welcome to the sacred prayers Channel we

have prepared this miraculous prayer

especially for you so concentrate take a

deep breath and join us on this

incredible spiritual journey with our

Mighty God don’t forget to subscribe to

the channel and type the name of the

person you want to dedicate the

blessings of this powerful prayer to in

the comments right down


here dear brother in faith today we will

pray to Our Lady undoer of knots so that

she may undo the knots in your financial

life I know that today you may not be at

your best you may have overdue bills and

be full of debt you may be stuck in a

cycle of financial problems and no

longer see a solution for this matter

this is the moment when you have to

practice your unwavering faith and truly

believe that God writes straight with

crooked lines God has a greater purpose

for your life and this prayer is the

sign you are asking God for through the

intercession of Our Lady of nods we will

untie the binds that are blocking your

financial life so that money May flow

blessedly into your life so that you can

free yourself from debt and provide the

best for your life and for your family

leave in the comments your request to

Our Lady undoer of knots and put all

your faith and your heart into the power

of this prayer shall we go to prayer

prayer to Our Lady undoer of Nots to

untie your financial life beloved Our

Lady undoer of knots today before for

you I entrust the knots that have

Tangled my financial life you who are

the compassionate mother and The Guiding

Light I ask that you intercede for me

before the Divine Throne so that

abundance and prosperity May flow like a

river in my life oh Virgin Mary you who

untie the knots with love and compassion

I ask that you extend your maternal

hands over my financial worries you know

each challenge I face each obstacle that


insurmountable but I trust oh mother

that under your blessings everything is

possible just as you untied the knot of

hopelessness and sadness when you

accepted the call of the heavenly father

I cry out that you untie the knots that

prevent my

Prosperity you are the Beacon of Hope

that guides my steps in the midst of the

darkness of

uncertainty inspire me our lady to

follow the paths of righteousness and

financial wisdom with the devotion of

someone seeking the Creator’s face I ask

that you kind mother Grant Clarity to my

mind so that I make correct and prudent

decisions strengthen my determination to

face challenges with courage trusting

that under your gaze every problem is

just an opportunity in

Disguise Our Lady undoer of knots my

faith is unwavering and my hope is

renewed with every word I direct to you

I imagine myself before you in the

Heavenly Gardens as a child who seeks

the loving counsel of the celestial

mother your presence is is the gentle

breeze that calms my worries and the

storm that dissolves the blockages that

limit my financial progress oh dear

Mother as a bishop in my heart I feel

your voice resonating encouraging me to

continue even when difficulties seem

insurmountable as a Shepherd guides his

sheep to Green Pastures you guide me

towards opportunities and solutions that

were hidden from my eyes receive mother

Mary my prayers and my sincere

surrender with the conviction that you

are by my side I know that change is

inevitable and the blessing is certain

just as you untied the knots in the

lives of so many devotees I know that

you will untie the knots that bind my

financial life oh Mery undoer of knots

as I whisper this prayer with devotion I

feel the ties being loosened the doors

opening and wealth flowing in my

direction I thank you dear Mother for

your constant protection and

unconditional love with gratitude and

Trust trust I accept the gift of

prosperity that you are pouring over me

thank you our lady for hearing my call

and for being the guiding star that

illuminates my path towards a

financially blessed future our lady my

powerful intercessor I feel your

closeness like a ray of light that

penetrates the shadows of my fears and

worries Your Grace is the anchor that

keeps me Steady despite the financial

storms I face I trust in you my heavenly

Queen to untie the nuts that have

restricted my prosperity and prevented

me from following the path of

abundance you who untied the nut of

Doubt when you accepted the Divine call

to bring the Savior into the world I

humbly ask that you untie the knots that

tie up my

finances in this moment of total

surrender I feel your presence flooding

my being with a deep sense of peace and

confidence with your grace I know I can

overcome any obstacle and achieve the

financial blessings I so desire oh Mary

my protector and loving mother I see

your image before my eyes surrounded by

a Celestial Aura of compassion and love

you are the star that lights my way even

when darkness threatens to envelop me

with fervor I cry for your help so that

your delicate hands May untie the knots

that have limited my financial progress

Our Lady undoer of knots I feel your

sacred energy flowing through this

prayer like a river of Faith running in

my heart I VIs visualize with the eyes

of the soul the moment when each not is

undone under your Divine Touch emotion

overflows in tears of gratitude because

I know without a shadow of a doubt that

