Bracing for What Lies Ahead: The Inevitable Future | God's message - Free AI Voice Generator

Bracing for What Lies Ahead: The Inevitable Future | God’s message

this is a significant warning from God for people in these final days as we approach the day when Christ returns to

Earth to gather the Saints to be with him in heaven followed by the culmination of the world itself the

world is poised to undergo numerous experiences the adversary understands

that his time is limited so he will endeavor with all his resources to try and entice and Lead astray God’s people

in this video I will share some of these aspects with you and motivate you to

stand firm on the day of Jesus’s Ascension angels manifested and informed

the disciples that everything Jesus proclaimed was true and that just as he assured he will return one day acts

to they gazed intently into the sky as he ascended when abruptly two figures

clothed in white Stood Beside them men of Galilee they declared why do you

stand here gazing into the sky this same Jesus who has been taken from you into

heaven will come back in the same way you saw him depart into heaven and the

Lord Jesus himself stated in revelation behold I am coming soon my reward

is with me and I will give to each person according to what they have done

many individuals still doubt that Jesus will return some have even forsaken the

faith because the devil succeeded in persuading them that there is no heaven or hell and that Christ will not come

this is not the moment to relinquish your faith but the time to hold on even tighter so that the adversary does not P

for your faith here are some phenomena you will observe before Christ’s

return transgression pressions and Abominations will take Center

Stage it’s no longer a revelation how certain things deemed abominable in the

Bible have become commonplace today practices that were once frowned

upon in earlier times and those cautioned against in the Bible are now

commonplace the media promotes transgressions as do the music and film

Industries fashion and even schools everything affirms what the

Bible already conveys if you survey your surroundings

it may appear as though we are reliving the days of Noah all over again those

who uphold normaly in adherence to the Bible are labeled judgmental and even

condemned however Jesus already forewarned us Matthew to as it

was in the days of Noah so it will be at the the coming of the son of man for in

the days before the flood people were eating and drinking marrying and giving

in marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark and they knew nothing about what

would happen until the flood came and took them all away that’s how it will be

at the coming of the son of man the world has arrived at a point where normaly is offensive righteousness

before God has become an offense and upholding God’s order might subject you

to attack from many quarters sinning and wickedness are now met with reward and

celebration worldwide it’s the darkness the prophet Isaiah foretold would shroud the Earth

nevertheless amid this Darkness you and I as Saints must persist in shining as

the beacons we are in Christ selfishness will be exalted this stands as one of

the core elements of the Contemporary deceit the Bible cautioned us about the

degree of self centeredness and egotism prevalent in the world today is

unparalleled in history it forms the primary root of sin and atrocities in

the world as we know it where Jesus in the Bible instructs us to love others

selfishness insists until you love yourself adequately you should not

extend love to others when the Bible implores us to watch out for our brother

selfishness schems to take and be content only when it secures its own Watchmen the Bible states that one of

the indicators heralding Christ’s coming is that self-love and love of self along

with selfishness in all its guises will assume prominence when you scrutinize God’s

word you’ll find Jesus proclaiming that love fulfills the law this implies that

in the grip of selfishness you will commit all the iniquities in life yet in

love you can empathize with others prioritize Christ and prioritize others

above yourself this does not imply surrendering your life recklessly no it

simply means you submit under God’s Almighty hand to be his instrument for

Illuminating others it simply signifies discovering your completeness in Christ

and being ready to live for something greater than yourself Philippians to do nothing out of selfish ambition or

vain conceit rather in humility value others above yourselves not looking to your own

interests but each of you to the interests of the others do not yield to

the Allure of selfishness for you dear Saint Love

Remains s the path of Christ persist in standing firm within it the love of many

Believers will grow cold and timid Jesus rightly asserted that as Sin becomes

ordinary and prevails worldwide the love of many individuals will cool off

Matthew to because of the increase of wickedness the love of most

will grow cold but the one who stands firm to the end will be

saved in this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a

testimony to All Nations and then the end will come in this Gospel of the

Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to All Nations and

then the end will come one of the ultimate snares of the devil in the last

days prior to Christ’s arrival is the sway of sin on the love and fervor of believers today numerous Believers are

embracing and accommodating the world’s ways because they are reluctant to come under scrutiny or be labeled as

judgmental but the truth cannot be mocked you must take your stance dear

believer you cannot serve both the devil and the Lord address what God designates

as Sin precisely as he designates it and label what he deems good in the same

vein additionally another cause for believers growing cold is that many

Believers embibe the principles of this world they assimilate the world’s

ideologies and Endeavor to fuse them with the scriptures consequently sturdy Believers

are not being raised to Champion godliness and sobriety the emphasis on prayerfulness is dwindling and Believers

find it challenging to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus with boldness do not succumb to this snare my

friend implore the Lord to fortify you and Kindle his Fire Within you plead

that amidst the darkness you will be the radiant Beacon where others conceal

their fire let us be audacious in our Ard regardless of the price offenses

will proliferate this follows on from the preceding Point as long as Believers

continue yielding to the world they will keep growing cold and as they grow cold

they will become vulnerable to offenses offenses do not only emerge

from adversity but also from decadence when people grow accustomed to

or desire to become accustomed to falsehood they will commence taking

umbrage at those who speak the truth a sign of the deterioration in today’s

society is the electrity at which anything can be construed it as

offensive Jesus affirmed that offenses would arise yet blessed are those who do

not stumble because of him the world will never favor or desire us but we

understand they require us and as long as we are in the world we must continue

to be the illuminators of the world many including Believers will stand in

opposition to you you must not yield to bitterness or offense you must persist in Walking In Love and

forgiveness for the sake of Christ and his love false teachers will

multiply another phenomenon that will command the spotlight in these ultimate

days is the surge of spirous preachers Jesus foretold of this some

will assert the savior is already present While others will affirm they know the exact time of the savior’s

Advent and still others will deny his return altogether some will promulgate a false

doctrine of grace that sanctions unrestrained sinning without regard for God and others will espouse a

counterfeit works-based message that belittles the grace of God the Bible

alerts us that bogus prophets will become increasingly numerous in these final days a sign that Jesus is Drawing

Near do not fall into the Trap of anything that deviates from from God’s word adhere to God’s word and live by

personally do not permit anyone to coers or sway you into accepting what is

inconsistent with the word likewise entrust yourself to the Lord to

safeguard you from the pitfall of Pride thinking that you have seen it all and

have no need for further learning this Pitfall is one of the roots to

misstep we are all Disciples of the Holy Spirit and will continue learning at his

feet until Jesus arrives the world neither esteems nor

dreads the impending judgment but we are not to be uninformed Jesus came to sacrifice

himself so that everyone who believes and accepts him might elude the Everlasting judgment that awaits all who

depart without Redemption second Corinthians – so we make it our aim to please

him whether we are at home in the body or away from it for we must all appear

before the Judgment seat of Christ so that each of us may receive what is due

us for the things done while in the body whether good or bad since then we know

what it is to Revere the Lord we Endeavor to convince others what we are

is transparent before God and I trust it is also transparent to your

conscience let us not desist from proclaiming the message of Jesus at every available opportunity and with

every resource at our disposal hell is not a destination for

anyone to endure eternally if you have not yielded your heart to Jesus yet this is the moment do

not delay another instant summon him now and request him to preside in your heart

as you resolve to follow him until the end recall that Jesus declared that

whoever disowns him or is embarrassed by him will also be disowned before the

father though the day will catch the world off guard every child of God

should live each moment prepared for the arrival of our Lord and savior remain steadfast beloved we will

soon behold the Lord in his Splendor do not forfeit your position for anything

so that in the end you will be counted among the jubilant what will transpire on Earth’s ultimate

day is a query that lingers in every Christian’s thoughts one thing is undeniable we will

be held accountable for our actions on this Earth Corinthians for we must

all appear before Christ’s judgment seat that each one may get what is due him

for his actions while in the body whether good or bad Paul urges us to

prioritize pleasing God as our foremost objective as we will all stand before

Christ’s judgment seat it is the assurance that we will not face the

Judgment we deserve that motivates us to seek to please him and it is the anticipation of enduring Joys and

everlasting Pleasures that motivates us to serve him in the face of adversity looking forward to Eternal rewards in

heaven our efforts will be laid bare either consumed as chaff while we we are

saved or purified to shine perpetually like the stars in the sky to the glory

of God and to our own Eternal satisfaction as Paul articulates in First

Corinthians this is also the day when every Injustice will be

rectified contemplates that for a moment from the Viewpoint of the wrongdoer

God’s judgment for sin is Dreadful yet every sin has a human

sufferer and for those those who have been wronged this day will have been long awaited finally the culprits of all

offenses and criminal acts will be held accountable God was observant God was

attentive and God will make it right every instant a defenseless victim cried

out to God for justice every time oppressed individuals revolted against their oppressors to no avail every

instance a young child’s pleads for compassion fellow on deaf ears the Lord admonishes the persecuted not to seek

