GOD SAYS: DON'T TRY TO IGNORE ME | Gods message today - Free AI Voice Generator

GOD SAYS: DON’T TRY TO IGNORE ME | Gods message today

my child as we delve into the scriptures

let us first acknowledge the incredible

blessings that flow from the Divine

Source in the words of Proverbs

the blessing of the Lord makes

rich and he adds no sorrow with it let

this truth resonate in our hearts as we

open ourselves to the abundance of God’s

love isn’t it amazing to wake up every

morning knowing that each day is a gift


above as the Divine declares in Psalm

this is the day that the Lord has

made let us rejoice and be glad in it

let this be our daily Mantra a reminder

to embrace the blessings that surround

us family friends love these are all

Divine gifts that enrich Rich our

lives in Thessalonians

– we’re reminded to Rejoice always

pray without ceasing give thanks in all

circumstances for this is the will of

God in Christ Jesus for you let

gratitude be the foundation of our joy

type Amen to affirm your belief and

speaking of Joy nothing brings more joy

than and acts of

kindness Galatians reminds us to

Bear one another’s burdens and so

fulfill the law of

Christ as we reach out to others we

become vessels of God’s love spreading

His blessings far and wide in moments of

darkness when life feels challenging

remember the comforting words of Isaiah

fear not for I Am With You you be

not dismayed for I am your God I will

strengthen you I will help you I will

uphold you with my righteous right

hand God’s light always shines through

guiding us our faith is a journey and in

that Journey we find inspiration in the

stories of the

Bible consider the story of David and

Goliath a reminder that even in the face

of seemingly the insurmountable odds

faith and courage can lead us to

Victory let’s Channel our inner David

when facing our own Giants the teachings

of Jesus are a Wellspring of

wisdom in Matthew

he says you are the light of the

world a city set on a hill cannot be

hidden let us strive to be that light

Illuminating the lives of those around

around us with love compassion and the

blessings of God remember God has a plan

for each one of us in Jeremiah

we’re assured for I know the plans

I have for you declares the Lord plans

for welfare and not for evil to give you

a future and a hope trust in his plan

and let his blessings unfold in your

life Life As We conclude this uplifting

Journey let the message of blessings

resonate within you may you go forth

with a heart filled with gratitude a

Spirit strengthened by faith and the

knowledge that you are divinely

blessed until next time may God’s grace

be with you




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