God says:- Last Day to Talk to You Don't Ignore | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God says:- Last Day to Talk to You Don’t Ignore | God Message Today |

God has a special message only for you

he has been waiting to communicate with

you watch the entire video to receive

his hidden message my beloved child it

is with a heavy heart that I reach out

to you once more for I have witnessed

your journey through life with both Joy

and sorrow I have seen you stumble yet I

have also seen you rise but today I come

to you with a message of urgency and

love for I am weary of waiting for you

to heed my call throughout your days I

have whispered to you in the wind

painted my love in the colors of the

sunset and cradled you in the warmth of

the Morning Light I have spoken to you

through the laughter of children the

wisdom of Elders and the beauty of

nature yet amidst the noise of the world

you have struggled to hear my voice

I have watched you chase after fleeting

desires seeking fulfillment in the empty

promises of material wealth and

transient Pleasures you have become lost

in the Maze of your own making

forgetting the true purpose of your

existence but know this my child I have

never abandoned you nor will I ever

today I send you this final plea this

last wakeup call for time is running

short and the path ahead grows dim I

implore you to open your heart to me to

embrace the light of my love and to walk

with me once more for in my presence you

will find the peace that surpasses all

understanding the joy that knows no

bounds and the strength to face whatever

trials may come your way do not delay my

child for tomorrow is not promised and

the hour of Reckoning draws near come to

me with humility and Contrition and I

will welcome you with open arms cast

aside the shackles of Pride and

self-righteousness and let my grace wash

over you like a cleansing tide remember

the words of my prophets and Messengers

who spoke of my infinite mercy and

unfailing love let their stories be a

Guiding Light in the darkness leading

you back to me your Creator and Redeemer

for I am the Alpha and the Omega the

beginning and the end the source of all

life and the sustainer of all things do

not be deceived by the illusions of this

world my child for they are but fleeting

Shadows compared to the Eternal truth of

my love seek first the kingdom of heaven

and all else shall be added unto you

trust in me with all your heart and I

will direct your paths I long to commune

with you daily to share in your Joys and

Sorrows your triumphs and failures let

every moment be an opportunity to draw

closer to me to surrender your will to

mine and to bask in the glory of my

presence for in me alone will you find

true fulfillment and everlasting peace

peace the choice is yours my child will

you continue to wander in the wilderness

of your own making or will you humble

yourself before me and embrace the

Abundant Life that I offer the time has

come to decide type Amen in the comments

if you love Jesus

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