God Says: I Am In Your Room Right Now Don't Ignore Me | Jesus message| God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: I Am In Your Room Right Now Don’t Ignore Me | Jesus message| God Message Today



my beloved child I am your food and your

quick help when you are tired I will

help you get up when you feel down all

you have to do is look for me and you

will find me anyone who asks will

receive anyone who looks for will find

and anyone who knocks will be let in I

go with you everywhere if you’re having

a hard time just trust me take heart

because I am with you and will keep you

strong I am your God I will always be

there for you and help you with the

right hand of my righteousness if doubts

try to bother you scold them in my name

never stop praying to find me and always

think about what I said please remember

these words beloved child trust what I

tell you beloved daughter it’s time to

get up and let go of your excuses and

all the things that are making you feel

bad you have shown strength I have seen

what you have been through but now is

the time to move forward don’t pay

attention to what other people say and

stay away from the path of the wicked

they want to trip you up but they don’t

understand that I will help you get back

up they don’t know that my spirit is

with you I have sent a whole Army of

angels to protect you they will keep you

safe and protect you from all harm I

have made a way for you A Way marked

with your name in Miracles and blessings

don’t leave my paths don’t take the easy

way out you might want to take the

Narrow Path path but the end result is

not good everything will go more

smoothly for you if you follow my rules

I know that being a Christian isn’t easy

but you will win in the end and the

people who said bad things about your

choices will be silenced they will shut

up and agree with you that you were

right the whole time my child all you

need to do is be patient and think

things over calmly loved daughter

everything will be revealed at the right

time you will see see everything I have

saved for you my glory will show up in

your life and many good things will

happen to you open your arms and let my

promises come into your life let me live

inside of you by opening your heart

never fear I will be with you in every

moment of your life whether things are

going well or not I will be with you and

give you strength you will rise like

eagles and your enemies won’t be able to

see you fall you will rise with all your

strength to reach your goals and dreams

I will show you the way and be with you

on your trip it is very important that

you make time in your schedule to talk

to me about your experiences discuss

your problems and let me know what you

need I will give you what you need and

calm the storm during hard times I will

bring peace and calm in the midst of

storms don’t let the darkness bother you

you are not the only one going through

this do not forget that I am with you

feel my presence and let me strengthen

your soul raise you up and give you the

strength of an eagle you won’t give up

you’ll keep going with a positive

attitude and a head held high it’s

written in your DNA that you were born

to win your destiny is bright you will

conquer this test and you will come out

on top in every storm trust what I tell

you my child believe what I say to you

my beloved daughter you will see that my

blessings come at the right time just

keep praying with all your heart and

trusting me promise me you will share

this video with your contacts if you

love me and also subscribe to the


channel to stay connected

with my voice

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