my beloved child discuss your mistakes
with me and be open to the lessons I
wish to teach you I am here to help you
grow remember this My Chosen One You Are
Holy and dearly loved though you are not
without imperfections or sin I see you
through the radiant lens of my
righteousness you are clothed in my
perfect righteousness forever moreover
you are dearly loved let this profound
truth sink deep into your heart mind and
spirit beloved it is your truest
identity when you gaze upon your
reflection say to yourself I am my
beloveds repeat these words throughout
your day and before you sleep anchored
in the perfect love of the king of glory
you find a solid foundation for your
life with your identity securely rooted
in me you can extend compassion kindness
humility gentleness and patience to
knowing that the Holy Spirit within you
will help he Delights in living through
you blessing you and those around you I
will bless my people with peace This
Promise is for all who trust me as their
savior so when anxiety looms offer this
prayer Jesus bless me with your peace
this simple plea connects you to me and
opens you to my peace peace and trust in
me are intimately intertwined the more
you lean on me with confident dependence
the less fear will grip your heart if
your trust in me remains steadfast you
need not fear even in the face of
troubling news rest assured this world
may Harbor bad news but I am not ringing
my hands in helplessness I am constantly
at work even in the most dire situations
bringing good out of evil my kingdom is
about transformation and I invite you to
join me in this endeavor live as a child
of the light together we will draw
others out of darkness and into the
transforming light of my presence you
will find me when you search for me with
all your heart this task is both
delightful and challenging spending time
in my presence is a privilege reserved
for those who know me as Savior and Lord
to fully benefit from this precious
experience seek me with your whole heart
though your mind May often be Tangled
and distracted ask my spirit to guard
your thoughts and protect your heart
from distractions distortions anxieties
and other snares this will help you
unscramble your thoughts and calm your
heart freeing you to search for me
unhindered I want you to seek me not
only in moments of quiet but also in the
midst of your daily activities your
remarkable mind can focus on me even
amidst busyness the simple prayer Jesus
Keep Me aware of your presence can be
like soft background music playing
continually beneath your other mental
activities when your mind remains fixed
on me you will find perfect peace I will
restore to you the joy of my salvation
when you come to me with a humble heart
and confess your sins I gladly forgive
you but there is more I restore to you
the salvation of your soul is a source
of inexpressible and glorious Joy I
desire for you to experience the Deep
pleasure of a close relationship with me
once more I long to be your first love
in a world filled with distractions and
competing demands
it is essential to keep me first in your
heart when routines become tedious
duties pause and remember who I am the
king of kings the Lord of lords the
Creator the sustainer of this vast
Universe spend extra time in worship and
adoration before bringing your other
prayers and petitions this will awaken
your heart to the glory of my presence
and to the joy of knowing me share this
video with your contacts if you like
love me and also subscribe to the
channel to stay connected
with my voice
Heaven my ALMIGHTY my jesus I want to see you hold my hands never leave my hands TOGETHER God you and me walking around the garden. Dreaming to happen soon. LOVE you jesus ALWAYS for EVER and EVER