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God Message Today |YOU ARE NOT SEEING THIS BY ACCIDENT | God Message For You | Gods Message Now

certainly here’s a Rewritten version of the content Come Away With Me my child

to a Serene Sanctuary where we can Embrace Solitude together in the Tranquil Stillness I will impart wisdom

and fortitude into your soul set aside momentarily the ceaseless demands that

Vie for your attention fragmenting your focus instead enter purposefully into a

Sabbath rest for both body and spirit allowing them to rejuvenate and gain perspective away from the clam of

business silence serves as a fertile ground akin to a dormant seed in winter

harboring the promise of abundant new life when Seasons shift I designed

Humanity to embrace cycles of withdrawal and engaged activity each finding Harmony within me just as I exemplified

this Rhythm by resting after the Monumental exertion of creation establishing a pattern of renewal that

replenishes the soul so too should you honor your need for respite from the Relentless demand of Life wholeheartedly

Embrace The Gentle yoke that renews your soul Day by Sanctified Day In These

Quiet Moments Souls can commune with me beyond the clamor of worldly demands that often overshadow

Consciousness my spirit Whispers softly necessitating unhurried space to make Lasting

Impressions as the noise dissipates calm Assurance emerges anchoring you securely

in my design for human wholeness reject the world’s clamor for for meaningless productivity and embrace instead the

cyclical patterns that sustain true Vitality just as ecosystems Thrive by

honoring natural cycles so too do my people flourish by balancing labor with

restorative rest consider the Dependable rhythms of day and night in creation the

EB and flow of the ocean and the rhythmic inhalation and exhalation of breath in the same manner let cycles of

Silence and speech complement one another seamlessly transitioning between moments of quiet reflection and

purposeful action remember when burdens weigh heavy upon you I crafted Humanity

for joyful Retreat into the effortless enjoyment of my presence ReDiscover childlike wonder and Delight casting

aside the weight of grown-up worries in the Embrace of eternity’s light a resilient life integrates rest as a

vital component without succumbing to false guilt true wholeness acknowledges your integrated self Beyond merely being

a cog in the Machinery of productivity learn to walk in my loving ways through patient Seasons cherishing simple

moments of familial connection around the table meals consider two creation reliable seasonal rhythms Vivid autumn

colors signaling necessary winter rest ahead when all grows still observe busy

creatures conserving through Barren months rather than vainly struggling on sea leaves Rel relasing their hold after

boldly transforming sunlight into nourishment here you Glimpse the timely cycles of work and rest that honor

limits around finite strengths take your rightful place then child Within These

rhythms of withdrawal and vigor that sustain you in purpose and remember your weekly day of common rest from Commerce

and labor make this sabbath holy dedicating its hours solely to spiritual

Pursuits and loving Community for a full day step outside frenzied gaining that

easily displaces Eternal priorities through steadfast habit reconnect to Greater reality grounded in worship

gratitude and caring Fellowship reclaim this radical routine that regularly

reorients you to my kingdom shared hopes Beyond self-re compromise here assert

the precedent of your whole being above profits for a day in this sacred Rhythm

find perspective and vision refreshed for the the challenges ahead beloved each day I call you to resist the subtle

tide of busyness that threatens to pull you under the demands of this world cry loudly pressing you to conform yet you

must set boundaries against that which erodes the soul for no matter how good the tasks nothing Rivals the Supreme

commands to love me first and then to love your neighbor come away into the quiet with me and

regain Focus within my kingdom from the Stillness before my throne discern with

care what truly matters for eternity and what does not let Holiness and wisdom guide your perspective not the hurried

pace of culture I have called you to walk the narrow way that leads to life in steady balance choose only that which

aligns with my purposes written on your heart refuse anything that compromises my kingdom values already placed within

you here in this quiet space with me I anchor your soul a new each day and

order your steps into Grace and Truth Listen for my voice to show you

the way my beloved when voices of anxiety and adversity threaten to overwhelm your spirit come first to me

in prayer bring your heavy concerns openly that I may meet you there in my presence possibilities and power

multiply to address tangible dilemmas as you release strained problem solving into my hands rest in the Stillness of

trusting me to bring transformation overnight to unresolve tensions I renew

your strength and perspective with the fresh mercy of each new morning do not imagine self above limitations requiring

Retreat into my quiet refuge for direction even the most devoted burnout

without integrating wisdom cycles of work and rest aim not for Perfection but Excellence through balance feverish

ambition often masks Pride or love of human praise which I oppose maintain

humility around personal weakness with confidence in my full provision for all you need to fulfill each calling weave