the financial Miracle is on its way as a

Shepherd guides his sheep to fertile

pastures you lead me to Hidden

opportunities and possibilities that are

beyond my immediate reach our lady my

Celestial Mentor I am led to act boldly

knowing that you are by my side guiding

every step I take towards

abundance you are the key that opens the

gates of prosperity and at this moment I

entrust to you all my financial worries

as a bishop of my inner faith I feel

your presence guiding my mind my actions

and my

choices with gratitude I accept the

financial miracle that I know you are

preparing for me with a heart full of

Hope and devotion I allow myself to feel

the anticipated Joy of financial

Victory thank you our lady for your

loving intercession and for reminding me

that I am worthy of divine

blessings I believe with unwavering

faith that my financial life is

transforming for the better and that the

miracle is happening at this very moment

dear our lady my spiritual counselor I

make this prayer with the conviction

that you are listening to each word

feeling each beat of my heart I trust

that you are whispering to the

universe’s ears my aspirations and that

you are working behind the scenes to

unti the knots that keep me away from

Prosperity with anticipated gratitude

and a smile on my heart I thank you for

being the guide of my financial journey

I imagine a future where the ties have

been transformed into springboards

problems into opportunities and

limitations into steps to

success in your name Our Lady undoer of

knots I release this prayer to the wind

trusting that you are acting in my favor

with joy and expectation I celebrate the

unfolding of events that will lead me to

a life of abundant

Financial with my eyes fixed on the

horizon of possibilities I renew my

faith and my

devotion every day that passes I

reaffirm my trust in you oh dear Mother

knowing that each small knot is a

challenge to be overcome and a lesson to

be learned in the hours of uncertainty I

remember your Divine promise and find

strength to

continue I remain Vigilant in prayer

aware that perseverance is the path to


through the teachings that come to me in

the form of Trials I cultivate patience

and wisdom the pillars of my Financial

Health with each knot untied a window

opens revealing new Landscapes of

abundance and

prosperity and so dear Mother as I walk

under your Guiding Light I offer each

step as an Act of Faith I am thankful

for every door that opens and for every

not that comes undone for each is a

disguised blessing an invitation to to

personal transformation and spiritual

growth I trust in your intercession Oh

Our Lady undoer of knots and in the

wisdom of the divine plan which leads me

along paths I never

imagined I lay my financial worries in

your hands and proceed with a light

heart certain that I am being guided

beyond the limits I once thought were

insurmountable on this journey toward

Financial Freedom I find in you our lady

the inspiration to act with integrity

and the courage to face the unknown

with a Serene soul I know I am being

prepared to receive The Graces I desire

which align with the greater good and

the purpose of my soul in deep gratitude

I place in your sacred hands the keys to

my financial future with each prayer I

feel closer to achieving the tranquility

and security I so seek under your

protection I celebrate every Victory and

every overcoming for I know they are

fruits of your grace and the infinite

love of the heavenly father with love

and reverence I conclude this prayer

sealing my commitment with you and with

the path of faith I have chosen to

follow May the financial blessings that

await me be revealed in Divine timing

and may I share the fruits of this

journey with those in need of your help

Oh Our Lady undoer of knots who with

your tenderness and strength gently unti

the complex weaves that imprison our

steps I come to you with a heart

overflowing with faith imploring for

deliverance from the debts that weigh on

me in your infinite Mercy see look upon

my economic anguishes and touch them

with your liberating hand wrapped in a

whirlwind of financial obligations I

often feel a drift in a sea of

uncertainties where the waves of overdue

bills and unmet commitments threaten to

drown my peace but amidst this storm I

raise my eyes to you Star of Hope

knowing that your light can dissipate

the fog of anxiety and illuminate the

path to financial

stability I Turn to You advocat Nostra

to intercede for me and Grant me the

grace of deliverance from debts not for

the Indulgence of superficial desires

but so that I may live with dignity and

honor my commitments with

Justice that through your Aid I may find

just and effective Solutions learning

the lessons that Divine Providence

wishes to teach me through these

difficulties teach me oh beloved mother

to manage wisely the goods that the

father has entrusted to me may I be a

faithful Steward of resources avoiding

excesses and Val valuing the

essential help me to discern between the

necessary and the Superfluous to invest

in what brings not just material but

also spiritual and emotional return I

also ask Mother undoer of knots that you

extend your protection over all those

burdened by oppressive debts may your

