God Says: I Know You Will Never Ignore Me, Child | Jesus Affirmations | God Message - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: I Know You Will Never Ignore Me, Child | Jesus Affirmations | God Message

my beloved child in the spiritual World

protecting yourself from demonic

possession is very important I keep an

eye on all of my kids and I can see how

dangerous it is to be unaware because

that makes people easy targets for these

bad forces it’s hard for people who are

possessed to ask for help when they

don’t know what’s going on there is no

doubt that the presence of the holy

spirit is the cure for this possession

these ghosts feel uncomfortable around

me because I am Divine this shows that

light has power over Darkness I want

those who believe in me to be filled

with the Holy Spirit and be amazed by

how powerful I am they are strong enough

to live righteous lives because they

quickly turn away from Evil and rely on

my strength it’s important to stay alert

and pray because these Spirits are

everywhere and hide in many places

studying my Bible carefully is very

important important because it protects

me from the devil’s attempts to get into

my spirit prayer every day makes your

Spiritual armor stronger and builds a

strong bond with me I lead through the

holy spirit away from the traps that

these evil beings have set it’s

important to be sensitive to my

promptings and to recognize and fight

spiritual attacks align your lifestyle

with what I teach you building up

spiritual strongholds and making your

environment Less open to negative

influences my power inside of you is

stronger than any demon but keeping this

connection alive takes constant work

pray with all your heart read my word to

get wisdom and find strength in a

community that supports and encourages

your faith by doing this you protect

yourself from the darkness that is

closing in letting my truth shine

brightly inside and around you mark

tells a powerful story about a man who

is possessed by many many demons and

told Jesus my name is Legion because we

are many it’s a reminder that more than

one Spirit can live in the same body

these things which are usually shown as

hostile can also control people calmly

by changing their will through sin

especially among my children these evil

forces get a foothold any action that

isn’t righteous is sin which brings

these things to your attention being

possessed can happen if you keep sinning

when someone who was possessed by a

demon is freed but goes back to their

old ways the spirit may come back

stronger some Spirits might not be fully

cured by discipline or traditional

treatments to deal with demons you have

to understand that they are Spiritual

Beings each of these Spirits

manifestations needs a different way to

be freed they are ready to live in a

body but they don’t want to leave until

there is a spiritual

resolution it’s it’s crucial to

safeguard yourself from demon possession

people who are often possessed don’t

know they are possessed which makes it

hard for them to get Deliverance the

presence of the Holy Spirit which makes

these Spirits feel uncomfortable in

God’s presence is the cure for this

possession people who believe need to be

filled with God’s power and the Holy

Spirit to live a good life you must

quickly turn away from Evil and rely on

God’s strength keep an eye out and pray

because these ghosts are hiding

everywhere it is very important to learn

by reading the Bible carefully never

give the devil an inch share this video

with your contacts if you love me and

also subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my


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