Retreat into advance to complete the journeys I design and set apart spaces of sacred

quiet Your Inner Strength continually renews so set firm boundaries around

overloading your senses and psyche refuse addiction to constant news and noise allowing healthy Detachment

outside your control give full presence to loved ones before you now instead the

only sure possession in and time fleeting stream offer the first and best best of your moments to Stillness with

me here Souls find anchoring perspective when other voices confuse and distract

from this place of wisdom graciously tend to all else calling your name protect sacred spaces of family and home

from intrusions that steal Serenity set aside that which divides attention to

linger long together deal efficiently with disruptions to defend special hours

as holy certain priorities deserve full engagement not fractured awareness spread thin over empty virtual Realms

honor relational needs through respectful scheduling and listening that seeks understanding you cannot satisfy

every concern arising so wisely unplug at times to care deeply for those before

you now tomorrow you serve others I bring across your path today refuse to

let distant diversions dominate lav ising love through the the gift of presence these boundaries manifest

wisdom not selfishness I lovingly crafted you for rhythms of Engagement and withdrawal

that nurture Whole [Music] Health I gently correct when you Veer

toward unhealthy extremes wishing to spare you long Sorrows if ignored

realign with my original design by assessing your current ratios of talking versus listening distraction versus

presence stimulation versus calm work versus rest what proportions feed your

soul and produce good fruit versus quickly depleting you consult to the Council of trusted

companions I have placed around you in both noise and Stillness I meet you as love sharing more of myself if you’ll

listen beneath duties driving demands my best success and purpose for you

transcend empty Pursuits of wealth fame or Legacy built by human effort alone

Soul Prosperity flows from simple faithfulness to walk with my

spirit dayby Ordinary Day purpose is fulfilled through small acts of service

that bless others for eternity this definition entrusts outcomes to my grace at work behind the

scenes set apart regular space to commune with me in solitude nourishing roots that now bear

public fruit for my glory your activities demonstrate devotion already proved not performances attempting to

earn belonging rest completely in my unconditional Delight over you my

child wisdom integrates busy work with tranquil rest avoid polarizing views

that idolize one while demonizing the other honor healthy boundaries that ensure Soul Care employ tools

strategically without becoming enslaved to convenience that demands utter availability erasing sacred lines around

true rest and intimacy with others highly prized quietude for gaining perspective and sensitivity to my gentle

guidance cultivate patient attentive listening while also embracing passionate truth-telling discovered in

Stillness modulate intensity by welcoming calming influences that temper extremes seek balance between gravity

and lightness couching and kurg stimulation and peace oful order maintain rithms aligned to Creation

cycles of activity and rest may you thrive in both active invest and Silent reception for first consecrate set art

times to know me intimately then with tank refueled pour yourself into purposeful

labor equipped through our connection may my Pleasures so fill you that weariness gives way to Soul overflowing

and perfect rest in my presence thus you walk wisely with me Moment by moment

through life’s variety give yourself to fruitful effort governed by sacred

intervals set apart to commune with me from this place of wise are and full spiritual nourishment what you

vigorously pour out into each calling will sweetly bless multitudes for my glory my child be still before me

silence your restless mind and know that I am God I am everpresent though at

times I may seem far away trust in my Abiding Love For It surrounds you though

you perceive it not let me fill your quiet spaces with comfort in the hush of your soul listen for my voice it comes

as a gentle whisper to calm your fears and guide your steps do not despise the

silence for it is here I meet you and lavish my grace upon you seasons will

come when Sorrows or trials plunge you into unwelcome quiet I know the silence

born of sadness weighs heavy on Tender Hearts take hope beloved for I see your tears and I am acquainted with grief in

due time I will transform ashes into crowns of beauty take comfort not all

tears are bitter some fall with joy when my loving kindness surprises you my compassion Springs forth to water Barren

Souls though you walk through valleys blanketed in Stillness you need not fear evil my rod and staff protect you in

seasons of Darkness cling to me trust the light still shines through your eyes

perceive only Gloom courage my child the quiet nights of weeping always give way to joyful Dawn Stillness cultivates soil

for growth have I not said consider the lies how they grow the silence makes room for their unfolding so to for you

my beloved times of quiet nurture character Faith strength for the journey ahead do not resent the waiting Seasons

instead let patience Bloom the vine must be pruned to yield the Harvest allow My Loving Hands to shape you in

the shadows where no one sees one day you will emerge transformed by Grace refined in those silent crucibles of the