Vengeance on their own but to entrust it to him the Lord asserts it is mine to

avenge I will repay God will fulfill this Pledge on the day of judgment the

most exhilarating part is yet to come you are not obliged to attend this

hearing if you let him Jesus will stand for you as Daniel apprises us the

records will be unsealed when the Great and fearsome judgment

commences however Revelation references another book that will be

unveiled simultaneously if your name is inscribed in The Book of Life the outcome of your

lawsuit is assured your case will not even be heard according to John

very truly I tell you whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has

eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from Death To Life why

would God use our Deeds to judge our hearts what I do will mirror what I

believe in my heart this is the fundamental principle that elucidates

why God’s judgment is fairly grounded on our actions what renders your action so

consequential simply because your action reflects your innermost

convictions whatever’s inside must come forth eventually this is an extraordinary

principle that manifests in various manners if you Harbor anger within it

will eventually surface bitterness will rise to the Forefront if you possess

bitterness avarice will materialize in your demeanor if you are a Covetous

individual if you are merciful Mercy will return to you if you are gentle the

rest of the world will observe whatever you are internally will radiate through in the way you conduct

yourself whether you are Frugal prudent reliable kind or a

peacemaker that is why God is a Works based judge not to pay a way to

salvation but to establish a basis for judgment you are saved by faith and

judged based on your actions Peter if you address as father the one

who judges impartially according to each one’s work conduct yourselves in fear

during the time of your sojourn on the Earth according to Paul God’s wroth and

fury descend upon the wicked leading to tribulation and anguish for them the

anguish experienced by individuals who are the targets of God’s wroth and indignation is referred to as

tribulation and pain Paul employs these terms to depict the Perpetual penalty

awaiting Every Soul who commits evil you would not wish to be in that place the

Bible recurrently cautions using terrifying portrayals of Hell’s

torments consequently Paul makes it clear that everyone will confront God in

judgment culminating in either Everlasting in Life or Eternal wroth the

self-serving person as per Romans – ultimately rejects truth and

pursues wickedness the individual who lives exclusively for himself or herself

courts indignation resulting in immense suffering and profound distress the ultimate and complete

eradication of all sin and wickedness is detailed in the Book of

Revelation the the scripture illustrates what unfolds when God has executed his

judgment all injustices have been redressed all sin has been segregated

and all suffering has ceased tears death sorrow weeping and pain are

conspicuously absent from the New Jerusalem distress sorrow the separation

from friends and loved ones and death are all Grievous realities of life but

they will be consigned to Oblivion once and for all when we relocate to New

Jerusalem it’s no wonder that the Apostle Paul saw his demise as a

benediction Revelation he will wipe away every tear from

their eyes and Death Shall be no more neither shall there be any mourning nor

crying nor pain anymore for the former things have passed away the new Jew

Jerusalem is the focal point of this chapter this is not the Earthly historic

Jerusalem of the tribulation it is also not the surviving Jerusalem of the Millennium that serves as Jesus Capital

it is God’s Celestial city which he conceived and constructed God will establish an

eternal Abode for the redeemed and an impeccable environment for Everlasting existence love joy and enlightenment in

his presence on the new Earth where righteousness resides for here God will coexist with

his people and grief and death will be no more the grand controversy will

conclude and sin will be abolished all creation animate and inanimate will

extol God’s love and he will reign for all eternity only a little while longer and

the wicked will be no no more you will look for them and they will not be there

but the humble will inherit the earth and dwell in it forever he assures in

Psalms yes the day of judgment will be a blessing for all faithful

Humanity in Matthew Jesus was Seated on the Mount of Olives and his disciples

approached him privately inquiring about the timing of the culmination of this age and the accompanying sign of his

arrival Jesus proceeds to respond to their queries and provide them with

signs to be vigilant for the Bible delineates the culmination of this age

as the winding up of the current system of things the last days or the season of

the end in Timothy the Bible outlines the characteristics of the last

days describing them as perilous times the amp cified translation emphasizes

that these days will be marked by dangerous stress and trouble making them

difficult to endure as we delve into the chapter it becomes evident that the last days will

witness a widespread rejection of God’s principles in the world anything aligned

with the word of God will face rejection people will seek teachings

that cater to their desires favoring a gospel of prosperity over a life of

sacrificial devotion yet we recognize the necessity of embracing the pure gospel one that

pierces our hearts and challenges sinful behaviors as Christians we bear the

responsibility of spreading the message of Jesus Christ to all in Matthew

Jesus identifies the key sign of the end times the universal proclamation

of the Gospel this doesn’t imply reaching every individual on the planet but

establishing a credible Christian presence among all ethnic and cultural

groups what does this mean for us as Christians we are intrusted with the

duty of sharing the good news with all we encounter Our Lives should radiate the

love and light of Jesus and we should fervently pray for the Salvation of those around us trusting that God can

achieve the seemingly impossible remember we need not be fearful in the face of the end times for

we know that our God is Sovereign and in complete control our focus should remain

steadfastly on Jesus living Our Lives to glorify him Timothy paints a stark

portrayal of a society in Decay with individuals becoming treacherous

slanderous and div void of self-control it envisions a world where

moral absolutes are disregarded and everyone pursues their own version of

right and wrong yet the challenges may not only arise from outside the

church in these end times the most formidable trials May emerge from within

the body of Christ This is why Paul in two Timothy

urges us to recognize the state of the time and stands strong in our faith he

cautions realize this there are things we need to be aware of in the church if

we want to stay strong in our faith we can’t afford to be disillusioned or fall

away because we didn’t recognize what was happening around us the encouraging

news is that as a community of Believers we can come together supporting and

uplifting one another with God’s strength we we can overcome any

challenge that comes our way so let us persist in spreading the gospel in

supporting one another and in fixing our Gaze on Jesus the author and perfector

of our faith in the end times we may face the temptation of religious

Impostors these are individuals who may appear Godly outwardly but internally

they Harbor sin and deceit they might even quote scripture but their actions

speak louder than words in fact Timothy warns us to steer clear of

such individuals who have a superficial appearance of godliness but deny its true power we find ourselves in an era

of religious imposters where many ask the right questions but follow misguided

answers as genuine followers of Christ we must be Discerning and anchor our

faith on a solid foundation in Matthew Jesus teaches us

that those who hear and obey his teachings are like builders on Solid Rock while those who hear and disregard

his teachings are like builders on Sand when the storms of life come the

foundation of Faith determines whether we stand firm or falter surveying the

world today we witness numerous signs foretold by Jesus and

Revelation one significant indicator is the escalation of conflicts and Wars

among nations as prophesied in Matthew this is strikingly evident in

current events with Wars threatening our societies and events such as the Russian

invasion of Ukraine another sign is the Spectre of famine while it may not yet Herald

