God’s special message is only for you
don’t make the mistake of leaving it God
wants to solve all your problems in the
last seconds God will answer all your
questions my beloved child I know the
storms of life often rage around you the
winds howl the rain falls heavy and
waves threaten to overtake your soul
dark clouds surround you and you feel
lost in an Endless Night Desperately
Seeking the first rays of Dawn when the
storms come precious one do not lose
hope or give way to fear I am with you
in the Tempest I will never leave you to
weather life storms alone turn your eyes
to me your faithful and loving father
find your peace in my presence and my
promises which stand
unshaken I am the Lord who stilled the
wind and waves with a word I am the sure
Foundation who will never be
moved I am your rock of strength when
all else around you shifts and Shakes
anchor your soul in me alone and I will
carry you through the fiercest storms
into the calm Harbor of my
presence the world will constantly
change and disappoint you but I remain
constant forever I know you grow weary
in the battle take heart dear one the
testing of your faith produces
perseverance and maturity the trials you
face are only for a season type Amen in
the comments and don’t forget to share
this message with up to three people so
that God can help you I will restore and
redeem every hardship you endure the
storm has an appointed end my purpose
remains Joy comes in the morning Victory
lies ahead do not lose hope in me as The
gales rage against you I wield the wind
and waves according to my perfect plan
though the enemy intends destruction I
will use every storm to strengthen you
and refine you into the image of Christ
when you feel you can’t take another
step my grace is sufficient and my power
is made perfect in weakness cast your
cares upon me I will sustain you and
bring you through cry out to me in the
storm I will answer you seek me with all
your heart you will find me draw near to
me and Trust I will draw near to you
worship me in the trial I will lift your
head and give you hope pray boldly
believe unwaveringly that I will never
fail you my timing is Flawless my ways
higher than yours I know the good plan I
have for you just endure patiently and
you will see my
faithfulness The Tempest rages so that
streams may rise in the
Wasteland great Darkness descends so the
light of my love and power May shine
brighter in your
weakness my strength is
revealed as you come to the end of
yourself you find the beginning of my
sufficiency so do not fear the storm
beloved where I
am there is
peace when The gales howl and scream all
around you come rest in the shelter of
my wing hide yourself in the shadow of
my presence I will guard you cover you
keep you as you abide under my care the
storm cannot touch you there release
each anxious thought to me as it
comes entrust every care and burden into
my hands
I know what you need before you ask only
ask believe wait patiently on my timing
watch expectantly for my hand to move
and you will see my
faithfulness I will give you all you
need to endure the storm strength for
each day if you believe in God then like
the video and leave a heartfelt Amen in
the comments wisdom for each
challenge comfort for each sorrow help
in each trial if I ordained the
storm certainly I know how to carry you
through you need only trust me take each
moment as it comes follow where I lead
and soon this storm will pass I am
working in you a far greater glory than
if the storm had never come hope in this
unshakable promise I will take the
enemy’s attacks and use them for your
good his intended evil and I will turn
it to Joy the storm and I will transform
it into blessing no weapon formed
against you can hinder my purposes when
the winds cease and dark clouds part you
will see my Redemption shine so do not
lose hope in the Tempest
beloved in the eye of the storm there is
perfect peace for I am there the waves
are held back Fury is hushed in my
presence keep your eyes fixed on me
alone and you will remain
unshaken anchor deep in my love let my
peace rule your heart no matter what
storms may rage I will will guide you
through the deepest Darkness I will
deliver you from every evil attack I
will lift your head and give you
strength for each new
day take refuge in me trust in my
perfect plan rest in my unfailing love
have hope in my power and
Promises the testing of your faith will
produce endurance and maturity until the
day of Christ’s return keep walking
forward in confident hope do not look at
the storm but keep your eyes fixed on me
the author and finisher of your faith I
know the way through to blessing
breakthrough and the
dawn the storm will pass my victory will
be revealed until then be still and know
I am God I am fighting for you beloved
child peace and hope are found in my
presence Alone come to me and your soul
will be renewed the storm is temporary
but my love is Everlasting
I will never leave you to sink beneath
the waves I will sustain you the winds
and waves still know my
voice I am mighty to save strong to
deliver if you want God’s grace always
upon you then please consider to support
our ministry by clicking thanks button
have faith in my power and purpose you
will see my glory revealed as I turn
this storm to your good in my perfect
timing so do not lose hope lift your
eyes to me
your refuge and
strength take each moment as it comes
trusting I’m am Sovereign over all rest
in the truth that I will not allow even
one storm struggle or trial unless I
know the good it will
produce what Waits on the other side is
worth enduring every storm keep standing
strong the dawn will surely come and
beloved while you pass through storms in
this world remember you were created for
Glory in
eternity your real real home is in
heaven reserved for you imperishable
undefiled and
unfading the trials on Earth are just
for a moment but the hope of Heaven is
Everlasting keep walking forward in
faith dear one fight the good fight
finish your race keep believing keep
trusting keep hoping in what I have said
you are surrounded by a great cloud of
witnesses cheering you on endure to the
end and you will receive the Crown of
Life reserved for all who love me the
storms will give way to the calm shores
of heaven where you will rest in the
Everlasting peace of my presence for now
abide close by my side as you pass
through storms and shadows stay near to
me listen to my voice Follow My Lead
step by step I will bring you through to
blessing no wind
wave or storm can thwart my good plan
hope in me dear child Joy comes with the
morning weeping endures for the night
but joy comes with the Morning Light I
am the voice that commands the storm I
am the presence that brings peace in
life’s Fury I am the Redeemer that turns
trials to Triumph fix your eyes on me
alone as you journey through stormy seas
I will be your Lifeline your comfort and
strength soon you will sing of my
faithfulness look back in awe at my
goodness and Proclaim my praise to
Generations to come it was my hand that
carried you through so take heart and
renew your hope in me beloved
child I know the storms that surround
you I hear every Cry of your heart I am
with you in the dark night my grace is
enough My Love Never Fails my purpose
remains S I will smooth the Raging seas
and silence the howling winds according
to my perfect timing until then trust me
hope in
me wait patiently on me the dawn will
surely come if you believe that God will
help you please subscribe to the channel
and you will shine all the brighter
having walked through the storm with me
by your side be still and know I am God
I am declaring Promises of life and hope
over you you I am committed to your good
I am working miracles in your life the
storm will soon pass but my Love Remains
forever rest in this
unshakable Everlasting truth I will
never leave you or forsake you I love
you with an everlasting love the storms
of life are no match for my great love
and Sovereign power operating in and
through you so lift your eyes child of
God renew your hope in me trust in my
mighty hand to guide you lean into my
presence and power to sustain you the
storm has an end but you have an eternal
home in my heart now and forever
more amen my child click on the join
button to join us as a cherished member
of our community
Amen thank you Jesus for every thing