God Says ➨ Stop Making Jesus Cry, Don't Ignore | God Message Today For You | God Tells You - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says ➨ Stop Making Jesus Cry, Don’t Ignore | God Message Today For You | God Tells You

God’s special message is only for you

don’t make the mistake of leaving it God

wants to solve all your problems in the

last seconds God will answer all your

questions my beloved child today your

chains are shattered I set you free

anointed and

flourishing believe in this truth on

this day brimming with hope know this my

child my love for you is

ceaseless I am ever present and you are

enveloped in my grace and kindness I am

your God and Father the light that

guides your way I am here to dispel

Every curse to clear the clouds that

have veiled your mind

heart and spirit hear my words my son

for today the doubts and fears that have

ens snared your heart dissolve no more

uncertainty no more sorrow no more

turmoil today

I break the barriers that have impeded

your growth today I obliterate the

chains of curses and lack in your life

for I have come to Grant you life in its

fullest measure let me Infuse you with

my peace and wisdom embrace you in my

eternal love and shower my blessings

upon every facet of your

being I know your journey has been

arduous I have seen your struggles the

daily trials you have endured I’ve

observed how the shadows and anxieties

cast by the enemy have impacted your

spiritual path type Amen in the comments

and don’t forget to share this message

with up to three people so that God can

help you introducing worries and

challenges to your faith but now in my

boundless love I tell you I am

dispelling the Shadows that have long

darkened your journey those that

obscured your vision of the

opportunities and blessings I laid

before you I am breaking Every Chain in

your life severing ties with doubt and

fear freeing you from any negative

influences that disrupted your peace and

serenity at this moment I Proclaim

Liberty over your life I declare that my

Divine light shines upon your path

bringing security joy and

contentment today I decree the

dissolution of Every curse that has

constrained your potential where there

was confusion there will now be Clarity

and insight where there was

insecurity conf confidence and strength

will emerge where there is despair I

Infuse hope and Rejuvenation into your

soul my love will flood every aspect of

your being providing a sense of

completeness peace and

vigor my child today I extend my hand of

love over you I open the heavens and

declare blessings upon you doors of

abundance will open ushering in

unprecedented opportun

unities your faith will grow robust and

you will flourish like a tree By the

Waters bearing fruit in its season its

leaves never withering in me you shall

find the Solace you

seek rest for your soul and answers to

the deepest queries of your heart

believe in me my beloved trust in the

words I speak to your heart embrace the

promises I have laid before you for they

are the path to a life rich in depth and

fulfillment with me at your side no

uncertainty can hinder you no challenge

too great to

overcome Shadows that once dimmed your

faith The Whispers that stirred unrest

within shall no longer Prevail for I am

with you as a Guiding Light a ceaseless

Fountain of

blessings Supernatural and

divine fear not dear one do not hesitate

to step forward in Trust for I am your

father if you believe that God will help

you please subscribe to the channel

abounding in love Desiring only what is

best for you in your trust find my

guidance find me as your unwavering

companion never shall I depart from you

even through times of spiritual Eclipse

remember I my grace is ever with you in

doubts I am your stronghold in your

spiritual Quest I am the inspiration you


so place your trust in me let me lead

your life’s way if you believe in God

then like the video and leave a

heartfelt Amen in the

comments please support our ministry by

clicking the thanks button and consider

joining us as a cherished member your

generosity uplifts our mission God bless

you remember you are cherished your past

trials and tribulations matter not it is

your presence here now here hearing my

voice feeling the gentle whisper in your

heart that matters my love for you my

presence lighting your path guiding you

to peace joy and contentment trust in me

my child trust in my light my love my

fidelity I am unwavering my grace and

favor encircle you my will is always

towards your abundant blessing my love

for you is boundless my faith

unshakable no Darkness on your path can

quell my Guiding Light press forward

live in the Verity of my word persist in

prayer and witness the unfolding of my

wisdom flourishing your path

Arise My Child Lift Your Heart High

declare my word proclaim your freedom no

curse no bond No chain can restrain you

for I Am With You



loving I will never forsake you always

at your side to guide and bless in all

aspects of Life on this glorious day my

beloved child receive my peace accept

the blessings I reain down from heaven

today I anoint you and clothe you in

spiritual finery

today I reaffirm my Covenant with you

that my light may shine through you

reflecting love and forgiveness to those

seeking Liberation from their

bonds this day dear child I Empower you

to dismantle the works of darkness to

humbly share my truth with those seeking

light amidst

obscurity trust in me my child believe

that I will guide your steps with love

and wisdom and in this find your

happiness prosperity and blessedness my

love for you endures amen if you believe

that God will help you please subscribe

to the channel if you do not believe

feel free to leave

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