compassion reach every family every

person struggling to break free from the

binds of scarcity and financial

despair together may we witness the

power of your intercession

which transforms scarcity into abundance

and sadness into joy in this moment of

Supplication I offer my worries and

efforts to you confident that under your

guidance I will be able to overcome each

Financial obstacle May strategies and

opportunities reveal themselves to me

May each step I take toward economic

balance be firm and secure under the

cloak of your

blessing with each notd untied may my

gratitude and Faith strengthen and may I

be a living witness to your love and

power may my journey reflect your

goodness and may the Financial Freedom I

seek be a means for greater

glorification of the Divine and for the

good of all around me with the trust of

a child who knows they are loved and

cared for I place in your hands Our Lady

undoer of knots this prayer for Relief

and Liberation from debts May each word

Spoken Here be a link in the strong bond

that unites me to you and through you to

the creator of all things in the Silence

of my soul amidst the quiet of prayer I

find refuge and the strength to face


adversities and here I am oh mother

undoer of knots seeking in you the

guidance for a path that leads me to the

relief of the debts that afflict me so I

humbly acknowledge the mistakes that

have brought me to this state of

indebtedness and ask for the wisdom not

to repeat them inspire me to act

prudently to avoid impulsive consumption

to carefully plan for the future and to

value every hard-earned

scent I plead for your help in

establishing a clear plan for the

repayment of my debts that I may with

your blessing honor each commitment

reestablish my credibility and rebuild

my financial life on solid and


foundations on this path of restoration

I ask that you accompany me that your

presence be the bomb that soothes the

stress worry and anxiety that debts

bring May your light Enlighten my

intelligence strengthening in me the the

ability to seek creative and efficient

Solutions give me the courage Oh Our

Lady to face each creditor with

integrity and a Clarity to negotiate

fair and feasible terms may I find the

understanding and cooperation necessary

so that together we may reach an

understanding that benefits all involved

may I learn to live within my means to

save before spending to differentiate

desire from necessity and to find true

wealth in the simple things of life may

my journey to Financial Freedom also be

a journey of inner growth and closer

proximity to you and the Divine allow me

Our Lady undoer of knots to feel the

relief of debts being untied one by one

and may this sensation of Freedom expand

through all areas of my life may each

payment made be a step toward a new

reality where abundance and Financial

Peace are

constants may this prayer be the

beginning of a new phase in my life

marked by responsibility and Comm

commitment to a prosperous and balanced

future may my actions reflect the faith

I place in you and in the divine plan

that guides me with a merciful gaze

attend oh beloved mother to this my plea

for help and when I achieve deliverance

from debts may my heart be filled with

gratitude and my mouth with

praises may I be an example of

transformation and Faith inspiring

others to seek in you the path to

Liberation from their own knots in the

presence of your Divine assistance Our

Lady undoer of knots I now Proclaim

words of self-affirmation so that those

listening May repeat them with me and

together we can strengthen our faith and

resilience against Financial

challenges we repeat together I am a

being of action and wisdom I have the

capacity to overcome any Financial

adversity with this affirmation I

recognize the strength that dwells

within me the same strength that leads

me to seek Solutions and to persist

until each n is undone I am learning and

growing with each Financial

experience every debt I face is a lesson

every payment I make is a

victory this journey is full of

opportunities to mature and develop my

financial decisions reflect wisdom and


guidance by saying this I connect with

the source of all light and Truth

seeking in you oh mother the inspiration

to act according to the principles of

prudence and

integrity with each day I am closer to

achieving Financial Freedom with this

conviction I move forward with

confidence knowing that every step is

important and each small progress brings

me closer to my ultimate goal my faith

is the foundation of my financial

stability in the midst of turbulence it

is my unwavering faith that sustains and

guides me I repeat this with strength

and courage for I know that Faith moves

mountains and unties the most resistant


gratitude for what I have opens the

doors to more

blessings by expressing my gratitude I

acknowledge the abundance is present in

my life which expands my capacity to

receive even more I am enveloped by

divine grace and everything will resolve

for my good with this affirmation I

accept the grace that flows towards me

believing that the solutions to my debts

are manifesting in perfect timing I am

committed to a healthy and prosperous

financial future future and by making

this commitment I know that my actions

today are building the tomorrow I desire

