God Says: If You Need Rest For Your Soul Open Now | God's Daily Messages | Daily Message From God - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: If You Need Rest For Your Soul Open Now | God’s Daily Messages | Daily Message From God

dear friend are you living the Abundant

Life Jesus came to give I’m not talking

about living in the fanciest house or

driving the newest car no his promise of

Abundant Life Goes Way Beyond material

things that this world offers Abundant

Life means life to the full that means

no matter what is going on around you

you stay in faith because you know God

is still in control it means having

peace in the midst of a storm being a

ble to sleep at night and having good

relationships you can have joy when

things are uncertain it’s easy to look

at that verse and think God is going to

give me Abundant Life someday but the

truth is that God wants you to have

Abundant Life today don’t waste another

second living in mediocrity or settling

for less than God’s best no it’s time to

shake off that barely get by attitude

and let go of what didn’t work out

instead make room to receive his hope

Joy strength and favor declare that you

are living the Abundant Life every day

God wants to give you rest he wants to

refresh and restore your soul it’s so

easy sometimes to get caught up in the

busyness of life before long your mind

will and emotions are so spun up that

you can barely think straight but even

in the hustle of life you can find rest

ease and relaxation that’s what God has

has for you he wants you to enjoy your

life he wants you to come to him so he

can take care of everything that

concerns you imagine how you would feel

if someone came up to you today and said

give me all of your monthly bills I’m

going to pay them you’d get pretty

excited wouldn’t you but it wouldn’t

happen until you did your part to

actually hand that person your bills

they can’t pay them for you if you never

release them in the same way when we

release our cares and concerns to God he

promises to take care of them today

choose to release your cares to the Lord

let him fill you with his peace and joy

receive the rest that he promises and

enjoy the Fulfillment and blessing he

has for you a prayer for today father

thank you for sending your son Jesus so

that I can have eternal life I know that

you want the best for me help me to keep

my heart and mind focused on you so that

I can walk in your ways all the day of

my life father today I humbly come to

you I choose to cast my cares on you so

that I can live in your rest thank you

for your goodness to me help me find

ways to share your goodness with those

around me today in Jesus name amen like

if you believe in


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