Soul you will shine all the brighter for being formed in Stillness has not my spirit hovered over darkened

chaos and brought forth light order Life Trust the one who calmed the Raging Seas with a word I harness the wind and waves

they obey my voice rest under the shelter of the most high When Storms

surround you let my perfect peace rule your heart so fear finds no tow hold though thunder roars you may lie down

and sleep confident in my sovereignty over nature and Nations alike no power

thwarts my purposes be still in the raging storm and see my Deliverance take rest refuge in me amid tumult without

and within when clamoring voices drown reason flee to the quiet Sanctuary shut

out the distractions and Center your mind on things above redirect your focus

to truth that aligns your perspective reclaim control over chaotic thought patterns quiet the inner Tempest not by

Brute Force but through trust in my abiding presence as you release anxious striving my spirit brings

order Direction mental Clarity you gain the higher view that sees all things working toward redemption’s purpose

cultivate wisdom’s fruit in tranquil Seasons Retreat into Stillness for contemplation withdraw from ceaseless

activity lest it rule you create space for reflection Revelation as you Ponder

my word understand my ways develop discernment grow Insight nurture empathy

to guide compassionate action in silence recalibrate your inner Compass realign

priorities with eternal perspective balance contemplation with service else

you drift into inertia let seasons of solitude prepare you for love displayed with meditation comes motivation for

selfless giving my spirit will direct your steps open doors to bless broken

Humanity you need not chart the course simply make yourself available to needs around

you opportunities for kindness will find you dear one silence guards the heart

and mind from enemy encroachment refuse to entertain accusations condemning

Whispers rebuke cruel lies replace them with my Living Truth wield my words in

Warfare against falsehood quench flaming arrows with my sure promises what I have

declared no Folk can counter stand confident on this unshakable ground Victory is assured nevertheless beloved

exercise discernment regarding Revelations not yet fulfilled measure your speech until appointed times there

are Mysteries known only in Divine councel glories concealed until preparation completes trust my judgment

regarding their unveiling I see the conditions surrounding reception contain

Revelations that require maturity less they breed confusion disillusionment

when disconnected from Context a wise Mentor Paces instruction according to

the student’s capacity so too I modulate disclosure protect tender shoots from

harsh exposure my knowledge given prematurely overloads eager Souls thus

breed cynicism rather than awe trust my timing beloved I will uncover hidden

wisdom as you grow able to Steward Revelations Faithfully our covenant relationship

deepens in the waiting take joy in depending on me for understanding locked

away from human eyes lacking the holy key rest in truth already illuminated

for the journey ahead sufficient light shines on the next step renew your mind

not with Mysteries reserved for later times but with present provision to nourish your spirit this day my child

let reverent silence now open wide a holy space for awe and wonder in my presence restraint guards the sacred

preserves reverence toward Revelation refuses rash speech regarding Eternal

matters human words cannot contain glories far too vast breathe humble awe

not glibness toward Divine disclosure flippant familiarity breeds contempt for

Holy things arrogantly assuming I am tamed and diminished silence Reigns in

the tongue’s Gallop ushering holy fear at formidable realities transcend ing

Earthbound thought Stillness calibrates a posture to receive my Mysteries though Heavens

cannot contain me in Mercy I choose intimate fellowship with creatures born of dust do not trample this Grace by

kicking up the dust with hurry and entitlement rever what I reveal in voiceless places void of posturing where

we meet heart to heart listen beloved only listen to the echo of Eternity

resounding in silence here let awe overtake you in my Sheltering Wings the wise prize quiet above

opinions above clever words that clamor for attention out of their Stillness extends invitation into the unknown and

life untouched yet by mortal hands oh draw near beloved draw near in the

silence lay aside the insatiable demands that perpetually sap strength and

Scatter Focus cease striving fruitlessly to satisfy this AG’s end l

appetites you were fashioned for sacred seasons of Stillness with me as well as

strategic sending into purpose therefore Steward time and energy judiciously

aligning action to replenishment that maintains resilience enduring storms

avoid extremes either isolated inwardly or so outwardly preoccupied you

disconnect from my empowering presence instead Cycles seamlessly between quiet communion and passionate participation

each renewing the other here you walk the narrow way into Abundant Life your maker intends listen for my gentle

