God Says➤ Everyone will Go To HeII Who Skip This | God Message Today | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says➤ Everyone will Go To HeII Who Skip This | God Message Today | Jesus Affirmations

beloved child there are no limits to

what I can provide from the greatest

mountains of your troubles to the

smallest grains of your cares there is

nothing too big or too small for me I

know the plans I have for you plans to

prosper you and not to harm you plans to

give you hope in a future do you trust

me even when the path is unclear and you

cannot see the next step take my hand

step out in faith and walk with me I

will lead you through valleys as dark as

death and over Peaks as radiant as the

dawn the journey may not always be easy

for growth often comes through adversity

but my Grace will be sufficient for you

remember my child that each day is a

gift an opportunity to experience my

love and to extend it to others when you

rise in the morning let your first

thought be of me and let your first

words be thanks for the breath in your

lungs and the new mercies that await you

as you go about your day keep your eyes

fixed on me and I will guide your steps

you need not be anxious about the future

or regretful of the past for I am the

god of now present in every moment in

times of Joy share it with me Let It Be

a Dance of praise for the blessings I

have bestowed upon you and in moments of

Sorrow do not hide your tears from me

for I am close to the Brokenhearted and

save those who are crushed in spirit

your emotions are precious to me

they are part of the beautiful

complexity of who you are and I cherish

all that you bring to me do not measure

your days by the Harvest you reap but by

the seeds that you plant some days you

will see the fruits of your labor while

others will be spent in the quiet

tending of the soil of your soul but

know this I am the lord of the Harvest

in due season you will reap if you do

not give up in your interactions with

others let your words be seasoned with

my grace you are my ambassador to a

world in need of my light show kindness

to the unkind love to the unlovable and

forgiveness to those who have trespassed

against you in doing so you become a

conduit of my love a beacon of My Hope

in a world that so desperately needs it

and when the day draws to a close when

you lay your head upon your pillow

review not the failures but the moments

where my grace was sufficient for you

sleep in peace knowing that I am

watching over you that my angels and en

Camp around those who fear me so my

beloved walk in this truth you are never

too broken for my healing never too lost

for my finding and never too far for my

reaching in every moment I am your ABA

father your God and your fiercest

protector call upon me and I will answer

I will be with you in trouble I will

deliver you and honor you with LA long

life I will satisfy you and show you my


remember my Mercy is our new every

morning and my faithfulness is as vast

as the sky look to me your everpresent

help your unfailing source and your

steadfast love today and always don’t

worry my child you are mine and I am

yours and we will always be linked in a

dance of divine love and unwavering

loyalty the heavens themselves say it

and everything in the world sings along

with the beat of my heart the beat of a

love that has no limits or ends right

now this very second we are here because

God wants us to be together allow my

love to wrap around you like a warm

blanket on a cold night in me you will

find the safety your soul seeks you see

I made you with infinite care knowing

every single one of your days before

they happened I created the things that

made you laugh cry have quirks and be

passionate you are wonderfully

complicated in every way and I love you

so much you are my masterpiece you were

made to look like me and show how much I

love you but I know you my love I know

how easy it is for your heart to get

caught up in your own wants and plans

with all your might you try to catch

what you think will satisfy your deepest

desires you follow the Winds of what may

seem right still you often feel tired

your hands are empty and your spirit is

thirsty I can see you working hard

pushing and pulling trying to make your

life look like like the perfect picture

you have in your head take a moment to

breathe and let my spirit lead you to

peace you need to be ready to let go of

the life you have planned in order to

receive the life I have planned for you

don’t forget that my thoughts are not

the same as yours and your ways are not

the same as mine I think and act in ways

that are higher than yours just like the

sky is higher than the earth you may hit

obstacles and doors that won’t open on

your way but trust in my Divine wisdom

every time someone says no there is a

bigger yes that comes after it it’s a

chance to grow learn and embrace the

real meaning of life the life I have for

you the hard times and setbacks are not

meant to hurt you they are meant to

strengthen your faith and make you more

resilient let’s talk walk and think

together tell me what’s on your mind

what you want what you’re afraid of and

what you doubt I’m not a far away God

watching from the heavens that you can’t

reach I am here closer than your next

breath and I am deeply involved in the

story of your life as it unfolds you

will find your true purpose your calling

and the happiest ending in me look at

how the lies grow they don’t work or

spin but I tell you not even Solomon in

all his glory was dressed like one of

these I will clothe the grass of the

field in this way even though it lives

today and dies tomorrow will I not also

clothe you you blind people don’t worry

about what shall we eat what shall we

drink or what shall we wear instead seek

first my kingdom and my righteousness

and all these other things will be added

to you you will have trouble in this

world but don’t worry I have won over

the world I can’t promise you an easy

Journey but I can promise you that I

will always be with you there will be no

one else with you on your walk I will

hold you guide you and Lead You Through

The Valleys and over the mountains I am

your Good Shepherd when you feel lost I

will call you by name and Lead You Back

to Green Pastures and Still Waters when

things get too much for you I’m here to

hold you up and keep you safe when

you’re happy I’m happy with you and

dancing and singing over you I will

always be with you my loyalty will be

your shield and wall if you want to

follow my schedule then drop your plans

at my feet let me change your life your

mind and your heart surrendering is

beautiful not when you lose when you win

you win when you walk in my will rest in

my sovereignty and stay in my love yes

this is the way to peace the right way

and happiness for there is plenty of

happiness in my presence and Pleasures

will always be at my right hand you can

ask for anything as long as you stay in

me and my my word stay in you it will be


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