God’s special message is only for you
don’t overlook it God is ready to
address all your troubles in the final
seconds find the answers you seek
stick around till the end for divine
Revelations my dear child I come to you
today with a message of Hope
love and the unwavering truth that your
heavenly father desires only the best
for you as you walk this Earthly Journey
there may be times when the path seems
dark the challenge is overwhelming and
the future uncertain but I implore you
do not lose heart for your ABA father
watches over you with an eternal
steadfast love that knows no
bounds from the moment you were
fearfully and wonderfully formed in your
mother’s womb God has had a perfect plan
for your life he knew you before the
foundation of the world and he has
destined you for a future and a hope
your heavenly father’s deepest longing
is to see you fulfill the incredible
purpose he has set before you you are
the apple of his eye a treasured child
whom he adores with an everlasting
affection the prophet Zephaniah declares
the Lord your God is in your midst a
mighty one who will save he will rejoice
over you with gladness he will quiet you
by his love he will exalt over you with
singing imagine that the King of Kings
the Lord of lords Delights in you with
singing what a profound and humbling
truth far too often my dear child you
may find yourself plagued by feelings of
insecurity or the nagging lie that you
are too flawed or too broken for God to
use but I say to you these are the
Whispers of the
enemy who seeks to rob you of the
Abundant Life I have come to give you
are made in the image of the Living God
and you are deeply loved cherished and
treasured by your heavenly father your
worth is not found in your performance
your successes or your ability to have
it all together your value is eternally
secured in the finished work of the
Cross where I paid the ultimate price to
redeem you and call you my own if you
believe in God then like the video and
leave a heartfelt Amen in the comments
it is the Father’s greatest joy to to
Lavish his love upon you to celebrate
your triumphs and to gently restore you
when you fall short he is not a harsh
Taskmaster demanding
Perfection but a loving parent who longs
to see you grow in wisdom in stature and
in favor with God and
man I know that the Journey of Faith is
not always easy there will be valleys to
walk through storms to weather and
battles to fight but I promise you your
heavenly father will never leave you nor
forsake you he is with you always to the
very end of the
age when the burdens of Life seem too
heavy to Bear cast your cares upon the
Lord for he cares for you when the enemy
tries to convince you that you are alone
remind him that the god of the universe
fights for you when discouragement and
doubt creep in fix your eyes upon the
author and perfector of your faith the
one who is working on all things
together for your good your heavenly
father is not distant or detached but
intimately involved in every aspect of
your life he counts the very hairs on
your head and knows your thoughts before
you think them there is nowhere you can
go that is beyond his
reach and no circumstance you face that
is outside of his Sovereign
control when you walk through the valley
of the shadow of death he is there to
comfort you when you feel weak and weary
he renews your
strength when the storms of life rage
all around you he is your everpresent
help in time of
need my child your heavenly father longs
to Lavish you with good gifts to pour
out his blessings upon you and to see
you live in the fullness of the Abundant
Life I have come to give but his
definition of good and blessing may not
always align with your own his ways are
higher than your ways and his thoughts
are higher than your thoughts the there
may be times when he allows difficult
circumstances painful trials or
seemingly unanswered prayers in your
life in those moments do not lose faith
for your ABA father is working all
things together for your ultimate good
and his eternal glory he is refining you
shaping you and preparing you for the
incredible Destiny he has prepared for
you trust that even when you cannot see
or understand your heavenly father is
directing your steps ordering your path
and positioning you for the blessings he
has in store if you want God’s grace to
be a constant in your life a steady
guiding force then please consider
supporting our ministry by clicking the
thanks button his plans for you are good
and they are meant to give you a future
and a hope I know that it can be easy to
become discouraged when the journey gets
difficult when prayers seem to go
unanswered or when the enemy’s lies
begin to Cloud your vision but I urge
you my dear child do not give into
despair instead fix your eyes upon the
Eternal truths of God’s word and the
unwavering Promises of your heavenly
father he is faithful he is good and he
is working all things together for your
ultimate good your current circumstances
do not define you nor do they dictate
future your ABA father is writing a
beautiful story in your life and the
ending will be far more glorious than
you can even imagine
when the path is unclear trust that your
heavenly father sees the bigger
picture when the future seems
uncertain cling to the truth that he has
a perfect plan when the burdens feel too
heavy to
Bear rest in the assurance that he will
carry you through your ABA father is not
a distant detached
deity but a loving to compassionate
parent who longs to walk alongside you
every step of the way he Delights in
successes he Grieves over your
sorrows and he celebrates your
triumphs you are his beloved child and
there is nothing you could ever do to
make him love you anymore or any less so
my dear one lift your eyes and behold
the goodness of the Lord allow his
perfect love to cast out all fear and
trust that he is working mightily on
your behalf even when you cannot see it
keep your heart fixed on the Eternal
truths of his word and allow the peace
of God which surpasses all understanding
to guard your heart and your mind in
Jesus the path ahead may not always be
easy but I promise you your heavenly
father will never leave you nor forsake
you he is your strong tower your refuge
and your everpresent help in times of
trouble when you are weak he will make
you strong when you are
weary he will renew your strength when
you are discouraged he will lift you up
and restore your
soul my dear child I have called you to
walk in the fullness of your
destiny to live out the incredible
purpose I have prepared for you from the
foundation of the
world your heavenly father’s greatest
desire is to see you rise up and become
all that he has created you to be so
trust in him lean not on your own
understanding and allow him to guide
your steps the road May wind the journey
may be long but I assure you your ABA
father is leading you to a place of
Peace provision and profound purpose he
has good works prepared in advance for
you to walk in and he longs to pour out
his blessings upon you in ways that will
leave you in awe of his majesty and
goodness so do not be afraid my child do
not be discouraged
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go keep your eyes fixed on
him and allow his perfect love to cast
out all fear if you believe that God
will help you please subscribe to the
channel trust that your heavenly father
is working all things together for your
ultimate good and that the plans he has
for you are good and they are meant to
give you a future and a hope I love you
my dear one with an everlasting love you
are precious in in my sight and you are
honored and I love you let that truth
sink deep into the very depths of your
being and may it give you the courage
and the strength to walk boldly into the
incredible Destiny your ABA father has
prepared for you I hope you have found
answers to all your questions if not you
will definitely get them in the next
video amen my child click on the join
button to join us as a cherished member
of our community