God Says, "I AM CLOSING THIS ONE DOOR..." God's Message Now - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says, “I AM CLOSING THIS ONE DOOR…” God’s Message Now

my beloved child hear these words from

the depths of my

heart I am closing this chapter in your

life let these words resonate within the

chambers of your soul for they carry the

weight of divine intention and a love

that surpasses all

understanding my dear one listen listen

closely to what I have to

say it’s time for a

change a new chapter in your

life when I say this chapter is

closing don’t see it as just an

ending it’s a purposeful shift Guided by

my Infinite

Wisdom this closing isn’t a sad goodbye

but a way to open doors to New

Beginnings it’s like turning the page to

the next part of my perfect plan for

you hold on to faith in this moment

because I’m not a god of

stopping I am a God who keeps creating

shaping and making things

better take a moment moment to look back

at the chapter wrapping up think about

what you have learned how you have grown

and the good things that have

happened gratitude is like a key that

helps you understand why certain doors


closing a heartful of Thanks goes along

with what I have planned bringing peace

and Trust

as this chapter ends get ready for the

start of a new

one I am leading you to more blessings

unexpected chances and

alignment with what I have planned for


life your journey is like a pattern in a

beautiful design crafted by my Divine


spend time talking to me in

prayer let me guide

you and I will show you why things

happened the way they


did I will give you the wisdom to

understand my

plans and the closing chapter and the

courage to step into the new

one remember my child that I love you

more than you can

imagine the closing I am bringing isn’t

the backing away it’s like a warm ambis

steering you away from things that might

hold back your spiritual and personal

growth trust in me let go of your plans

and you will see the amazing plan

I have for your life

unfolding I am there with you at every

closing every opening and every step on


journey just be calm trust and

remember I am

God be blessed in my name say and type


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