God Says, I Am Commanding You To Watch My Last Message | God message jesus |

super thanks for embracing Grace and

reflection in your life your humility

and gratitude are inspiring if you’re

seeking peace and perspective consider

joining our Channel membership for

ongoing support and

encouragement as you lay your head down

to sleep trust the night to me I do not

Slumber I am the one who walk Watches

Over You guarding you and loving you let

not the challenges you face distract you

from my everpresent help super thanks

for trusting me with your rest and

safety your faith and my protection as a

gift if you’re seeking peace and

Assurance consider joining our Channel

membership for continue support and



should you find yourself in a valley a

place of Shadow and uncertainty fear not

I am the Good Shepherd and in the valley

I am just as present as on the

mountaintops my light shines brightest

in the darkness leading you through and



you super thanks for Walking With Me

Through The Valleys of Life your trust

in my guidance is unwavering if you’re

seeking strength and comfort consider

joining our Channel membership for

ongoing support and

encouragement remember too that I

Rejoice with you in your moments of

Celebration I am the father who Delights

in the joy of his children dance and I

dance with you laugh and my heart sings

every good gift comes from me so let

your gratitude rise like

incense super thanks for celebrating

with me in the joys of Life your

happiness brings joy to my heart if

you’re seeking deeper gratitude than Joy

consider joining our Channel membership

for ongoing support and

encouragement finally

know that your journey is not a solitary

one I have given you fellow Travelers

brothers and sisters to walk with you

share your burdens and share your Joys

live in community for it is in loving

one another that you experience the

fullness of my

love super thanks for embracing

community and fellowship your

willingness to walk alongside others is

truly inspiring if you’re seeking deeper

connections and support consider joining

our Channel membership for ongoing

encouragement and

fellowship as you continue to walk the

path I have laid before you look for me

talk to me lean on me I am here always

ready always willing to show you the

depth of my love the power of my might

and the tenderness of my

care super thanks for journeying with me

and trusting in my love your

faithfulness is a beacon of light in the

world if you’re seeking deeper intimacy

and guidance consider joining our

Channel membership for ongoing support



encouragement you are mind and my heart

is for you now and forever more Rejoice

for I have made this day for you a

vessel of potential a Channel of

blessings waiting to be discovered and

joy and poured out into the lives of


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