apocalyptic proportions we observe the effect in Rising food prices and

environmental challenges such as desertification and ocean depletion Revelation symbolically

depicts a Horseman representing widespread famine as Christians we are

called to maintain faith and trust in God believing that he will guide and

direct our paths Proverbs – instructs us trust

in the Lord with all your heart heart and lean not on your own understanding

in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight let us

hold steadfast to our faith Anchored In God’s truth even amid trying

times let’s remain true to God’s word unswayed by worldly

influences let’s trust in his provision and a find contentment in what we have

instead of posting about about ourselves let’s give glory to God for his blessings in our

lives as Christians we recognize that challenges will arise in this

world Jesus himself warned us about earthquakes and natural disasters in

various parts of the world recent events have demonstrated the reality of this

bringing suffering and loss yet what about the spiritual challenges we’ll

face in two Timothy Paul informs us that in the last days perilous and even

violent times will come it’s a sobering thought but we shouldn’t be taken by

surprise we can find solace in knowing that these trials aren’t unforeseen by

God he’s forewarned us and he’s promised to be with us in our times of need we

can cry out to him in prayer confident that he will rescue us from all

troubles however there’s a condition we must pursue righteousness to receive his

help if you were in trouble wouldn’t you turn to the most capable and trustworthy

person you know it’s the same when we turn to God by seeking righteousness and

striving to honor him we build a sturdy Foundation of faith that we can rely on

in times of trouble when we do cry out to him he hears us and delivers us from

all our troubles so let’s draw inspiration from Psalm and remember that the Lord

attentively listens to the cries of his righteous ones let’s persist in pursuing

righteousness and establishing a strong Foundation of faith that we can lean on even in the midst of trying

times as God’s people we have the privilege of calling upon him in times

of trouble it’s remarkable to know that the creator of the universe desires to

hear from us and is ready to help us in our moments of need however being God’s people doesn’t

mean we’re Flawless or have it all figured out it means that our desire is

to pursue righteousness and follow him rather than conforming to worldly

ways the Bible foretells that in the last days many within the church will be

consumed by a ling of money regrettably we’re already witnessing this trend the

church has sometimes become a place of Commerce which is not its intended

purpose in fact Jesus himself cleansed the temple expelling those who were

buying and selling affirming that his house should be a House of Prayer not a

den of Thieves we must remember that we’re called to lead people to God’s house not

to isolate ourselves from them the Love of Money can be perilous and we must

guard against falling into that trap as first Timothy emphasizes godliness

with contentment is great gain how powerful is

unforgiveness can it truly destroy your life allow me to illustrate the

formidable impact of unforgiveness and how it can corrode the life of anyone who clings to it it music you may have

experienced unjust treatment perhaps you yearn for resolution in a conflict where you were

wronged maybe someone inflicted harm upon you perhaps your childhood was

marred by mistreatment life is replat with such instances of individuals acting out of

self- inter a partner departs without a backward glance leaving their spouse to

raise the children alone a business associate deceives you resulting in

financial loss damage to your reputation and loss of position betrayal can even

originate from family or close friends the Bible even forars that those

most likely to turn against you could be individuals from within your own

household Jesus himself Drew attention to a crucial point

during your Earthly existence as stated in Luke it is inevitable that

stumbling blocks will come but woe to the one through whom they come the King

James version phrases it this way then said he unto the disciples it is

impossible but that offenses will come but woe unto him through whom they come

take note that Jesus himself affirms that living a life without encountering

offenses is imp possible no matter how righteous or holy you may be you can

strive to avoid offending others but you can’t prevent others from causing you

harm in other words there will always be someone poised to step on your

toes you may try to evade them but the enemy will always Place someone

strategically to cause you to stumble to engage in actions you ought to abstain

from granting him the opportunity to bring harm into your life did you know

that some people may not even realize that they’re being used by the devil to make others stumble they might believe

they’re acting of their own accord yet in the spiritual realm Satan

is pulling the strings this is why he is the true adversary not the person causing the

hurt but the Devil Himself it’s analogous to a gun and a shooter the

police don’t arrest the gun for the crime they may seize it but the judgment

and sentence fall upon the shooter the gun is the instrument that inflicts the

harm but the wielder is the wrongdoer not the gun Satan is the instigator of

every hurt you may have experienced and it’s all right to feel the pain you’re

human not a robot God Gave You emotions to feel too nonetheless when you’re

unaware of who your true antagonist and adversary is you might clutch onto the

hurts and offenses so tightly that they poison you from within influencing your

thoughts and actions thereafter this is what we call unforgiveness the act of holding on to

offenses and bitterness often with a malicious and vengeful intent you have a

choice to cling to to the hurt fostering anger and bitterness and thereby

allowing it to poison your heart or to release it the deceiver Satan May

relentlessly convince you that you can’t forgive due to the intensity of your pain but you must release it he may

persuade you that they deserve your hatred and should suffer for what they did to you however you must discern who

your true enemy is and let go of the hurt understand this you don’t forgive the

person because they Merit it or for their sake if that were the case

scarcely anyone would deserve forgiveness instead you forgive for your

own well-being when you extend forgiveness you strip them of the power to harm you

by forgiving you reclaim control over your life the error we often make is in

holding on to to it nurturing bitterness and rage all the while we’re bestowing

upon them the power to keep inflicting harm upon us the individual might be out

there enjoying their life while you sit in your own Corner nursing your wounds

reliving your hurts repeatedly and growing more indignant this anger continues to Fester

making it even harder to let go and forgive ultimately it poisons your heart

towards that person or group and grants the devil a foothold in your life transforming you from who you’re meant

to be into someone else unforgiveness births an emotional Tempest of turmoil

where feelings of stress anxiety depression insecurity and fear begin to

take root and flourish in our hearts the Apostle Paul in Timothy

acknowledges Alexander under the copper Smith did me much harm the Lord

will repay him according to his deeds Paul is hurt yet he’s making the choice

to walk away and allow God to handle it he’s choosing to follow what God has

stated in his word vengeance is mine I will repay unforgiveness is like a

self-inflicted wound it may feel Justified but it only

perpetuates your pain and H ERS your own healing it’s as if you’re drinking

poison and expecting the other person to die so it’s time to release the hurt the

bitterness the resentment choose to forgive not for their sake but for your own

well-being it doesn’t mean that what they did was right it means you’re choosing to no longer let it control you

you’re taking back the power you’re choosing free Freedom over bondage

healing over festering wounds peace over turmoil choose to forgive not because

they deserve it but because you deserve peace you deserve to live a life free

from the chains of unforgiveness you deserve to walk in the light of God’s love knowing that he has

already borne your pain on the cross so let it go release it choose

forgiveness choose Freedom choose peace and watch as God

turns your ashes into Beauty your mourning into joy and your bitterness

into a testimony of his grace and healing power Romans

do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room for God’s wroth

for it is written it is mine to avenge I will repay say says the Lord in this

passage Paul quotes from Deuteronomy demonstrating a powerful principle

he encourages us to follow the example of this servant of God who chose not to

retaliate against those who wronged him but instead entrusted the matter to God

by focusing on higher virtues and avoiding the path of bitterness and unforgiveness he walked in alignment

with God’s purpose for his life when Jesus spoke on forgiveness Peter driven

by his emotions sought clarification on the subject likely wondering when it was

acceptable to seek retribution Jesus response un scores the

importance of choosing a higher path one that denies the enemy of foothold in our

lives as seen in Matthew – Jesus teaches that forgiveness

should extend far beyond a limited count emphasizing a spirit of boundless

forgiveness it’s crucial not to allow a single instance of mistreatment hurtful

words a difficult past or betrayal to impede our progress the example of Joseph who

