God Says: I Will Smile Again, If You Watch | Jesus Affirmations | God Message - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: I Will Smile Again, If You Watch | Jesus Affirmations | God Message



my beloved child say these words out

loud and keep them close to your heart

people who have been washed in the

powerful blood of Jesus my Lord are not

cursed or bound it’s not a coincidence

that you read or heard these words right

when you needed them you felt my call to

talk to you for days and today you gave

me permission to listen and renew our

promise I bless you I hear your prayer

and you must believe this to stay calm

and stressfree it’s not true that your

words haven’t broken through the ceiling

and are still going to hurt you from the

start I’ve always heard you my ears have

never been closed to your prayers and

they will stay open even when you cry

out in pain in fact I can tell that you

are sincere and humble because I don’t

find anything offensive about you please

talk to me please speak up finding a

place in your thoughts is a good thing a

tender praise and pure worship your

words are the echo of your thoughts talk

to me about your worries fears hopes

dreams needs plans and doubts talk to me

because I’m your friend I understand

your need for peace and comfort because

you have been hit hard by bad luck and

the cruel words of others have broken

your spirit leaving you short of breath

you need something more you need

strength my word will give you strength

in times of trouble you will be strong

when you feel weak and you will not be

afraid when you feel faint you will hold

on to my

promise also come to me when your path

gets too hard to Bear don’t forget that

I’m always with you you will be blessed

on your journey so don’t let doubt stop

you I bless you because I want to and

because I love you I shower you with

kindness and favor because you are dear

to me warm and loved a true friend I

love you forever and will never end I

need to change my mind or adapt to the

times if you believe in me Rivers of

Life Will flow from inside you if you

trust me I will give you the strength

courage and spirit to beat the forces of

evil I’m not going to leave you or

forget about you all the promises in my

word will come true for you today if you

believe that your sins have already been

forgiven if you are ready to forget

about your mistakes and bury your past

and if you accept the love of an eternal

all powerful God this is a unique day

that you will never forget it’s a day of

life and victory please get ready for

battle because you have chosen to trust

me I will prove that my plan for you is

real get ready for a new season of

Supernatural and always remember this I

understand I’m with you all the time you

should recommit to your faith today as

you read these words share this video

with your contacts if you love me and

also subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my voice

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