God Says, "BE READY, YOU ARE LEAVING.... God's Message Now - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says, “BE READY, YOU ARE LEAVING…. God’s Message Now

God knows you’re busy but he wants to

tell you something very

important so watch the video till the

very end if you really want to get his


today God

says you are leaving very


yes this is what the Lord spoke about

you this morning and he is asking you to


prepared he

sing my child

you are living this

season cuz it is coming to an

end you are no longer serving in this

season and you need to be

prepared just as there is a time for

every season under

Heaven There is a time for you to

transition into the next chapter of your

journey being prepared for this imminent

change is more than a logistical

Arrangement it involves a spiritual

Readiness the Lord desires your heart to


open your spirit attuned to his

voice and your trust anchored in his

Providence take this time to seek his

guidance through prayer meditate on his

word and surrender your plans to his


will sometimes it’s not possible for us

to understand his gracious plans and

purposes but

ultimately if you will look at the

outcomes of anything that happens in


life you will realize that God

was never ungracious to

you all the trials all the

difficulties all the problems you have

ever faced were just to let you know and

get aware of God’s Wonderful

Grace remember that every action of God

toward us involves his

grace his grace is never ending blessing

for us his creation his Providence his

wonderful Miracles his gift of

Life his

sacrifice his wonderful plans his

judgment his plans for our

future all of this is due to God’s

grace Exodus

says maintaining love to

thousands and forgiving

wickedness rebellion and


yet he does not live the guilty

unpunished he punishes the children and

their children for the sin of the

parents to the third and fourth

generation so dear child of God let go

of self of doing things your way

and of depending on your own


wisdom as you do depending on God in it

you will grow stronger in his grace and

will come closer to God each and every

single day may God bless you don’t

forget to type and say Amen

12 thoughts on “God Says, “BE READY, YOU ARE LEAVING…. God’s Message Now”

  1. Wait imost pay frist my depts and bill her and give some money to my child her and my mom sick too iwait for the person give a blessing up to now he not connecting me iam wait for the results of my blessings her as requested as a daughter of light warrior Iwant to spend 2 days for see my mother in hospital last year I can go to him because I don’t have job I got sick too can you get me her in Feb 15 for finished my obligations her as mother and daughter and also wait for my blessings money to come me


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