forgave despite enduring betrayal from his own family and others illustrates

the power of maintaining the right perspective in doing so he not only only

reached his god-ordained Destiny but did so with a heart free from hatred Joseph

like any of us had ample reasons to Harbor bitterness and anger especially

towards his brothers and potifar wife however by refusing to allow

unforgiveness to take root he prevented it from wielding power over him this

empowered him to enjoy the true richness of Life Joseph’s Journey marked by

forgiveness and a clear perspective culminated in God’s promotion he rose above his former

oppressors demonstrating that a heart free from bitterness can lead to exalted

positions when Joseph encountered his brothers later they failed to recognize

him until he revealed himself Joseph’s life was adorned with

God’s glory because he chose to forgive recognizing that God’s plan exceeded

human understanding in every hurt you experience remember that God has a

purpose for your destiny although painful it does not hold the power to

thwart your future unless you allow it by entrusting your pain to God and

seeking his healing you can witness the transformative difference he can make

betrayal may have initially disrupted God’s plan for Joseph’s dreams but by

choosing forgiveness Joseph added greater value to his life this same

principle applies to us by forgiving we release the potential for God’s

Redemptive work in our Lives Many have emerged from painful

experiences to become beacons of Hope for others enduring similar

trials Nelson Mandela’s poignant statement underscores the importance of

leaving bitterness behind to find true freedom your destiny is too Grand to be hindered

by one person’s actions living a Victorious Christian Life is incompatible with harboring

unforgiveness it’s not the offense itself that destroys relationships but

the refusal to forgive unforgiveness erects a barrier between us and others

effectively handing Victory to those who hurt us remember mark –

six where Jesus emphasizes that forgiveness is integral to receiving God’s

forgiveness embracing unforgiveness only leads to exhaustion frustration and

constant anger it exacts a toll on your mental and physical well-being let

forgiveness be your choice not a concession to the offense but a step

toward healing it’s a process that requires perseverance as you lean on God for help

those negative emotions will gradually diminish eventually dissipating

entirely Joseph’s story and Jesus sacrifice on the cross highlight the

transformative power of forgiveness as you release the hurt to God and forgive those who have wronged

you you allow Jesus to mend your Brokenness prayer is a vital step in

this process enabling you to exchange pain for God’s peace God sees every hurt

every betrayal every violation he promises to restore and

bless those who trust and submit to him in the end love triumphs over all to

experience true Freedom seek God’s help in releasing every offense from your

heart let it all go this is a significant warning from God for people

in the these final days as we approach the day when Christ returns to Earth to gather the Saints to be with him in

heaven followed by the culmination of the world itself the world is poised to

undergo numerous experiences the adversary understands that his time is limited so he will

endeavor with all his resources to try and entice and Lead astray God’s people

in this video I will share some of these aspects with with you and motivate you to stand firm on the day of Jesus’s

Ascension angels manifested and informed the disciples that everything Jesus

proclaimed was true and that just as he assured he will return one day acts

to they gazed intently into the sky as he ascended when abruptly two figures

clothed in white Stood Beside them men of Galilee they declared why do you

stand here gazing into the sky this same Jesus who has been taken from you into

heaven will come back in the same way you saw him depart into heaven and the

Lord Jesus himself stated in revelation behold I am coming soon my reward

is with me and I will give to each person according to what they have done

many individuals still doubt that Jesus Will return some have even forsaken the faith

because the devil succeeded in persuading them that there is no heaven or hell and that Christ will not come

this is not the moment to relinquish your faith but the time to hold on even tighter so that the adversary does not P

for your faith here are some phenomena you will observe before Christ’s

return transgressions and Abominations will take Center Stage age it’s no

longer a revelation how certain things deemed abominable in the Bible have become commonplace

today practices that were once frowned upon in earlier times and those

cautioned against in the Bible are now commonplace the media promotes

transgressions as do the music and film Industries fashion and even

schools everything affirms what the Bible already convey days if you survey

your surroundings it may appear as though we are reliving the days of Noah all over again those who uphold normal

see in adherence to the Bible are labeled judgmental and even

condemned however Jesus already forewarned us Matthew to as it

was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the son of man for in the

days Before the Flood people were eating and drinking marrying and giving in

marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark and they knew nothing about what

would happen until the flood came and took them all away that’s how it will be

at the coming of the son of man the world has arrived at a point where normaly is offensive righteousness

before God has become an offense and upholding God’s order might subject you

to attack from many quarters sinning and wickedness are now met with reward and

celebration worldwide it’s the darkness the prophet Isaiah foretold would shroud the Earth

nevertheless amid this Darkness you and I as Saints must persist in shining as

the beacons we are in Christ selfishness will be exalted this stands as one of the core

elements of the contemporary deceit the Bible cautioned us about the degree of

self-centeredness and egotism prevalent in the world today is unparalleled in

history it forms the primary root of sin and atrocities in the world as we know

it where Jesus in the Bible instructs us to love others selfishness insists until

you love yourself adequately you should not extend love to others when the Bible

implores us to watch out for our brother selfishness schems to take and be content only when it secures its own

Watchmen the Bible states that one of the indicators heralding Christ’s coming

is that self-love and love of self along with selfishness in all its guises will

assume prominence when you scrutinize God’s word you’ll find Jesus proclaiming that

love fulfills the law this implies that in the grip of selfishness you will

commit all the iniquities in life yet in love you can empathize with others

prioritize Christ and prioritize others above yourself this does not imply

surrendering your life recklessly no it simply means you submit under God’s

Almighty hand to be his instrument for Illuminating others it simply signifies

discovering your completeness in Christ and being ready to live for something greater than yourself Philippians

do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit rather in humility value others

above yourselves not looking to your own interests but each of you to the

interests of the others do not yield to the Allure of

selfishness for you dear Saint Love Remains the path of Christ persist in

standing firm within it the love of many Believers will grow cold and timid Jesus

rightly asserted that as Sin becomes ordinary and prevails worldwide the love

of many individuals will cool off Matthew to because of the

increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold but the one who stands

firm to the end will be saved in this gospel goel of the Kingdom

will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to All Nations and then the

end will come in this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole

world as a testimony to All Nations and then the end will come one of the

ultimate snares of the devil in the last days prior to Christ’s arrival is the

sway of sin on the love and fervor of Believers today numerous Believers are

embracing and accommodating the world’s ways because they are reluctant to come under scrutiny or be labeled as

judgmental but the truth cannot be mocked you must take your stance dear

believer you cannot serve both the devil and the Lord address what God designates

as Sin precisely as he designates it and label what he deems good in the same

vein additionally another cause for believers growing cold is that that many

Believers embi the principles of this world they assimilate the world’s

ideologies and Endeavor to fuse them with the scriptures consequently sturdy Believers

are not being raised to Champion godliness and sobriety the emphasis on prayerfulness is dwindling and Believers

find it challenging to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus with boldness do not succumb to this snare my

friend implore the Lord to fortif y you and Kindle his Fire Within you plead

that amidst the darkness you will be the radiant Beacon where others conceal

their fire let us be audacious in our ardor regardless of the price offenses

will proliferate this follows on from the proceeding Point as long as Believers

continue yielding to the world they will keep growing cold and as they grow cold

they will become vulnerable to offenses offenses do not only emerge

from adversity but also from decadence when people grow accustomed to

or desire to become accustomed to falsehood they will commence taking

umbrage at those who speak the truth a sign of the deterioration in today’s

society is the electrity at which anything can be construed as offensive Jesus affirmed that offences

would arise yet blessed are those who do not stumble because of him the world

will never favor or desire us but we understand they require us and as long

as we are in the world we must continue to be the illuminators of the world many

including Believers will stand in opposition to you you must not yield to

bitterness or offense you must persist in Walking In Love and forgiveness for the sake of

