Do You Love Me? God Says Today | God Message Today | God's Message Now For You Today - Free AI Voice Generator

Do You Love Me? God Says Today | God Message Today | God’s Message Now For You Today

beloved child I saw that your face was

lowered and it was clear that you needed

strength in the way of your journey I am

after all your father and I don’t live

in a far away place where you can never

find my

love I’ve always been here next to you

even if you forget sometimes now raise

your hand and reach out to me I’d like

to walk along the paths of your thoughts

with you for a while to understand your

problems what are you scared of

because you no longer want to live what

makes you want to throw away your fate

the world really can be

cruel when you were a child your eyes

sparkled with Wonder as you looked

forward to the best things that life had


offer people who said they were your

friends asked for your pure Smile as a

sign of friendship but then lies and

betrayal destroyed your hope stopped

your smile and took away your will to


I know you stopped believing in me and

trusting me now believe I know every

burden wound and pain you feel we talk

the same language and I know exactly

what will make you feel

better hold out your hand to me and as

we walk let me tell you about a place

where I love you very much someone is

looking at you all the time day or night

your soul is fed and strengthened here

like a little bird that is

hungry there you are truly the children

of the all powerful God remember that

you have the most valuable space in the

universe one that is only yours you will

never be moved from this spot by

anything or

anyone I really do believe that you are

safe here in the deepest parts of my

heart as a child you have every right to

come and talk to me here even if you

don’t think you deserve it

falsehood should not trick you I savored

your life with my blood and from now on

no one can get rid of

you there is nothing that could take you

away or keep you apart not even the


itself my beloved child you will always

be the same in my heart your blessing is

on its way and will get to you

soon beginning today and going on

forever the rain of Grace will pour into


home there’s nothing else in the world

that can compare to what I can give you

I can give you a strong sense of purpose

calm you down and turn even the worst

situations into something beautiful you


know I know how to get you out of the

desert into a

spring when it comes your way take my

blessing when things really cool are

about to happen so keep your eyes open

get my word word because that’s the only

way you’ll know when the blessings are

coming I look for a humble heart because

I want to live a life that is always

ready to love and

forgive my child there have been many

rejection attacks trials and doubts that

have made you less devoted to your

beliefs than you used to be go back to

the path of trust and read the word of

power again your hard times are over

also the painful days are almost over

when your good things come your way

remember that I sent them with

love I looked out for you when there was

trouble and I fed you as you moved

through the

desert I want your faith to stay strong

and alive so that you don’t forget about

me your

God when life gets good keep calling out

and praying because there are still many

things you can’t see with your your own

eyes there is a spiritual battle going

on and I need brave warriors like you

I’m going to do amazing things in and

through you I will use you to give many

people food clothes Comfort healing and

blessings as you bless other people you

will also be

blessed stand strong and steady during

this time of

Miracles get rid of the things that are

holding you back

find my face and believe

again I love you and all of your worries

will go

away I forget about your flaws and

forgive you I wash away your sins in the

ocean don’t worry about something just

bring it to me put it in my hands and

let me carry

it in my plans for you you will be happy

in this life not short-term happiness

but joy that lasts forever with you this

happiness will make you smile and Trust

even when bad things

happen deep down you know that no one

can ever take my love away from you

there were hopes and dreams you had for

yourself and your family that seem to

have died a long time

ago I will bring them back to life I’m

making changes to

everything things will never be the same

for you again

don’t worry and don’t feed your fears

with thoughts of losing you are now free

because I broke all of your

chains fly very high and see how far you

can go if you believe let go of your

past and accept

present I’m blessing you with a

meaningful job good health and plenty

protection from Evil true friends peace

in your family wonderful dreams and a

never ending desire to live I will do

great things in you I can’t be stopped I

will always be there for you love you

and support you I want you to love me

and stay true to me get ready for a new

life full of


amen finally My Sweet Child I hope these

encouraging words have touched your

heart as they did

mine take a moment to show your support

if this message made you feel good and

gave you hope feel free to share this

video with your friends and family and

like it to spread the

love these words can also help them feel

better remember that your comments are

not only helpful for us but also for

everyone in the

community thank you for being a part of

this journey may your lives be full of

happiness and blessings someone is

looking at you all the time day or night

your soul is fed and strengthened here

like a little bird that is

hungry there you are truly the children

of the all powerful

God remember that you have the most

valuable space in the universe one that

is only yours you will never be moved

from this spot by anything or

anyone I really do believe that you are

safe here in the deepest parts of my

heart as a child you have every right to

come and talk to me here even if you

don’t think you deserve it

falsehoods should not trick you I

savored your life with my blood and from

now on no one can get rid of

you there is nothing that could take you

away or keep you apart not even the


itself my beloved child you will always

be the same in my heart your blessing is

on its way and will’ll get to you

soon beginning today and going on

forever the reign of Grace will pour

into your

home there’s nothing else in the world

that can compare to what I can give you

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