God says : Luck will Leave You If You ignore Me | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God says : Luck will Leave You If You ignore Me | God Message Today

my beloved child a powerful force shapes

your life your thoughts these are seeds

planted in the garden of your soul they

have the power to both bind and free you

it’s essential that your thoughts align

with my Truth for they shape your

actions and your growth what you see

hear and consume can change your mind if

you don’t want the world’s noise to

Cloud your thoughts feed them by

dwelling on my word cleanse your

thoughts and root them in what is

right when

negative thoughts try to take over

remember what I think of you it will

break the chains of Shame inferiority or

failure remember I give you the strength

to overcome cast your worries aside for

I care for you

deeply guard your mind for it’s the key

to life when life’s challenges arise

don’t revert to Old Habits or give up

turn to me your creator I offer peace

and rest to your soul focusing on me

calms your mind and eases troubled

thoughts reading my word is like being

embraced by a loving parent seek me

regularly through my word it fills your

mind with goodness accept the truth of

your place in me you are victorious an

overcomer in Christ your life is only

limited by

your thoughts accept my thoughts about

you and let them renew your mind daily

Focus your thoughts on my promises and

Truth let them blossom into positive

feelings free from guilt or shame widen

your perspective to fully grasp the

vastness of my wonderful plan for you

stay rooted in my word for it has the

power to transform your life and

thoughts beloved let my truth fill your

mind and lead your thoughts to victory

in hope if you believe this message can

change your life please like this video

the Pharisees hardened in heart turned

away from Jesus miracles and offer of

Salvation blinded they couldn’t see the

free salvation available to all they

accused Jesus of using demonic power a

grave insult to God they even condemned

his healing their anger and denial of

God’s role in Jesus life were evident

they refused to believe that the

divinely empowered Jesus could free a

possessed man their religious display

lacked true righteousness it’s not

enough to simply be a Christian you must

live in Christ’s ways and show his love

religiousness alone doesn’t ensure a

right standing with God your Eternal

home is determined by your life not just


label God sees beyond appearances and

knows your true desires to

blaspheme against the Holy Spirit or

deny God’s Miracles is a grave error

Miracles demonstrate God’s power don’t

doubt them on Judgment Day every word

will be held accountable examine your

life are you behaving like the

Pharisees repentance and seeking

forgiveness can bring hope God is ready

to save all who come to him remember if

you don’t choose God you align With the

Enemy there’s no middle ground your

choices in life have eternal

consequences before it’s too late turn

away from sin and choose God your

decision matters share this video with

contacts if you love me and subscribe

to stay connected with my voice may my

peace and love guide you

always amen

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