Christ and his love false teachers will multiply another phenomenon that will

command the spotlight in these ultimate days is the surge of spirous

preachers Jesus foretold of this some will assert the savior is already

present While others will affirm they know the exact time of the savior’s Advent and still others will deny his

return altogether some will promulgate a false doctrine of grace that sanctions

unrestrained sinning without regard for God and others will espouse a counterfeit works-based message that

belittles the grace of God the Bible alerts us that bogus prophets will

become increasingly numerous in these final days a sign that Jesus is Drawing

Near do not fall into the Trap of anything that deviates from God’s word

adhere to God’s word and live by personally do not permit anyone to coers

or sway you into accepting what is inconsistent with the word likewise

entrust yourself to the Lord to safeguard you from the pitfall of Pride thinking that you have seen it all and

have no need for further learning this Pitfall is one of the roots to

misstep we are all Disciples of the Holy Spirit and will continue learning at his

feet until Jes Jesus arrives the world neither esteems nor

dreads the impending judgment but we are not to be uninformed Jesus came to sacrifice

himself so that everyone who believes and accepts him might elude the Everlasting judgment that awaits all who

depart without Redemption Corinthians – so we make it our aim to please

him whether we are at home in the body or away from it for we must all appear

before the Judgment seat of Christ so that each of us may receive what is due

us for the things done while in the body whether good or bad since then we know

what it is to rever the Lord we Endeavor to convince others what we are is

transparent before God and I trust it is also transparent to your

conscience let us not desist from proclaiming the message of Jesus at every available opportunity and with

every resource at our disposal hell is not a destination for

anyone to endure eternally if you have not yielded your heart to Jesus yet this is the moment do

not delay another instant summon him now and request him to preside in your heart

as you resolve to follow him until the end recall that Jesus declared that

whoever disowns him or is embarrassed by him will also also be disowned before

the father though that day will catch the world off guard every child of God

should live each moment prepared for the arrival of our Lord and savior remain steadfast beloved we will

soon behold the Lord in his Splendor do not forfeit your position

for anything so that in the end you will be counted among the

jubilant what will transpire on Earth’s ultimate day is a query that lingers in

every Christian’s thoughts one thing is undeniable we will be held accountable

for our actions on this Earth Corinthians for we must all appear

before Christ’s judgment seat that each one may get what is due him for his

actions while in the body whether good or bad Paul urges us to prioritize

pleasing God as our foremost objective as we will all all stand before Christ’s

judgment seat it is the assurance that we will not face the Judgment we deserve

that motivates us to seek to please him and it is the anticipation of enduring Joys and everlasting Pleasures that

motivates us to serve him in the face of adversity looking forward to Eternal

rewards in heaven our efforts will be laid bear either consumed as chaff while

we are saved or purified to shine perpetually like the stars in the sky to

the glory of God and to our own Eternal satisfaction as Paul articulates in

First Corinthians this is also the day when every Injustice will be

rectified contemplates that for a moment from the Viewpoint of the wrongdoer

God’s judgment for sin is Dreadful yet every sin has a human

sufferer and for those who have been wronged this day will have been long a

waited finally the culprits of all offenses and criminal acts will be held

accountable God was observant God was attentive and God will make it right

every instant a defenseless victim cried out to God for justice every time

oppressed individuals revolted against their oppressors to no avail every instance a young child’s pleads for

compassion fell on deaf ears the Lord admonishes the persecutor did not to seek Vengeance on their own but to

entrust it to him the Lord asserts it is mine to avenge I will repay God will

fulfill this Pledge on the day of judgment the most exhilarating part is

yet to come you are not obliged to attend this hearing if you let him Jesus

will stand for you as Daniel apprises us the records will be unceasing sealed

when the Great and fearsome judgment commences however Revelation

references another book that will be unveiled simultaneously if your name is inscribed

in The Book of Life the outcome of your lawsuit is assured your case will not even be heard

according to John very truly I tell you whoever hears

my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but

has crossed over from Death To Life why would God use our Deeds to judge our

hearts what I do will mirror what I believe in my heart this is the

fundamental principle that elucidates why God’s judgment is fairly grounded on

our actions what renders your action so consequential simply because your action

reflects your innermost conviction whatever’s inside must come forth

eventually this is an extraordinary principle that manifests in various

manners if you Harbor anger within it will eventually surface bitterness will rise to the

Forefront if you possess bitterness avarice will materialize in

your demeanor if you are a Covetous individual if you are merciful Mercy

will return to you you if you are gentle the rest of the world will

observe whatever you are internally will radiate through in the way you conduct

yourself whether you are Frugal prudent reliable kind or a

peacemaker that is why God is a works-based judge not to pay a way to

salvation but to establish a basis for judgment you are saved by faith and

judged based on your actions first Peter if you address as father the one

who judges impartially according to each one’s work conduct yourselves in fear

during the time of your sojourn on Earth according to Paul God’s wroth and fury

descend upon the wicked leading to tribulation and anguish for them the

anguish experienced by individuals who are the targets of God’s wroth and indignation is referred to as Tri

ulation and pain Paul employs these terms to depict the Perpetual penalty

awaiting Every Soul who commits evil you would not wish to be in that place the

Bible recurrently cautions using terrifying portrayals of Hell’s

torments consequently Paul makes it clear that everyone will confront God in

judgment culminating in either everlasting life or Eternal wroth the

self-serving person as per Romans – ultimately rejects truth and

pursues wickedness the individual who lives exclusively for himself or herself cours

indignation resulting in immense suffering and profound distress the ultimate and complete

eradication of all sin and wickedness is detailed in the Book of

Revelation the scripture illustrates what unfolds when God has executed his

judgment all injustices have been redressed all sin has been segregated

and all suffering has ceased tears death sorrow weeping and pain are

conspicuously absent from the New Jerusalem distress sorrow the separation

from friends and loved ones and death are all Grievous realities of life but

they will be consigned to Oblivion one once and for all when we relocate to New

Jerusalem it’s no wonder that the Apostle Paul saw his demise as a benediction Revelation

he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and Death Shall be no more

neither shall there be any mourning nor crying nor pain anymore for the former

things have passed away the New Jerusalem is the focal point of this

chapter this is not the Earthly historic Jerusalem of the tribulation it is also

not the surviving Jerusalem of the Millennium that serves as Jesus Capital

it is God’s Celestial city which he conceived and constructed God will establish an

eternal Abode for the redeemed and an impeccable environment for Everlasting existence love joy and Enlightenment in

his presence on the new Earth where righteousness resides for here God will coexist with

his people and grief and death will be no more the grand controversy will

conclude and sin will be abolished all creation animate and

inanimate will extol God’s love and he will reign for all

eternity only a little while longer and the wicked will be no more you will look

for them and they will not be there but the humble will inherit the earth and

dwell in it forever he assures in Psalms yes the day of judgment will be a

blessing for all faithful Humanity in Matthew Jesus was Seated on the Mount of

Olives and his disciples approached him privately inquiring about the timing of

the culmination of this age and the accompanying signs of his arrival Jesus

proceeds to to respond to their queries and provide them with signs to be vigilant for the Bible delineates the

culmination of this age as the winding up of the current system of things the

last days or the season of the end in Timothy the Bible outlines the

characteristics of the last days describing them as perilous times the

Amplified translation emphasizes that these days will be marked by dangerous

stress and trouble making them difficult to endure as we delve into the chapter it

becomes evident that the last days will witness a widespread rejection of God’s

principles in the world anything aligned with the word of God will face

rejection people will seek teachings that cater to their desires favoring a

gospel of prosperity over a life of sacrificial devotion yet we recognize

the necessity of embracing the pure gospel one that pierces our hearts and

challenges sinful behaviors as Christians we bear the

responsibility of spreading the message of Jesus Christ to all in Matthew

Jesus identifies the key sign of the end times the universal proclamation

of the Gospel this doesn’t imply reaching every in individual on the

planet but establishing a credible Christian presence among all ethnic and

cultural groups what does this mean for us as Christians we are entrusted with the

