God messes for you
today if you don’t fill your mind with
God’s word the enemy will fill it with
stress anxiety negativity and
Temptation God is often found gently
whispering in the cutness of a humbled
heart when you realize God is for you
you want to fear what happens to you
because you know God is working in you
the end of the day God is the only one
you can to lie depend
on if God changes your heart be willing
to change your plans I don’t care about
likes or follows I just want to do what
God has called me to do to be a light in
this world Spirit the word and bring all
the glory to his
name I don’t know who needs to hear this
today but don’t worry about how God is
going to do it just now that he
definitely will remember whenever
you are in a position to help someone be
glad and always do it cuz that’s God
answering someone else prayers through
you I’m thankful for all the trauma
failure and
disappointment I have
endured because it led me to
God hold on God now knows what he is
doing do not allow the enemy to bring
doubt and anxiety into your
life the devil can’t take everything
from you when your everything is God you
may be waiting for something that God
has promised to you people may betray
your trust but not him he is true to his
promises he will take care of you as you
walk through his process get there but
trust him first enjoy the journey he has
prepared for you in him the process is
more important than the destination God
can do the
impossible lift it higher worship it
louder declare it stronger pray it more
boldly until every doubt worry and fear
sounds like God you are so good you make
all things possible no season is ever
wasted in God’s timeline whatever you
are going through no matter how painful
it is God will definitely use it so he
can bring you closer to him and so I
hope you seek worship and trust him more
he is a God who doesn’t waste a
pen the battle you are going through God
already knows that the offense the hurt
bound God has seen it all but he will
watch he wants to see you turn every
into a opportunity to trust him deeper
the future you are so worried about God
is already there and he will still be
faithful God knows when is the best time
to answer your prayers if you are in the
season of
waiting keep seeking him delight
yourself in the Lord and watch how you
will no longer be just waiting but also
moving by faith fulfilled in his
presence surrendered in his perfect
will thank you God for using that pen so
I can learn how to forgive fully to be
humble completely and to grow maturely
in you never defeated right now you
might think that your life is hopeless
what you can’t see is God picking up all
the broken pieces that you are too
scared to touch he fighting battles you
don’t ever now you are about to give up
but God is declaring you are about to
walk through your breakthrough my child
have faith in me I am fighting for you
that’s why I all the more need God’s
help I need to call and seek his name
every day people don’t know
everything others don’t even have an
idea of what I’m going through but God
knows he knows every detail and I
believe he will carry me through this
struggle are heavy but there is victory
in the
Lord God is still good God is good even
if your heart hurts even if your whole
world seems to be breaking God’s
goodness doesn’t depend on your
situation you can continue trusting him
despite your
circumstances he is still good even when
life is not don’t be surprised when he
ask you to let go of of your good plans
in exchange for his best plans don’t be
surprised when he ask you to forgive and
to be humble don’t be surprised when he
puts you in difficult situation because
when God is in charge there is growth
forgiveness and eternal things that are
worth the sacrifices
if you believe in God please comment