my child
in the vastness of the cosmos I watch
over you with a tender and watchful eye
I see the joys that fill your heart and
the burdens that weigh you down know
that you are never alone for I am always
with you guiding you through every Twist
and Turn of life’s journey in moments of
uncertainty when the storms of Doubt
threaten to engulf you turn your gaze
towards me I Am The Anchor that steadies
your soul amidst the turbulence trust in
my divine plan for I hold the universe
together with a masterful design and
everything unfolds according to my
perfect timing type amen if you believe
find solace in the power of prayer for
it is through sincere communion with me
that you shall discover inner strength
and peace pour your heart out to me and
I shall listen to every Whisper of your
soul understanding your deepest desires
and fears when you encounter adversity
remember that it is through challenges
that you grow and evolve embrace the
lessons that trials bring and allow them
to shape you into a more resilient and
compassionate being
do not be disheartened by the mistakes
you make for I offer you the gift of
forgiveness in my eyes you are never
defined by your past actions
instead I see the potential for
greatness within you waiting to be
realized above all love unconditionally
just as I love you embrace your fellow
beings with an open heart for love is
the most profound force in the universe
it has the power to heal wounds Bridge
divides and illuminate even the darkest
corners of the world you are a precious
soul and your life has purpose and
meaning embrace the uniqueness of who
you are and let your light shine
brightly for others to see remember that
you are an integral part of my divine
plan and your journey no matter how
challenging has a greater purpose as you
walk through life know that my love for
you is boundless and eternal seek me in
every aspect of your existence and I
shall be there guiding you towards the
Fulfillment of your Highest Potential
type Amen in the comments and get
blessed today