God Says : Don't Let this Drag You Down Any Longer - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says : Don’t Let this Drag You Down Any Longer

my dearest child I want you to know deep within your heart that your past no

matter how difficult or painful does not determine your worth or value in my eyes

you are a new creation in Christ Jesus washed clean and reborn by the power of his blood the mistakes failures wounds

and hurts from your past no longer have any power or authority over you I have

forgiven you completely and see you as righteous blameless and beautiful through the Perfection of my son it

brings unspeakable joy when my beloved children truly grasp the depth the width

the height of my unconditional love and bottomless Mercy towards them every single morning my compassion and grace

are fresh new and unlimited like the sunrise sweeping away the darkness of night no matter what struggles trials or

pain you faced yesterday you can be absolutely confident that my faithful steadfast love will never ever run dry

or be exhausted each and every day I lovingly invite invite you to release the heavy

weights of Shame regret and condemnation that you may still carry from your past

instead receive my complete Mercy forgiveness and strength to walk in Freedom and victory each step of the

journey ahead my child there is now no condemnation for you for you are in

Christ Jesus as far as the East is from the West so far have I removed your transgressions from you I Delight in you

with gladness and my unwavering love for you will endure forever be strong and

courageous my beloved one take heart for I have overcome the world and all that would seek to entangle you rest in my

presence renew your strength receive my grace daily you are chosen cherished

redeemed when the ultimate sacrifice was made for you on the cross it covered every single one of your sins past

present and future this incredible Act of Love cleansed and redeemed you completely making you righteous

blameless and pure in my sight to continue clinging to guilt and self-

condemnation after this powerful display of Grace actually diminishes its true meaning and significance it keeps you

needlessly trapped in a cycle of negative thinking instead of walking freely in the beautiful forgiveness and

Liberty I have so graciously provided I long for you to fully Embrace and receive my complete forgiveness not

just for your own sake but for the sake of others too as you learn to release your own

past and accept my vast bottomless Mercy over your life you will cultivate even

greater Wells of compassion and Grace to extend to those around you your story of

redemption healing and restoration can become a Bright Light Of Hope to others still lost in darkness you will come to

reflect my heart more and more as you practice forgiving yourself and others just as I have forgiven you you are not

defined by your mistakes and regrets you are defined by my perfect unconditional

love for you you the past is washed away and your future is filled with hope and purpose take my hand receive my

forgiveness aresh today and walk with me into the Abundant Life I have waiting for you new mercies and New Beginnings

are here for you each morning today I am welcoming you into a new season

unhindered by what lies behind I have so much in store for you still dreams to fulfill purposes to step into people to

love but you must be willing to let go of the old so your hands are open to embrace the new life I have for you I

long to do a fresh work in and through you forgiving yourself does not mean your past choices were right or without

consequence rather it means trusting that my grace is enough to call you restore you and Empower you to move

forward it is believing I am greater than your past and I can redeem even the most painful parts of your story for

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