God Says, I Am Sorry You Are Too Busy For Me! | God Message Today | Jesus Says | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says, I Am Sorry You Are Too Busy For Me! | God Message Today | Jesus Says |

God says today if you love me then don’t

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till the very end gratitude should be your constant

companion for the gifts bestowed upon

you the opportunities that lay before

you and the empowerment granted for

significant Endeavors stay connected

with me cherishing our companionship as

you now navigate the twists and turns of


journey amidst the chaos and

distractions of the world remember to

keep your focus on me in my presence you

will find boundless Joy regardless of

the challenges that may rise your

Victory is assured for through my

sacrificial love and miraculous

Resurrection I have already already

secured Triumph for

you reflect deeply on the profound love

that binds us together transcending

Earthly imperfections and elevating you

to a realm of eternal light and Glory

your soul eternally intertwined with

mine is the essence of your

transformation from glory to greater

glory do not be discouraged by perceived

imperfections for you are continually

being shaped in my image as you fix your

gaze upon me I become your Perpetual

Focus guiding you toward ever Greater

Heights of joy and

fulfillment embrace the Splendor of the

mind I have bestowed upon you allowing

it to engage on multiple plain

simultaneously and every moment remain

mindful of my presence drawing strength

and encouragement from our divine

connection offer gratitude for all that

I have given you and stay in communion

with me cherishing our companionship as

you journey through life know that you

are loved immeasurably and that victory

is yours now and forever more

my cherished child I am intimately

acquainted with the trials that bese you

yet never forget that I am your

unwavering strength the melody that

resonates within your heart in moments

of weariness when you feel you can

Journey no further know that I am mighty

enough to Bear you

onward I Empower you to to synchronize

your soul with mine whether in moments

of Jubilation or in the face of

adversity you my beloved carry within

you a competence that stems from me an

amalgamation of your innate talents and

my Supernatural

endowment let not Pride overshadow your

accomplishments for they merely scratch

the surface of the boundless cap

abilities I have bestowed upon you your

journey as a fusion of your unique gifts

and I Divine empowerment I beckon you to

dwell in joyful Reliance upon me to seek

my purpose for your life through the

exploration of scriptures and the

pursuit of my

presence Express gratitude for the

Myriad blessings I have bestowed upon

upon you the opportunities that lay

before you and the empowerment of your

spirit stay in communion with me

cherishing our companionship as you

navigate the twists and turns of life in

my presence you shall find boundless Joy

transcending the turmoil of this

fractured world and your personal

tribulations know that victory is

already yours secured through my

sacrificial love and miraculous


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