Oh Our Lady undoer of nods May these

words of self-affirmation be like seeds

planted in fertile soil may they grow

and transform into Lush trees of Hope

strength and

fulfillment may all who repeat these

affirmations feel your consoling and

encouraging presence and together may we

move towards a life free from the

financial binds that restrict us compete

with me with conviction and hope I am a

competent and conscious Financial

Manager by affirming this I recognize my

ability to manage resources with

intelligence and foresight honoring

every penny that passes through my hands

my actions are Guided by values of

responsibility and

generosity with this statement I commit

to act not only for my benefit but also

considering the collective well-being

sharing when possible helping to Foster

the circulation of pro

Prosperity I am open to new

opportunities for growth and

prosperity by opening my heart and mind

I become receptive to the infinite

possibilities that the Universe has to

offer confident that New Paths are

unfolding before me every Financial

challenge is an opportunity to

strengthen my faith and

determination I believe that there are

no insurmountable obstacles and with

persistence and dedication I will

transform every challenge into a step

towards success

I am surrounded by abundance and trust

that all my needs will be met this

certainty fills me with peace for I know

that Divine Providence does not forsake

me and that my most genuine needs will


fulfilled my financial life is aligned

with the Divine Purpose for me with this

awareness I understand that my

Prosperity serves a greater plan that

each Financial experience is a

reflection of my spiritual journey I

choose gratitude as my response to to


situations whether in abundance or

scarcity I opt for a grateful heart

which allows me to view every situation

with eyes of faith and

optimism I am worthy of a healthy and

balanced Financial Life by affirming my

worthiness I reject any belief in

scarcity and limitation and embrace the

abundance that is my Birthright Our Lady

undoer of knots May each of these

affirmations be a link in the chain that

binds me to trust and Hope may I and all

who join me in this prayer walk together

towards a liberated and full Financial

life may the repetition of these words

create a reality of Freedom where

Prosperity is an expression of divine

love in our lives and as we experience

the relief of each debt that dissolves

may we reaffirm our faith and our

ability to co-create an existence of

Harmony and

gratitude in the serenity of this sacred

encounter with our faith we continue to

weave the mantle of our conviction with

threads of strong and and true words Our

Lady undoer of knots under your

benevolent watch we establish the

foundation of our financial resilience

with affirmations that elevate and guide

us now United in spirit and purpose let

us repeat together each time with more

strength and faith I am a child of

Providence deserving of financial

blessings and

miracles with this affirmation I remind

myself that my Essence is divine and

that Prosperity is a manifestation of of

the Creator’s love for his children I am

fully capable of transforming my

financial challenges into success

stories each difficulty I encounter is a

blank page on which I write the Triumph

of my story with the ink of Courage and

the words of hope my confidence is

unshakable and my vision is clear I see

a future filled with security and

prosperity as I visualize this future it

begins to materialize brought into

reality by the power of faith and the

the certainty that I am on the right

path I am grateful for what I have and

for what is to come for gratitude is the

key that opens all doors each expression

of gratitude is an invitation for more

blessings to flow into my life widening

my recognition of the gifts already

received and th still on the way I am

committed to my financial education and

continuous growth in all areas of my

life the pursuit of knowledge and the

practical application of wisdom are the

foundation for building a solid and

sustainable Financial

reality every step I take towards paying

off my debts is a step towards my

freedom with each responsible action I

move away from the binds of indebtedness

and towards Financial Independence step

by step day after day my mind is fertile

ground for innovative ideas that


Prosperity by affirming this I become a

magnetizer of Creative Solutions and

lucrative opportunities for I know that

creativity is an inexhaustible source of


potential I am surrounded by a

supportive community and wise counselors

who guide and encourage me no person is

an island and by recognizing the value

of communion and mutual support I

strengthen the ties That connect me to a

network of support and guidance with

each Dawn I renew my commitment to live

a life of financial integrity and

abundance with each new day I am given

the chance to rewrite my story to

correct the course to choose again the

path of righteousness and

prosperity I choose to release any fear

or anxiety related to money embracing an

attitude of peace and

positivity by releasing these emotional

binds I make room for the Serenity and

Clarity needed to make wise financial

decisions my life is a reflection of

