God Says: Don't Show Your Hate By Skipping This Message | Jesus Affirmations | God's message today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Don’t Show Your Hate By Skipping This Message | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

my child
I want you to experience my presence in
every facet of your life when you’re
bubbling over with joy know that I
celebrate with you your happiness brings
me joy as well for your well-being is
close to my heart in moments of Triumph
when you conquer challenges and achieve
your goals I am your biggest cheerleader
and in those difficult moments when the
road seems tough when you’re not sure if
you can take another step remember that
I am holding your hand
with me by your side you are stronger
than you think and you can face any
obstacle my child you have a purpose on
this Earthly Journey Your Existence is
not accidental you are here for a reason
as you navigate through life trust in my
plan for you my plan is like a tapestry
woven with threads of Love purpose and
Destiny every experience you have every
person you meet and every challenge you
overcome are threads that contribute to
the Masterpiece of your life
type in and in the comments if you
believe when fear grits your heart and
uncertainty clouds your thoughts I want
you to know that I am the rock you can
cling to I am your refuge and your
strength with me you are safe from the
storms that may rage around you when
life’s winds threaten to knock you off
your feet hold on to me and I will
anchor you together we will weather the
storms and you will emerge stronger and
more resilient beloved child I see the
dreams you hold in your heart the
aspirations that light up your eyes know
that I am the source of your dreams and
I want to see them come to fruition your
potential is Limitless for I have placed
within you the seeds of greatness
nurture those seeds with faith and
perseverance and watch them grow into
beautiful realities remember my love for
you is boundless and unwavering you are
never alone in this journey I am the
constant Presence by your side it
guiding you with love and wisdom I
listen to your every prayer your every
whisper and I hold your hopes and fears
in my heart you are cherished beyond
measure and I am invested in your
happiness and well-being
as you continue to walk this path of
life trust in my guidance and lean on my
strength you are more capable than you
realize and I believe in your ability to
overcome challenges and achieve your
dreams let my love be the beacon that
guides you the anchor that grounds you
and the source of inspiration that fills
your days with purpose and joy type Amen
in the comments and get blessed today

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