duty of sharing the good news with all we encounter Our Lives should radiate the

love and light of Jesus and we should fervently pray for the Salvation of those around us trusting that God can

achieve the seemingly impossible remember we need not be fearful in the

face of the end times for we know that our God is Sovereign and in complete

control our focus should remain steadfastly on Jesus living Our Lives to

glorify him Timothy paints a stark portrayal of a society in Decay with

individuals becoming treacherous slanderous and devoid of

self-control it envisions a world where moral absolutes are disregarded and

everyone pursues their own version of right and wrong yet the challenges may

not only arise from outside the church in these end times the most

formidable trials May emerge from within the body of Christ This is why Paul in

two Timothy urges us to recognize the state of the times and stands strong in

our faith he he cautions realize this there are things we need to be aware of

in the church if we want to stay strong in our faith we can’t afford to be

disillusioned or fall away because we didn’t recognize what was happening around us the encouraging news is that

as a community of Believers we can come together supporting and uplifting one

another with God’s strength we can overcome any challenge that comes our

way so let us persist in spreading the gospel in supporting one another and in

fixing our Gaze on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith in the end times

we may face the temptation of religious imposters these are individuals who may

appear Godly outwardly but internally they Harbor sin and deceit they might

even quote scripture but their actions speak louder than words in fact

Timothy warns us to steer clear of such individuals who have a superficial

appearance of godliness but deny its true power we find ourselves in an era

of religious imposters where many ask the right questions but follow misguided

answers as genuine followers of Christ we must be Discerning and anchor our

faith on a solid foundation in Matthew Jesus teaches us that those who hear and

obey his teachings are like builders on Solid Rock while those who hear and

disregard his teachings are like builders on Sand when the storms of life

come the foundation of Faith determines whether we stand firm or falter

surveying the world today we witness numerous signs foretold by Jesus and

Revelation one significant in indicator is the escalation of conflicts and Wars

among nations as prophesied in Matthew this is strikingly evident in

current events with Wars threatening our societies and events such as the Russian

invasion of Ukraine another sign is the Spectre of famine while it may not yet Herald

apocalyptic proportions we observe the effects in Rising food prices and

environmental challenges es such as desertification and ocean depletion Revelation symbolically

depicts a Horseman representing widespread famine as Christians we are

called to maintain faith and trust in God believing that he will guide and

direct our paths Proverbs – instructs us trust

in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all

your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight let us hold

steadfast to our faith Anchored In God’s truth even amid trying

times let’s remain true to God’s word unswayed by worldly

influences let’s trust in his provision and have find contentment in what we

have instead of posting about ourselves let’s give glory to God for his

blessings in our lives as Christians we recognize that

challenges will arise in this world Jesus himself warned us about

earthquakes and natural disasters in various parts of the world recent events

have demonstrated the reality of this bringing suffering and loss yet what

about the spiritual challenges we’ll face in two Timothy Paul Paul informs us

that in the last days perilous and even violent times will come it’s a sobering

thought but we shouldn’t be taken by surprise we can find solace in knowing

that these trials aren’t unforeseen by God he’s forewarned us and he’s promised

to be with us in our times of need we can cry out to him in prayer confident

that he will rescue us from all troubles however there’s a condition we

must pursue righteousness to receive his help if you were in trouble wouldn’t you

turn to the most capable and trustworthy person you know it’s the same when we

turn to God by seeking righteousness and striving to honor him we build a sturdy

Foundation of faith that we can rely on in times of trouble when we do cry out

to him he hears us and delivers us from all our trouble

so let’s draw inspiration from Psalm and remember that the Lord attentively

listens to the cries of his righteous ones let’s persist in pursuing

righteousness and establishing a strong Foundation of faith that we can lean on even in the midst of trying

times as God’s people we have the privilege of calling upon him in times

of trouble it’s remarkable to know that the creator of the UN unverse desires to

hear from us and is ready to help us in our moments of need however being God’s people doesn’t

mean we’re Flawless or have it all figured out it means that our desire is

to pursue righteousness and follow him rather than conforming to worldly

ways the Bible foretells that in the last days many within the church will be

consumed by a Love of Money regrettably we’re already witnessing this trend the

church has sometimes become a place of Commerce which is not its intended

purpose in fact Jesus himself cleansed the temple expelling those who were

buying and selling affirming that his house should be a House of Prayer not a

den of Thieves we must remember that we’re called to lead people to God’s house not

to isolate ourselves from them the Love of Money can be perilous and we must

guard against falling into that trap as first Timothy emphasizes godliness

with contentment is great gain how powerful is

unforgiveness can it truly destroy your life allow me to illustrate the

formidable impact of unforgiveness and how it can corrode the life of anyone who clings to it music you may have

experienced unjust treatment perhaps you yearn for resolution in a conflict where you were

wronged maybe someone inflicted harm upon you perhaps your childhood was

marred by mistreatment life is replete with such instances of individuals acting out of

self-interest a partner departs without a backward glance leaving their spouse

to raise the children alone a bus business associate deceives you

resulting in financial loss damage to your reputation and loss of position

betrayal can even originate from family or close friends the Bible even forewarns that

those most likely to turn against you could be individuals from within your own

household Jesus himself Drew attention to a crucial point during your Earthly

existence as stated in Luke it is inevitable that stumbling blocks will

come but woe to the one through whom they come the King James version phrases

it this way then said he unto the disciples it is impossible but that

offenses will come but woe unto him through whom they come take note that

Jesus himself affirms that living a life without encountering offenses is

impossible no matter how righteous or holy you may be you can strive to avoid

offending others but you can’t prevent others from causing you harm in other

words there will always be someone poised to step on your toes you may try

to evade them but the enemy will always Place someone strategically to cause you

to stumble to engage in actions you ought to abstain from granting him the

opportunity to bring harm into your life did you know that some people may not

even realize that they’re being used by the devil to make others stumble they

might believe they’re acting of their own accord yet in the spiritual realm Satan

is pulling the strings this is why he is the true adversary not the person causing the

hurt but the Devil Himself it’s analogous to a gun and a

shooter the police don’t arrest the gun for the crime they may seize it but the

judgment and sentence fall upon the shooter the gun is the instrument that

inflicts the harm but the wielder is the wrongdoer not the gun Satan is the

instigator of every hurt you may have experienced and it’s all right to feel

the pain your human not a robot God Gave

You emotions to feel too nonetheless when you’re unaware of who

your true antagonist and adversary is you might clutch onto the hurts and offenses so tightly that they poison you

from within influencing your thoughts and actions thereafter this is what we call

unforgiveness the act of holding on to offenses and bitterness often with a malicious and vengeful intent you have a

choice to cling to the hurt fostering anger and bitterness and thereby

allowing it to poison your heart or to release it the deceiver Satan May

relentlessly convince you that you can’t forgive due to the intensity of your pain but you must release it he may

persuade you that they deserve your hatred and should suffer for what they did to you however you must discern who

your true enemy isn’t let go of the hurt understand this you don’t forgive

the person because they Merit it or for their sake if that were the case

scarcely anyone would deserve forgiveness instead you forgive for your

own well-being when you extend forgiveness you strip them of the power to harm you

by forgiving you reclaim control over your life the error we often make is in

holding on to it nurturing bitterness and rage all the while we’re bestowing

upon them the power to keep inflicting harm upon us the individual might be out

there enjoying their life while you sit in your own Corner nursing your wounds

reliving your hurts repeatedly and growing more indignant this anger continues to Fester

making it even harder to let go and forgive ultimately it poisons your heart

towards that person or group and grants the devil a foothold in your life

transforming you from who you’re meant to be into someone else unforgiveness

births an emotional Tempest of turmoil where feelings of stress anxiety

depression insecurity and fear begin to take root and flourish in our

hearts the Apostle Paul in Timothy acknowledges Alexander the

coppersmith did me much harm the Lord will repay him according to his

deeds Paul is hurt yet he’s making the choice to walk away and allow God to

handle it he’s choosing to follow what God has stated in his word vengeance is

mine I will repay unforgiveness is like a self-inflicted wound it may feel

Justified but it only perpetuates your pain and hinders your own healing it’s

as if you’re drink drinking poison and expecting the other person to die so

it’s time to release the hurt the bitterness the resentment choose to forgive not for

their sake but for your own well-being it doesn’t mean that what

they did was right it means you’re choosing to no longer let it control you

you’re taking back the power you’re choosing Freedom over bondage healing

over festering wound wounds peace over turmoil choose to forgive not because

they deserve it but because you deserve peace you deserve to live a life free

from the chains of unforgiveness you deserve to walk in the light of God’s love knowing that he has

already borne your pain on the cross so let it go release it choose

forgiveness choose freedom choose peace and watch as God turns your

ashes into Beauty your mourning into joy and your bitterness into a testimony of

his grace and healing power Romans

do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room for God’s wroth

for it is written it is mine to avenge I will repay says the Lord in this passage