divine order and in my finances that

order manifests as balance and Harmony I

believe in the reflection of of the

Divine in every aspect of my life and

align my finances with this higher truth

seeking balance and Harmony Our Lady

undoer of knots May each of these

affirmations be an act of Living Faith a

precious stone in The Treasure of our

spiritual journey may they resonate in

the hearts of all who utter them

becoming a mantra of transformation and

a hym of victory over Financial

adversities with United hearts and

voices in concert we let these words of

self-affirmation inter twine with our

prayers forming a strong and beautiful

fabric of pure intentions and desires


Prosperity with each repetition we

reaffirm our unwavering faith and our

determination to live a life of

abundance and gratitude wrapped in the

grace and protection of Our Lady undoer

of knots we continue to strengthen our

spirit and our determination with words


self-affirmation let’s repeat together

expanding our faith and our ability to

face Financial adversities I am a magnet

for prosperity and abundance flows to me

from numerous

sources by declaring this I open myself

to receive wealth in all its forms

confident that the Universe conspires in

my favor to bring opportunities and

blessings every financial decision I

make is Guided by wisdom and

discernment with this affirmation I

recognize my ability to make smart

choices that will lead me to a secure

and prosperous financial future I

acknowledge the strength of my financial

resilience I am capable of adapting and

thriving in any

circumstance this declaration

strengthens me reminding me of my

ability to overcome challenges and

reinvent myself whenever

necessary I celebrate every progress no

matter how small for each step is an

advance towards Financial Freedom by

celebrating every small victory I stay

motivated and recognize the value of

each effort made my heart is full of GRA

gratitude for I know that every

experience is an opportunity to grow and

evolve with this perspective I accept

all experiences as part of my learning

path transforming challenges into

opportunities for personal and spiritual

enrichment I am committed to my

financial and personal development

knowing that one feeds the other this

affirmation reflects my understanding

that personal and financial growth are

interdependent and that dedicating

myself to both is essential for a full

life I am deserving of financial peace

and work daily to achieve it by

affirming my worthiness I push away

limiting beliefs and focus on building a

reality of tranquility and Financial

Security my trust in Divine Providence

frees me from fear and financial

anxiety with this conviction I place my

worries in the hands of the Divine

confident that I will be guided and

protected on all my paths every action I

undertake is a step towards the

realization of my financial

dreams this belief drives me to act with

purpose and Direction aware that I am on

the right path to achieve my goals my

life is a reflection of divine love and

generosity and thus I attract more of

the same by living with love and

generosity I create a virtuous cycle of

giving and receiving in abundance

reflecting the generous nature of the

universe I trust that I am being led to

financial experiences that serve my

highest good this confidence allows me

to face each experience with a sense of

purpose and gratitude knowing that

everything contributes to my growth I

open the doors to abundance knowing that

I am worthy of receiving all the good

that life has to offer with this

affirmation I break down internal

barriers that prevented me from

accepting the abundance that is

rightfully mine I think in advance for

the financial blessings that are on the

way knowing that gratitude is the magnet

for more

blessings this practice of anticipatory

gratitude strengthens my faith and

attracts even more positivity into my

life my financial journey is unique and

I celebrate my individual path free from

comparisons and external

Expectations by recognizing and valuing

my own journey I free myself from the

pressures to follow and post standards

and find my own path to

success I am open to learning and

growing welcoming each lesson that fin

finial life teaches me this attitude of

openness and constant learning keeps me

in a state of evolution and continual

Improvement Our Lady undoer of knots May

these affirmations be more than words

may they be the expression of a true

inner transformation that will lead us

to a life of prosperity freedom and joy

May the repetition of these truths

strengthen our conviction and our

ability to manifest the financial

reality we aspire to may all those who

share in this moment moment of prayer

and self-affirmation feel enveloped by

the love and transformative power of the

Divine may we together witness the

untying of the knots that restrict us

and may we celebrate with hearts

brimming with gratitude each step that

brings us closer to an abundant and

fulfilled Financial life



to conclude our prayer we leave here our

special thanks to our channel members

who make it possible for us to continue

producing this content especially for

each one of you and may God bless you


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