Whispers through simple silence that grounds conviction builds character and

informs wise action avoid reactionary paths popularity promotes detour

Sensational roads lined with empty promises and perilous byways paved by fearmongers shouting loudest their Panic

incites hasty decisions devoid of Faith almost always ending in confusion or

harm unplug accordingly from The Barrage of opinions and breakdowns presented as

facts filter input and halt assumptions then apart from the den meet me in

Stillness for context and wisdom that penetrates polarizing smog with Clear

Vision bathed in Mercy and Truth here anchored perspective overrides distorted

narratives from quiet Clarity speak gently with courage create thoughtfully

with with conscious and led patiently fueled by hope in

silence ReDiscover foundational definitions around being belonging and purpose you exist as my cherished

creation designed intentionally to reveal my nature never accidental

byproduct of random processes your essence was secured in my four knowledge

before the dawning of the first light in the cosmos every moment since was authored in my book guiding you along

path paths toward fulfilling Redemptive call your life unfolds equipped supernaturally shouldered by Grace

sufficient through tests my strength infuses your Frailty so never fear falling short your highest aim is simply

being my child not Great accomplishments heaping possessions or accolades for

true meaning dwells in relationship not things achieved or staged performances for others approval your identity is

permanently Anchored In Me You Belong through my blood before exhibiting any Merit out of great F intimacy serve

family and strangers alike with kindness expecting no gain here Joy overflows

thus still your weary soul to remember foundations stabilizing Faith what voices dominate inner spaces coloring

perception on what footings are constructed Cornerstone convictions determining reactions when pressure

mounts return regularly to silent places of prayer and scriptural Council establishing beliefs values and

priorities aligned to my Kingdom’s ethic tend this root system sunk deep into my

my ways and words nourished by my spirit then character will stand matured by

Revelation wrapped in relationship not merely informing but transforming heart

and mind avoid despair over Darkness eclipsing land through fear propaganda

and unjust laws slowly normalizing the unacceptable the darkest night still

gives way to Dawn my child balance cries of Injustice with praise for my grace

rising to answer sufferings please train your vision to recognize glimmers of

Promise amid despair blessing woven into sorrow’s tapestry look Beyond current

setbacks I am moving to remove barriers impeding equity’s arrival standing on Faith’s firm ground take heart from my

Justice perfected over history’s long travail I bring life from Death Joy from

grief and healing to every ill goodness from Evil’s intention trust my Relentless love pursuing creation’s high

EST welfare though surrounding disasters Herold the apocalypse remain anchored in

my unshakable promises extremity signals culmination in the storm’s eye regains

strength just for championing gentle Justice by tearing down Dividing Walls

with words of solidarity for outcasts but first bolo swallowing prideful

ignorance that dismissal fed indifference enabling exploitation lament cold attitudes normalizing

systems that devalue weep for Dynamics perpetuating suffering from Unthinkable cruelty between times of fron and

outspoken action meet with me in Stillness to nurture empathy that listens before responding that grasps

nuan before demanding rid Conformity my love liberates without crushing lost souls and constructs Bridges enabling

former enemies to show Mercy it fuels steadfast endurance to welcome redemptions down protect this Fury love

of flame in your belly from arrogance F tender flames of humility and kindness until old oppression bows to Soul

solidarity and Equity kisses those once shunned at last seen as kin my child as

you tread through the Realms of a world scarred by the remnants of inhumanity let a revolution burgeon within you a

revolution that calls you to introspect and challenge your own beliefs and biases it’s time to quell the instinct

to cast judgment upon those who appear different without understanding their or

experiencing their Journeys seek to cultivate a deeper in Integrity within yourself before you demand it of the

world in your quest for fairness cleans say your vision of the privilege that

brings Comfort at the expenses of others mourn the apathy and ignorance

that have become bedrocks of oppressive systems yet remember it is only through divine grace that true transformation is

possible where Prejudice has clouded your view allow my divine intervention

to clear your vision Paving the way for a healing that is whole and complete offer your relationships to the light of

my redemption in your journey towards understanding Venture into Realms that may seem uncomfortable it is in these

spaces that trust is built and advocacy for the vulnerable is forged empathy

when joined with action becomes a powerful force for Justice Long denied

lend an ear to the stories Laden with pain you’re Le in for a respectful audience creates spaces where sorrow can

coexist with celebration where dignity is restored to those from whom it was

stolen Embrace experiences diverse from your own to refine your perspective

moving beyond stereotypes promote media and language that uplifts that sees the

diversity of identity and background with humanity and respect forsake the

path of exploitation and embrace the journey towards equitable growth for all reimaging the social structures and

decrees that destruct the ascent of the less fortunate cultivate personal habits that elevate the downtrodden and

valiantly oppose any Dominion that elevates one faction above another dismantle and reconstruct the very

foundations that have perpetuated disparity close not thine eyes to the inequalities that pervade but rather

Venture into Realms unlike thine own strive to comprehend the unique tribulations faced by diverse peoples

discover Unity Beneath The Superficial divides and Foster hope in this realm empathy and urgency converge to spawn

intercession advocacy and Reconciliation as you step away from the false Comforts of complacency New