Paul Paul quotes from Deuteronomy demonstrating a powerful principle

he encourages us to follow the example of this servant of God who chose not to

retaliate against those who wronged him but instead entrusted the matter to God

by focusing on higher virtues and avoiding the path of bitterness and unforgiveness he walked in alignment

with God’s purpose for his life when Jesus spoke on forgiveness Peter driven

by his emotions sought clarification on the subject likely wondering when it was

acceptable to seek retribution Jesus response underscores the importance of choosing a higher path

one that denies the enemy of foothold in our lives as seen in Matthew

– Jesus teaches that forgiveness should extend far beyond a limited count

emphas izing a spirit of boundless forgiveness it’s crucial not to allow a

single instance of mistreatment hurtful words a difficult past or betrayal to

impede our progress the example of Joseph who forgave despite enduring

betrayal from his own family and others illustrates the power of maintaining the

right perspective in doing so he not only reached his god-ordained Destiny but did

so with a heart free from hatred Joseph like any of us had ample reasons to

Harbor bitterness and anger especially towards his brothers and paar’s wife

however by refusing to allow unforgiveness to take root he prevented it from wielding power over him this

empowered him to enjoy the true richness of Life Joseph’s Journey marked by

forgiveness and a clear perspective culminated in God’s promotion he rose above his former

oppressors demonstrating that a heart free from bitterness can lead to exalted

positions when Joseph encountered his brothers later they failed to recognize

him until he revealed himself Joseph’s life was adorned with

God’s glory because he chose to forgive recognizing that God’s plan exceeded

human understanding in every hurt you experience remember that God has a

purpose for your destiny although painful it does not hold the power to

thwart your future unless you allow it by entrusting your pain to God and

seeking his healing you can witness the transformative difference he can make

betrayal may have initially disrupted God’s plan for Joseph’s dreams but by

choosing forgiveness Joseph added greater value to his life this same

principle applies to us by forgiving we release the potential for God’s

Redemptive work in our Lives Many have emerged from painful

experiences to become beacons of Hope for others enduring similar

trials Nelson Mandela’s poignant statement underscores the importance of

leaving bitterness behind to find true Freedom your destiny is too Grand to be

hindered by one person’s actions living a Victorious Christian

Life is incompatible with harboring unforgiveness it’s not the offense

itself that destroys relationships but the refusal to forgive unforgiveness

erects a barrier between us and others effectively handing Victory to those who

hurt us remember Mark – where

Jesus emphasizes that forgiveness is integral to receiving God’s forgiveness embracing unforgiveness only

leads to exhaustion frustration and constant anger it exacts a toll on your

mental and physical well-being let forgiveness be your choice not a

concession to the offense but a step toward healing it’s a process that

requires perseverance as you lean on God for help those negative emotions will gradually

diminish eventually dissipating entirely Joseph’s story and Jesus

sacrifice on the cross highlight the transformative power of forgiveness as you release the Hur to

God and forgive those who have wronged you you allow Jesus to mend your

Brokenness prayer is a vital step in this process enabling you to exchange

pain for God’s peace God sees every hurt every betrayal every

violation he promises to restore and bless those who trust and submit to him

in the end love triumphs over all to experience true Freedom seek God’s help

in releasing every offense from your heart let it all go this is a

significant warning from God for people in these final days as we approach the day when Christ returns to Earth to

gather the Saints to be with him in heaven followed by the culmination of the world itself the world is poised to

undergo numerous experiences the adversary understands that his time is limited so he will

endeavor with all his resources to try and entice and Lead astray God’s people

in this video I will share some of these aspects with you and motivate you to

stand firm on the day of Jesus’s Ascension angels manifested and informed

the disciples that everything Jesus proclaimed was true and that just as he assured he will return one day acts

to they gazed intently into the sky as he ascended when abruptly two figures

clothed in white Stood Beside them men of Galilee they declared why do you

stand here gazing into the sky this same Jesus who has been taken from you into

heaven will come back in the same way you saw him depart into heaven and the

Lord Jesus himself stated in revelation behold I am coming soon my reward

is with me and I will give to each person according to what they have done

many individuals still doubt that Jesus will return some have even forsaken the

Faith because the devil succeeded in persuading them that there is no heaven or hell and that Christ will not come

this is not the moment to relinquish your faith but the time to hold on even tighter so that the adversary does not

pil for your faith here are some phenomena you will observe before

Christ’s return transgressions and Abominations will take Center

Stage it’s no longer a revelation house certain things deemed abominable in the

Bible have become commonplace today practices that were once Sur upon

in earlier times and those cautioned against in the Bible are now Common

Place the media promotes transgressions as do the music and film Industries

fashion and even schools everything affirms what the Bible already

conveys if you survey your surroundings it may appear as though we are reliving

the days of Noah all over again those who uphold normal sea and adherence to

the Bible are labeled judgmental and even condemned however Jesus already for

warned us Matthew to as it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the

coming of the son of man for in the days before the flood people were eating and

drinking marrying and giving in marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark and

they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away that’s how it will be at

the coming of the son of man the world has arrived at a point where normaly is

offensive righteousness before God has become an offense and upholding God’s

order might subject you to attack from many quarters sinning and wickedness are

now met with reward and celebration worldwide it’s the darkness the prophet

Isaiah for told would shroud the Earth nevertheless amid this Darkness you and

I as Saints must persist in shining as the beacons we are in Christ selfishness

will be exalted this stands as one of the core elements of the Contemporary deceit the

Bible cautioned us about the degree of self centeredness and

egotism prevalent in the world today is unparalleled in history it forms the

primary root of sin and atrocities in the world as we know it where Jesus in

the Bible instructs us to love others selfishness insists until you love

yourself adequately you should not extend love to others when the Bible

implores us to watch out for our brother selfishness schems to take and be content only when it secures its own

