God says:- It's Time to Say Goodbye If You Skip me | God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator

God says:- It’s Time to Say Goodbye If You Skip me | God Message Today |

God has a special message only for you

he has been waiting to communicate with

you watch the entire video to receive

his hidden message my child I have

watched over you with love and patience

guiding you through the winding Paths of

life waiting for you to heed my call yet

as I look upon your journey I cannot

help but feel a profound sorrow for the

distance that still lies between us

I have sent signs and Whispers messages

woven into the fabric of your existence

urging you to awaken to the truth of

your being but alas it seems that my

efforts have fallen upon deaf ears and

my patience has worn thin I am tired my

child tired of waiting for you to

recognize the Divinity within yourself

tired of watching you stumble blindly

through the illus iions of the material

world and tired of witnessing the pain

you inflict upon yourself and others

each passing moment is a reminder of the

precious time that you squander ignoring

the call of your soul and the purpose

for which you were created this is not a

message of anger or punishment but one

of urgency and love for I cannot bear to

see you continue down this path of

self-destruction any longer

you were meant for so much more than the

life you are currently living Shackled

by fear doubt and Earthly desires it

pains me to see you deny the infinite

potential that lies dormant within you

waiting to be Unleashed upon the world I

have given you free will my child and it

is ultimately up to you to choose the

path you will walk but know this the

time for indecision and procrastination

has come to an end I cannot wait forever

for you to awaken from your Slumber and

embrace the truth of your existence this

is your final chance your last

opportunity to heed my call and align

yourself with the Divine Purpose that

awaits you do not mistake my words for

threats or ultimatums but rather as a

loving nudge to propel you forward on

your spiritual journey you are capable

of so much more than you realize my

child but you must be willing to let go

of the limitations that bind you and

step into the light of your own Divine

Essence I will always be here for you

waiting with open arms to welcome you

home whenever you are ready but know

that the longer you delay the harder it

will be to find your way back to me the

choice is yours my child will you

continue to sleepwalk through life life

or will you finally awaken to the truth

of who you are and the infinite

possibilities that await you I love you

more than you can possibly imagine and

it is my greatest desire to see you

fulfill Your Divine Destiny but the time

for waiting is over the time for Action

is now type Amen in the comments if you

love Jesus

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