Horizons emerge a revelation that revolutionizes perspectives once limited by the blindness of privilege what was

once deemed reasonable now gives way to a mindset transformed a conscience awakened refusing to tolerate the grave

imbalance and inequality among my beloved children a Divine discontent stirs within you spurred by my spirit’s

grief and a heart of passion holy impatience Bridges the gap between words

and actions compelling true Faith to manifest in Deeds grounded in prayer and integrity thus you become the embodiment

of heavenly ideals here on Earth you will write new laws of equity ensure the

marginalized have a seated decision-making tables and begin in the cultural course correction today you

stand at a Crossroads will you choose the comfort of Silence which implicitly permits Injustice or the path of

courageous truth-telling despite the opposition it may invite will you conform or realign radically to avoid so

I’ll cherish every moment every day for your love is s my path and everywhere in the the touch of your hand I find the

strength to rise and stand through every trial every tear we’ve shed Your Love

spin the shelter where I find my B oh your love spin Maya nor life stormy sea

Beacon aul I need to be free so I’ll cherish every moment every day for your

love I spit my back in every way with gratitude in my soul I’ll sing this song

for the love we share every stast and strong the metaphorical rocks you must

leave behind the Famer raft amidst life’s Rapids yet Greer life awaits

Beyond these tur ulent passages what loss can compare to the gain of walking alongside the vulnerable towards Justice

Long denied Embark boldly Beyond barriers aligning with the right side of History yet in your endeavors anchor

yourself in humility let your actions be driven not by Pride but by love within

approach your tasks not with bombast but with solemnity and care not ego but

intimacy with me should fuel each stride not slogans but embedded truth should frame name each Act not the Blair of

Gabriel’s horn but the gentle guidance of my staff should accompany you as you Journey from Still Waters Into The Fray

level the uneven grounds freeing captives to walk unburdened with heads held high gradually dismantled Dividing

Walls to expand the Family Circle once tightly guarded here my kingdom is realized fortified by prayer and sound

perspective live activated in radical hope reject Despair and learned helplessness despite the groans of a

world and the throws of rebirth resist resignation or distraction feel the full

weight of suffering and respond responsibly in line with your conscience and calling stay balanced not sway to

extremes of inaction or arrogance as the scale of Crisis compels remain grounded in the reality each moment presents

promote Justice through daily responsible choices and radical faith in a victory already secured despite the

evidence to the contrary keep despair at Bay with tenacious hope in me amidst

chaos stay centered on my loving righteousness which inexorably rolls over severe Injustice to restore Equity

when weariness sets in from the struggle find recovery in our quiet Sanctuary

away from the clamor then reenter the arena refreshed for the next strategic

acts of resistance Revelation and Reconciliation in this the darkness will yield to the

dawning light as you Journey through time with me Let each moment be a crucible transforming understanding into

a force that shaps the world daily you encounter chances for merciful Deeds or moments to share in another’s grief

radiating a soul presence it is vital to discern when

silence is a form of ascent and when it perpetuates harm your voice has the power to initiate dialogues of healing

or to bridge the chasms that divide in this find the courage to rise above the

complacent to speak truths that awaken and challenge in your own life confront

the Privileges that have clouded your vision of others struggles repent for the indifference that has blinded you to

the extraordinary resilience of those oppressed it’s time to abandon the unearned Comforts built on systems of

Injustice step bravely into understanding and empathy recognize and celebrate the diverse paths and

identities that find their origin in me a music music n music music music work

towards dismantling hierarchies that hoard influence and resources and strive to empower those who have been silenced

this is the Genesis of a Justice that the prophets foretold my spirit will guide you to truth if you are willing to

let go of your preconceptions your efforts must be attuned to the realities of both the oppressed and your

adversaries to find Common Ground stand firm in your convictions but resist the temptation to polarize True peacemakers

Balance firmness with openness conviction with understanding they challenge wrongdoing while holding on to

the hope of redemption for all remember every person no matter their

actions Bears my image and is worthy of dignity in moments of Stillness truths about the world’s

turmoil come into Focus In These Quiet spaces you can find strategies that honor

regularly Retreat into contemplation where your frustrations and challenges can be met with faith and intuition let

these moments of quiet surpass mere intellectual reasoning sparking insights

resilient against societal currents be thoughtful in assessing when to act and

when to stand in opposition hold a deep concern for the vulnerable and aspire to transform enemies into allies for the

greater good in this my creation is continually renewed in this intertwining

of growth and commitment real change is birth at bringing order from chaos thus

in this Grand unfolding your actions and inactions both play pivotal roles from Bold declarations to silent reflective

waiting each contributes to a revolution of Hope and transformation amen

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