God Says ➨ Ignoring Me Closes Heaven's Door | God Message Today | God Tells - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ Ignoring Me Closes Heaven’s Door | God Message Today | God Tells

listen carefully my child pause for a

moment and heed my call this message is

not by chance but a Divine encounter

designed specifically for your heart and

soul in this world full of noise and

Chaos I extend my hand to you do not

pass by hastily for I have a message

crafted just for you I invite you to

linger to listen

intently for within these words lies the

key to unlocking the mysteries of your

journey do not let distractions steal

this moment from you for what I offer is

a treasure beyond measure trust in me as

I guide you through the shadows of

uncertainty and into the light of

Truth allow my presence to envelop you

for in this Sacred Space Miracles unfold

and hearts are

transformed so my beloved I implore you

do not turn away embrace the gift that

awaits you and let it illuminate your

path with Clarity and

purpose for in the last moments of this

encounter I promise to answer your

deepest questions and provide Solace for

your weary

Soul But first you must join me in this

journey of Revelation are you ready my

child the time has come to embark on a

Divine adventure together my beloved

child I come to you today with a message

that flows directly from my heart of

perfect love for you it is a message of

comfort reassurance

and unwavering

promise in this

world you will face


tribulations and challenges that will

seek to instill fear in your heart the

enemy will whisper lies trying to

convince you that you are alone

vulnerable and without hope but I say to

you fear not for I Am With You Always

and my love for you is eternal and

unshakable fear is a powerfully

destructive force that can your

faith Cloud your judgment and Rob you of

the peace and joy that are your

Birthright as my child it is a tool of

the adversary designed to separate you

from the fullness of life that I have

promised you but I have not given you a

spirit of fear

instead I have given you a spirit of

power love and a sound mind when fear

knocks at the door of your heart do not

entertain it or give it a foothold

instead turn to me your everpresent

refuge and strength immerse yourself in

my word which is a lamp unto your feet

and a light unto your path type Amen in

the comments and don’t forget to share

this message with up to three people so

that God can help you allow the truth of

my promises to dispel the lies of fear


anxiety remember my child that I am the

Lord Almighty the creator of the heavens

and the Earth Earth I am the Alpha and

the Omega the beginning and the

end all things were created by me and

for me and in me all things hold

together there is no Force no power and

no circumstance that is beyond my

sovereign control I am the Good Shepherd

who lays down his life for his sheep I

have conquered sin and death and Through

My Sacrifice on the cross I have secured

your Eternal salvation no enemy can

snatch you from my hand for you are

engraved upon the palms of my hands and

I hold you securely in my Everlasting

Embrace when the storms of life rage

around you and the Winds of adversity

threaten to overwhelm you do not be

afraid for I am your everpresent

shelter I am the Rock of

Ages the unshakable foundation upon

which you can build your life no matter

how Fierce The

Tempest I will never leave you nor

forsake you in moments of darkness and

despair when the weight of the world

seems too heavy to Bear remember that I

am the light of the world I am the

Bright Morning Star that pierces through

the deepest night when you walk through

the valley of the shadow of death fear

no evil for I am with you my rod and my

staff they comfort you my child I know

the fears that lurk in the depths of

your heart

I know the anxieties that keep you awake

at night and the worries that threaten

to consume you but I say to you cast all

your cares upon me for I care for you

trust in my perfect love which casts out

fear fear not for your physical

well-being for I am your healer and your

protector my child pause the video and

click the Subscribe button to join me I

am the great physician who mend every

wound and cure every disease no harm can

befall you apart from my sovereign will

and even in the midst of suffering I

will never abandon you I will be with

you sustaining you and ultimately

working all things together for your

good and my glory fear not for your

provision for I am your provider the one

who owns the cattle on a thousand hills

I am the Lord who rained down Mana from

heaven and caused water to flow from the

rock I know your needs before you eat

even ask and I will supply all your

needs according to my riches and Glory

fear not for your

relationships for I am the Lord who

blessed Abraham and Sarah with a child

in their old age and I am the one who

restored the broken relationship between

Joseph and his

brothers I am the god of

reconciliation and I can mend the most

fractured bonds heal the deepest wounds

and bring Beauty From the Ashes of

Broken Dreams fear not for your future

for I am the one who holds the future in

my hands I am the Alpha and the

Omega the beginning and the end and I

know the plans I have for you plans to

prosper you and not to harm you plans to

give you hope in a future trust in my

perfect timing and my sovereign will and

I will guide your steps and lead you

into the Abundant Life I have prepared

for you when fear tries to grip your

heart remember the promises I have made

to you and cling to them with unwavering

Faith remember that I have promised

never to leave you or forsake you

remember that I have promised to give

you peace that surpasses all

understanding remember that I have

promised that nothing can separate you

from my love not

tribulation distress persecution famine

nakedness Peril or

sword my

child I know that the path ahead may

seem daunting and the challenges you

face may seem

insurmountable but take heart for I have

overcome the world I have already won

the Victory and in me you too are more

than a conqueror when fear tries to

paralyze you remember the power of my

name the name that is above every name

the name at which every knee shall bow

dear child if you wish to help our

ministry in spreading the message of

Jesus kindly consider supporting us by

donating through the buy me a coffee

link provided in the description and

pinned comment when you call upon my

name I will answer you and I will be

with you in trouble I will deliver you

and honor you so fear not my beloved

child for I am your everpresent help in

times of trouble I am your strong tower

your refuge and your

Fortress I am the one who fights for you

and The Battle Belongs to Me Take

courage for I have given you authority

over all the power of the enemy and

nothing shall harm you I have clothed

you in the full armor of God and as you

stand firm in the truth of my word you

will be able to withstand the fiery

darts of the evil one trust in my

unfailing love Which is higher than the

heavens and deeper than the depths of


sea rest in the assurance that nothing

can separate you from my love not even

the most terrifying circumstances or the

most formidable foes so do not be afraid

my child for I Am With You Always even

to the end of the age I will never leave

you nor forsake you I will guide you

with my eye and I will hold you in the

palm of my hand in the darkest moments

when fear tries to overwhelm you call

upon me and I will answer you I will be

your strength


shield and your everpresent help should

you feel the need for God’s blessings do

not hesitate to type yes I need in the

comments section I will protect

you and I will lead you into the

Glorious light of my Everlasting Kingdom

fear not my beloved child for I have

redeemed you and I have called you by

name you are

mine when you pass through the waters I

will be with you

and when you walk through the fire you

will not be burned for I am the Lord

your God the Holy One of

Israel your

savior trust in me and fear not for I Am

With You Always even to the End of the

Age my love for you is eternal and my

promises are true I will protect you and

I will guide you into the Abundant Life

I have prepared for you so take courage

my child and let your heart be filled

with peace and confidence for I am your

protector your refuge and your

strength fear not for I with you

always amen my child click on the join

button to join us as a cherished member

of our community

1 thought on “God Says ➨ Ignoring Me Closes Heaven’s Door | God Message Today | God Tells”

  1. God is good he’s the alpha and Omega he’s the beginning and the end he’s going to be there for me all my life every time I need him through fear he loves us all the same way he loves me and he loves me no matter what no matter what I go through he says I’m going his way and he’s going to be there every time amen
    Through sickness through disease through The valleys of the dark anything I go through he’s going to be there for me no matter what I go through amen


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