ESUS SAID: 'IT IS READY‼️ YOU ARE BEING TESTED NOW' | God's advice today - Free AI Voice Generator


God’s advice today God is sending many

signs but it seems like you are ignoring

all of them so do not ignore this video

because it is a message from God’s heart

to bless your life today before we

continue please leave your like so that

more people can be reached by this

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like this don’t ignore this video and

stay until the end I invite you to click

on the first comment where you will find

a special prayer the second best

manifestation offer in the world God

said Dear Son in this moment as I

express my deepest feelings for you it

is essential to highlight the intense

love and care that permeate every aspect

of your journey throughout this path

every step step you have taken has been

meticulously observed by me and it is

crucial to recognize the appreciation I

have for your unwavering faith and

perseverance in the face of challenges

the obstacles you have faced have not

gone unnoticed and the valuable lessons

you have absorbed have become

significant milestones in your journey

now more than ever it is crucial to

understand that the difficulties you

have faced were not caused by your

actions in most moments of Despair your

tears have served as a means to water

the soil of Hope allowing seemingly

lifeless seeds to flourish the time has

come to acknowledge that the land is

pulsing with new vitality and a green

Chute full of promises is emerging I

anticipate a Bountiful Harvest awaiting

you and these blessings far from being

merely material will bring spiritual

richness filling your life with

prosperity compassion wisdom and truth I

remind you that I am your Shepherd and

divine provision will manifest as you

cultivate kindness in your interactions

avoiding placing blind trust in Mortal

beings obedience to my Commandments and

the abandonment of pessimism are

essential precepts for the journey that

lies ahead rise with faith for truly

great Miracles and wonders await those

who maintain unwavering belief this this

is a time of transition and it is

imperative to leave behind the shackles

that hinder your progress even in the

face of closing doors it is vital that

you do not allow discouragement to take

hold for soon a new even grander door

will open for you in this spiritual

plane a battle is being fought on your

behalf numerous enemies will try to

obstruct your growth but do not fear for

I will provide the presence of beings

with divine div knowledge to guide you

accept these Guidance with humility and

set aside moments dedicated to prayer

for through this dialogue further

Revelations will be made to you victory

in this battle is assured and all

obstacles will be

overcome understand that although I have

the power to free you instantly it is

crucial that you value your faith

talents and Gifts the victories you will

achieve will not only be the result of

your individual efforts this is the time

to receive my blessings with confidence

replace your afflictions with blessings

your sadness with strength and your pain

with healing through my love feel the

tender Embrace I am offering you right

now wherever you are and allow yourself

to receive this gift through faith

dedicate some precious seconds to absorb

this gift bringing calm to your soul and

peace to your mind I Empower you to

control the turbulent emotions that may

arise and it is crucial to understand

that despite alarming news I am present

and your life continues this too shall

pass and your future is sealed with

Heavenly anointing know that your

blessings will not be diminished by any

enemy who dares to discourage you I

possess the necessary power and my

eternal desire is for you to receive

each of the blessings that are to come

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