God Says: Do You Have 1 Minute For Me? | Jesus Affirmations | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Do You Have 1 Minute For Me? | Jesus Affirmations | God Message Today


my beloved child learn to depend on me

more and more the places where my

powerful presence meets you are exactly

the ones where I fully understand how

weak you are your weakness and my

strength work well together making a

beautiful balance that was planned for

you before you were born it’s when

you’re weak that my power works best

this truth may seem strange and against

Comm sense but it is true lean on me

when you feel like you’re not good

enough or too busy remember that you and

I are more than enough when we work

together consider holding my hand I am

the one who grabs your right hand and

tells you don’t be afraid I will help

you I want you to depend on me even when

you think you can handle things on your

own to do this you need to be aware of

both my presence and how much you depend

on me be be careful not to tie your

selfworth to how well you do talk to me

about it if you’re unhappy with

something you said or did please ask me

to help you figure out what is truly

sinful and what is not say sorry for any

sins you know you’ve done and I will

forgive you feel free because you know

you are my beloved child and will always

be found not guilty the people who

belong to me are not judged I see how

valuable you are so don’t judge yourself

your flaws remind you that you are human

and humble you which makes it easier for

you to connect with other flawed people

accept being humbled it’s a good thing

that keeps you from being proud thank

you that things are happening to you

that make you less proud and bring you

closer to me accept all of my love which

is priceless and never changes I want

you to be thinking more and more about

me self focus is what what most people

do by default and even my followers can

fall into it which slows their growth in

Grace when two people love each other

very much they can’t help but think

about each other all the time in the

same way the first step on your way to

being obsessed with me is to love me

with all your heart soul and mind this

is the most important Rule and a good

goal the more you understand and enjoy

the amazing unchanging love I have for

you the more passionately you can

respond to me you may not get it right

this time please ask my spirit to help

you with this wonderful quest in this

adventure you will receive my love more

deeply broadly and consistently and you

will also love me more and more in

return you break free from the chains of

self-centeredness and become more and

more interested in me grow a heart of

gratitude as you continue to grow your

relationship with me believe that you

are thankful all the time time because

being thankful lets my presence and

blessings into your life in spite of

problems and hardships there are many

reasons to be thankful you’ll notice

that your view changes as you practice

gratitude and you’ll be more aware of

the beauty and goodness around you

instead of only thinking about what you

don’t have or what is hard you’ll start

to see all the good things that happen

every day being thankful changes the way

you see things and makes your heart

Happy the promises I’ve given you in my

word will help you through hard times

the things I’ve promised give you

strength comfort and hope trust that I

will be loyal and that my character will

not change the Bible or my word is like

a lamp that shows you the way think

about my promises and let them hold you

up when life gets rough remember that I

am always with you leading you keeping

you safe and meeting your needs trust

that the time I choose for you and the

plans I have for your life are always

good for you when you’re having problems

pray that I take them away and know that

I am working everything out for your

good when you’re scared or having doubts

pray to me and ask for my peace that

goes beyond language because I am the

source of true peace I want to fill your

heart with peace even when life is

uncertain have faith in my power and my

perfect love which takes away all fear

while you stay close to me remember that

your faith journey is not meant to be

done by yourself spend time with other

Christians who can pray for you

encourage you and help you talk to them

about your good and bad times and pray

and believe for each other to find me

with all your heart soul and mind do not

stop get close to me by praying

worshiping and thinking about my word

while you stay with me let me change

your heart and refresh your mind believe

in my love my loyalty and my promises

they are what your faith is built on and

what gives you hope share this video

with your contacts if you love me and

also subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my voice

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