resonates with universal

themes of struggle resilience and divine intervention God’s hand is unmistakable

as we witness Joseph’s journey through its twists and turns what seems like devastating

setbacks are actually opportunities for God to advance his purposes like Joseph we’re encouraged to

hold on to our dreams knowing that God remains faithful and will see them

through to fruition he is remarkable and he deeply cares for you but God’s promises and his

love for you remain steadfast even in the face of challenges es keep your

faith and trust in him for he is with you always dot when things don’t go as

planned it’s important to remember that God is still with us and cares deeply

about our journey we shouldn’t respond with frustration or anger towards him

but rather we should trust that he has a greater purpose in mind just as Joseph

didn’t give up on his dreams we shouldn’t either God’s primary concern

is our growth and development as mature children capable of sharing in his

Holiness he desires to see us bear the fruits of righteousness while we may be eager to

reach our desired destination God is more interested in the process and the

journey itself he values our loyalty and seeks to shape our character more than he is

concerned with our position or circumstances our relationship with God

is of Paramount importance we mustn’t allow circumstances to dictate our

perspective even on difficult days we can find solace in knowing that God is

always by our side as the Apostle Paul encouraged we should press on toward the

Heavenly prize that God has set before us leaving behind the past and looking

forward to what lies ahead when it comes to our dreams and plans it’s crucial to

bring them before the Lord in prayer while we may have our own intentions and

desires we must recognize that God ultimately has the final say it’s

important to share our aspirations with him explaining why they matter to us and

asking that they align with his will Proverbs reminds us that while we

may make plans in our hearts the ultimate response comes from the Lord

our purity of intent may be self- perceived but it is the Lord who examines our

motives we should commit our actions to the Lord trusting that he will guide us

towards success in summary though we may have dreams and plans we must acknowledge

that God’s wisdom and guidance are Paramount we use our free will to make

decisions but it is ultimately through God’s grace and favor that the final

outcome is determined trusting in his Providence and seeking his will in all our

endeavors is the key to finding true fulfillment and success it’s reassuring to remember that

God is centive to the desires of our hearts when we align our hearts with our

Heavenly savior his perfect will becomes the guiding force behind our innermost

aspirations we all have dreams and goals ranging from personal achievements to

lifechanging Milestones some may be within our immediate grasp While others require

divine intervention it’s crucial to hold on to these dreams regardless of their

magnitude and to trust that God hears and understands our deepest

desires Psalm – provides a comforting promise take Delight in the

Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart commit your way to the Lord

trust in him and he will do this he will make your righteous reward shine like

the dawn your Vindication like the Noonday sun when we deeply desire

something it tends to occupy our thoughts and energies instead of letting these

desires become all consuming we can transform them into prayers and entrust

them to God it’s essential to shift from a mindset of self-reliance to one of

seeking God’s guidance and intervention when our dreams take time

to materialize it’s natural to feel apprehensive however we can exchange our

anxiety for trust by entrusting our dreams to God through prayer we

acknowledge his power to overcome obstacles and bring about the Fulfillment of our heart’s desires as

Jesus taught our heavenly father cares for us as his children just as Earthly

parents strive to provide for their children’s needs God our heavenly father

is even more attentive to our requests he will grant our heartfelt

desires at the right time according to his divine plan it’s important to

remember that you are a cherished child of God he hears and understands your

desires and he will grant them in his perfect timing even if it seems like

he’s not responding trust that everything will unfold according to his Sovereign plan God knows what is best

for you and is attuned to the desires of your heart when the time is right he

will bring your heart’s desires to fruition patience and unwavering faith

in the Lord are key rest rest assured he will grant the desires of your heart

Matthew to emphasizes the trust we can place in our heavenly father you

parents if your children ask for a loaf of bread do you give them a stone

instead or if they ask for a fish do you give them a snake of course not so if

you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more

will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him as God’s

child you can confidently trust your heavenly father to provide good things

for you just as a child trusts their parents to give them what they need

instead of giving up on your dreams or plans seek God’s guidance first and ask

him to help you bring them to fruition remember that God is a loving

and gracious father who has promised to supply all our needs refuse to listen to the lies of

the enemy and instead demonstrate your trust in God by asking him for what you

need and expecting him to provide for he will indeed do


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