God Is Going To Lift You Up | Urgent God's Message | God Message Now | God's Daily Messages - Free AI Voice Generator

God Is Going To Lift You Up | Urgent God’s Message | God Message Now | God’s Daily Messages

my friend have you ever felt like you

were in a pit of despair just like God

lifted David out God is going to lift

you out where you are right now is not

where you’re going to stay there are

brighter days up ahead for you filled

with favor promotion and increase as you

walk uprightly before him no good thing

will he withhold from you notice that

God gives us a new song but we have to

do our part to sing that song that means

you don’t go around talking about your

problems how bad things are or how

you’re never going to make it no you

have a song of Victory if somebody asks

you how you’re doing your attitude

should be I’m too blessed to be stressed

I’m moving forward in strength and power

remember praise precedes the Victory and

the Bible tells us that God is enthroned

on our Praises as you magnify and lift

him up he will lift you up out of your

despair he’ll set your feet on Solid

Ground and you’ll move forward in joy

and victory in every area of your life a

prayer for

today father thank you for Lifting me up

to higher places thank you for putting a

new song in my heart I choose to sing

and be grateful today for the life of

blessing you have in store for me in

jesus’ name amen like if you believe in


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