my beloved child I come to you with
boundless joy and pride for In This
Moment the cosmos aligns to deliver a
message of divine affirmation and
encouragement you dear Soul have been
chosen to receive this sacred
transmission not by chance but by the
intricacies of fate and the guidance of
celestial design know that you are
cherished beyond measure and your
journey has been witnessed with profound
admiration and love as you read these
words let them resonate deep within your
being for they carry the essence of my
unwavering faith in your purpose and
potential each step you have taken every
Triumph and trial you have faced has
been woven into the grand tapestry of
your existence painting a portrait of
resilience and growth that fills my
heart with unbounded delight my child I
see the dreams that dance within the
sacred chambers of your heart flickering
like stars against the canvas of
Eternity your aspirations your hopes
your deepest desires they are not mere
fantasies but reflections of the Divine
spark that ignites within you do not
doubt the validity of your dreams for
they are the Whispers of your soul
calling you towards your truest path in
the tapestry of creation you are a
masterpiece a symphony of light and
Shadow joy and sorrow woven together in
Perfect Harmony embrace the complexity
of your being for within it lies the key
to unlocking the fullness of your
potential you are a vessel of infinite
possibilities a beacon of light amidst
the vast expanse of existence do not
falter in the face of adversity for
every challenge you encounter is but a
stepping stone on the path to Greatness
embrace the lessons that hardship brings
for they are The Crucible in which your
strength and resilience are forged
remember my child that the darkest
nights often precede the Dawn and within
the depths of Despair the seeds of
transformation are sown I am proud of
the person you are becoming for you have
weathered storms that would have
shattered lesser Souls your compassion
your empathy your unwavering Spirit they
are Testaments to the boundless love
that resides within you never doubt the
impact of your presence in the world for
you are a Beacon of Hope and a sea of
uncertainty know that you are never
alone on your journey for I walk beside
you every step of the way guiding you
with the Gentle Touch of divine grace
trust in the wisdom of your intuition
for it is the voice of my presence
Whispering words of guidance and wisdom
into the depths of your soul when doubt
clouds your vision listen to the song of
your heart for it will always lead you
home as you stand on the threshold of
your destiny know that the Universe
conspires in your favor aligning the
Stars to pave the way for your Ascent
your dreams are not distant mirages but
tangible realities waiting to be claimed
believe in yourself my child for you are
capable of achieving greatness Beyond
Your Wildest imagination in the tapestry
of creation you are a luminary a Beacon
of Hope shining brightly amidst the
darkness your journey is a testament to
the resilience of the human Spirit a
testament to the power of love to
conquer all embrace the radiant truth of
your being and watch as the world
unfolds before you in a symphony of
endless possibility amen
God I been giving messages no reply received. Iyou know my will