God says:- Skip If you Choose Hell | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God says:- Skip If you Choose Hell | God Message Today |

God has a special message only for you

he has been waiting to communicate with

you watch the entire video to receive

his hidden message my dearest child I

address you not with words of reprimand

but with the tender concern of a loving

parent my heart aches to see you

drifting away allowing The Whispers of

Darkness to sway your thoughts and

actions you are wandering on a path

bailed by Illusions unaware of the

perilous destination it leads to it is

time for you to pause to reflect and to

return to the warmth of My Embrace my

presence surrounds you always but you

have grown distant entangled in the

chaotic web spun by the adversary Satan

with his cunning ways seeks to entice

you to lure you away from the light of

Truth into the shadows of Deceit he

prays upon your

vulnerabilities Whispering lies

disguised as truths clouding your

judgment and sowing seeds of Doubt

within your soul I implore you to awaken

from this Slumber to cast aside the veil

of Illusion and to recognize the subtle

manipulations of the enemy do not let

his deceptive Promises of fleeting

Pleasures blind you to the Everlasting

joy that awaits in my presence for the

path he leads you down is treacherous

fraught with pain and devoid of hope you

may find solace in the transient

pleasures of this world but they are but

fleeting Shadows Vanishing into the

abyss of time true fulfillment can only

be found in me in the depths of my love

and the boundless Grace I offer to all

who seek it open your heart to me allow

me to guide you to comfort you and to

lead you towards the path of

righteousness I yearn for you to

experience the fullness of life that

comes from walking in my ways do not be

deceived by the Allure of worldly

distractions for they are but chains

that bind you to emptiness and despair

embrace my love my truth and my light

and you will find Freedom purpose and

everlasting peace know that I am with

you always ready to welcome you back

into my loving arms do not let the

enemy’s grip on your heart grow stronger

for his ultimate aim is to lead you

astray to separate you from me and to

condemn you to the darkness of Eternal

damnation I urge you my child to heed my

words to turn away from the path of

destruction and to return to me with all

your heart spend time in my presence

seek my guidance in prayer and immerse

yourself in my word for in doing so you

will find strength renewal and the

Assurance of my unfailing love remember

my beloved that the choice is yours to

make Choose Wisely for the consequences

of your decisions echo through eternity

I long for you to dwell in the Splendor

of my kingdom to bask in the glory of my

presence and to experience the Eternal

joy that awaits those who walk

Faithfully by my side type Amen in the

comments if you love Jesus

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