GOD IS ABOUT TO AMAZE YOU. - Free AI Voice Generator


I will give you rest and Lead You alongside Peaceful Waters to cleanse your spirit I will guide you on Paths of

righteousness for the sake of my name even when you go through dark and deep

places I am your Shepherd my beloved child and I will always be with you in

Lush Fields I will always be with you I will surround you with blessings I will

confound your adversaries and I will fill your heart with knowledge your table will be bountiful and my kindness

and mercy will accompany you throughout all of your days valleys do not be afraid of any

harm my rod and staff will soothe and reassure you life you will live in my

home enjoying my love and peace abundantly because I am here by you to support you in everything I hold you in

my powerful hand enveloping you in my protection and covering you with my sacred robe of love

do not be frightened for I am right beside you to support you in everything I really hope that you will

seek me out and listen to these words that I say to you with love I want you to let this message from my heart to

penetrate your very being I want you to allow me to paint the marvels of my love on the walls of your mind so that you

may feel safe and stop worrying whether you are deserving of the things that I have bestowed upon

you I want to offer you you lovely gifts and I want you to embrace these messages

through faith because I’m speaking directly to you I want you to dare to trust in me and I want you to let go of

your worry fear and despair please do not continue to hang

on to these things them in your heart lay them down at my feet once more and

give me your trust a new I have many wonderful things planned for you but

first I need your faith and loyalty your future is in my hands and when you

rest in my arms without any doubt I will have everything you need or distrust all

of my blessings will come to you give me your fears your worries and the sadness

that is simmering inside of you it is my wish for you to have a stable life so

that you can feel better I tell you this with all of my heart affection because I

want you to be able to stand up and continue your trip I am preparing you to triumph over and

Triumph over every problem you are facing you are fully aware that I am with you at night I am a light to your

feet by day I am your Shield shielding you from the arrows your opponents throw

at you grant my Holy Spirit the opportunity to form your character for I

want to teach you to say only words that are spiritual Supernatural and uplifting

come to my written word and discover that I am humble of heart heart always using my words to provide healing

forgiveness and blessing my beautiful child miracles happen like this when you utilize my my

promises your faith and your words to bless people around you I guarantee you

total Victory when you recognize that your path should be driven by faith not by appearances or the abrupt emotions

that flood your head don’t be persuaded only by what you feel think of your future and your love ones acts committed

in emotional bewilderment May inflict deep scars that may take years to mend

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