God Says: If You Are A True Christian, Don't Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God's message today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: If You Are A True Christian, Don’t Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

God is urging you to release your
anxieties and fears and surrender
everything to him
he will take away your worries and
envelop you in his love he will
demonstrate his strength in your life
and showcase the wonderful things he can
achieve you will soon find yourself in a
joyful and rewarding situation
your energy will overflow bringing joy
and Faith to all those around you be
receptive to the benefits that are on
their way tight yes if you are ready
your story is on the cusp of taking the
new turn soon you’ll be able to share
your successful Journey with others as a
tale of triumph over challenges you’re
currently witnessing the removal of
every Challenge from your past get ready
for some wonderful news your situation
is changing
and doors to countless benefits are
swinging open due to the universe’s
alignment with you
you are in a situation where Miracles
can happen open your heart to the
positive changes that are heading your
way every setback you’ve experienced has
led you to this great alignment be
prepared and hold steadfast in your
belief in miracles
when you’re ready write amen
have faith that the unknown can bring
you the most beautiful blessings
surrender to the present moment and
release your fears allow life to provide
whatever is necessary for your growth
and to fulfill your true potential put
your plans into action right now you’ve
already invested effort and possessed
the abilities skills and tools required
for success
believe in your ability to succeed and
believe in yourself
your life is becoming filled with peace
abundance and happiness as Divine
blessings flow toward you like a gentle
River embrace the love and grace that
the universe is pouring into you by
opening your heart
your dreams and aspirations are
manifesting in extraordinary ways in
perfect alignment with your true purpose
feel the presence of angels surrounding
you guiding and protecting you
throughout your journey
type Amen in the comments and get
blessed today

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