Watchmen the Bible states that one of the indicators heralding Christ’s coming

is that self-love and love of self along with selfishness in all its guises will

assume prominence when you scrutinize God’s word you’ll find Jesus proclaiming that

love fulfills the law this implies that in the grip of selfishness you will

commit all the iniquities in life yet in love you can empathize with others

prioritize Christ and prioritize others above yourself this does not imply

surrendering your life recklessly no it simply means you submit under God’s

Almighty hand to be his instrument for Illuminating others it simply signifies

discovering your completeness in Christ and being ready to live for something greater than yourself Philippians

do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit rather in humility value others

above yourselves not looking to your own interests but each of you to the

interests of the others do not yield to the Allure of

selfishness for you dear Saint Love Remains the path of Christ persist in

standing firm within it the love of many Believers will grow cold and timid Jesus

rightly asserted that as Sin becomes ordinary and prevails worldwide the love

of many individuals will cool off Matthew to because of the

increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold but the one who stands

firm to the end will be saved in this Gospel of the Kingdom will

be preached in the whole world as a testimony to All Nations and then the

end will come in this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole

world as a testimony to All Nations and then the end will come one of the

ultimate snares of the devil in the last days prior to Christ’s arrival is the

sway of sin on the love and fervor of Believers today numerous Believers are

embracing and accommodating the world’s ways because they are Rel reluctant to come under scrutiny or be labeled as

judgmental but the truth cannot be mocked you must take your stance dear

believer you cannot serve both the devil and the Lord address what God designates

as Sin precisely as he designates it and label what he deems good in the same

vein additionally another cause for believers growing cold is that many

Believers embi the principles of this world they assimilate the world’s ideologies

and Endeavor to fuse them with the scriptures consequently sturdy Believers

are not being raised to Champion godliness and sobriety the emphasis on prayerfulness is dwindling and Believers

find it challenging to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus with boldness do not succumb to this snare my

friend implore the Lord to fortify you and Kindle his fire within you plead

that amidst the darkness you will be the radiant Beacon where others conceal

their fire let us be audacious in our ardor regardless of the price offenses

will proliferate this follows on from the proceeding Point as long as Believers

continue yielding to the world they will keep growing cold and as they grow cold

they will become vulnerable to offenses offenses do not only emerge

from adversity but also from decadence when people grow accustomed to

or desire to become accustomed to falsehood they will commence taking

umbrage at those who speak the truth a sign of the deterioration in today’s

society is the alacrity at which anything can be construed it as

offensive Jesus affirmed that offenses would arise yet blessed are those who do

not stumble because of him the world will never favor or desire us but we

understand they require us and as long as we are in the world we must continue

to be the illuminators of the world many including Believers will stand in

opposition to you you must not yield to bitterness or offense you must persist

in Walking In Love and forgiveness for the sake of Christ and his love

false teachers will multiply another phenomenon that will command the spotlight in these ultimate

days is the surge of spirous preachers Jesus foretold of this some

will assert the savior is already present While others will affirm they know the exact time of the savior’s

Advent and still others will deny his return altogether some will promulgate a false

doctrine of grace that sanctions unrestrained sinning without regard for God and others will espouse a

counterfeit works-based message that belittles the grace of God the Bible

alerts us that bogus prophets will become increasingly numerous in these final days a sign that Jesus is Drawing

Near do not fall into the Trap of anything that deviates from God’s word

adhere to God’s word and live by it personally do not permit anyone to coers

or sway you into accepting what is inconsistent with the word likewise

entrust yourself to the Lord to safeguard you from the pitfall of Pride thinking that you have seen it all and

have no need for further learning this Pitfall is one of the roots to

misstep we are all Disciples of the Holy Spirit and will continue learning at his

feet until Jesus arrives the world neither is still seems nor dreads the impending judgment but we

are not to be uninformed Jesus came to sacrifice himself so that everyone who believes

and accepts him might elude the Everlasting judgment that awaits all who depart without Redemption Corinthians

– so we make it our aim to please him whether we are at home in the body

or away from it for we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ so

that that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body whether good or bad since then we

know what it is to rever the Lord we Endeavor to convince others what we are

is transparent before God and I trust it is also transparent to your

conscience let us not desist from proclaiming the message of Jesus at every available opportunity and with

every resource at our disposal hell is not a destination for anyone to

endure eternally if you have not yielded your heart to Jesus yet this is the moment do

not delay another instant summon him now and request him to preside in your heart

as you resolve to follow him until the end recall that Jesus declared that

whoever disowns him or is embarrassed by him will also be disowned before the

father though that day will catch the world off guard every child of God

should live each moment prepared for the arrival of our Lord and savior remain steadfast beloved we will

soon behold the Lord in his Splendor do not forfeit your position

for anything so that in the end you will be counted among the

jubilant what will transpire on Earth’s ultimate day is a query that lingers in

every Christian’s thought thoughts one thing is undeniable we will be held

accountable for our actions on this Earth Corinthians for we must all

appear before Christ’s judgment seat that each one may get what is due him for his actions while in the body

whether good or bad Paul urges us to prioritize pleasing God as our foremost

objective as we will all stand before Christ’s judgment seat

it is the assurance that we will not face the Judgment we deserve that motivates us to seek to please him and

it is the anticipation of enduring Joys and everlasting Pleasures that motivates us to serve him in the face of adversity

looking forward to Eternal rewards in heaven our efforts will be laid bare

either consumed as chaff while we are saved or purified to shine perpetually like the stars in the sky to the glory

of God and to to our own Eternal satisfaction as Paul articulates in First

Corinthians this is also the day when every Injustice will be

rectified contemplates that for a moment from the Viewpoint of the wrongdoer

God’s judgment for sin is Dreadful yet every sin has a human

sufferer and for those who have been wronged this day will have been long

awaited finally the culprits of all offenses and criminal acts will be held

accountable God was observant God was attentive and God will make it right

every instant a defenseless victim cried out to God for justice every time

oppressed individuals revolted against their oppressors to no avail every instance a young child’s pleas for

compassion fell on deaf ears the Lord admonishes the persecuted not to seek Vengeance on their own but to in trusted

to him the Lord asserts it is mine to avenge I will repay God will fulfill

this Pledge on the day of judgment the most exhilarating part is

yet to come you are not obliged to attend this hearing if you let him Jesus

will stand for you as Daniel apprises us the records will be unsealed when the

Great and fearsome judgment commences [Music] however Revelation references

another book that will be unveiled simultaneously if your name is inscribed

in The Book of Life the outcome of your lawsuit is assured your case will not even be heard

according to John very truly I tell you whoever hears my word and believes

him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from Death To Life why would God use our

Deeds to judge our hearts what I do will mirror what I

believe in my heart this is the fundamental principle that elucidates

why God’s judgment is fairly grounded on our actions what renders your action so

consequential simply because your action reflects your innermost

convictions whatever’s inside must come forth eventually this is an extraordinary

principle that manifests in various manners if you har anger within it will

eventually surface bitterness will rise to the Forefront if you possess

bitterness avarice will materialize in your demeanor if you are a Covetous

individual if you are merciful Mercy will return to you if you are gentle the

rest of of the world will observe whatever you are internally will radiate through in the way you conduct

yourself whether you are Frugal prudent reliable kind or a

peacemaker that is why God is a Works based judge not to pay a way to

salvation but to establish a basis for judgment you are saved by faith and

judged based on your actions first Peter if you address as father the one

who judges impartially according to each one’s work conduct yourselves in fear

during the time of your sojourn on Earth according to Paul God’s wroth and fury

descend upon the wicked leading to tribulation and anguish for them the

anguish experienced by individuals who are the targets of God’s wroth and indignation is referred to as

tribulation and pain Paul employs these terms to depict the Perpetual penalty

awaiting Every Soul who commits evil you would not wish to be in that place the

Bible recurrently cautions using terrifying portrayals of Hell’s

torments consequently Paul makes it clear that everyone will confront God in

judgment culminating in either everlasting life or Eternal wroth the

self-serving person as per Romans to ultimately rejects truth and pursues

wickedness the individual who lives exclusively for himself or herself cours

indignation resulting in immense suffering and profound distress the ultimate and complete

eradication of all sin and wickedness is detailed in the Book of

Revelation the scripture illustrates what unfolds when God has executed his

judgment All In injustices have been redressed all sin has been segregated

and all suffering has ceased tears death sorrow weeping and pain are

conspicuously absent from the New Jerusalem distress sorrow the separation

from friends and loved ones and death are all Grievous realities of life but

they will be consigned to Oblivion once and for all when we relocate to New Jerusalem M it’s no wonder that the

Apostle Paul saw his demise as a benediction Revelation

he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and Death Shall be no more

neither shall there be any mourning nor crying nor pain anymore for the former

things have passed away the New Jerusalem is the focal point of this

chapter this is not the Earthly historic Jerusalem of the tribulation it is also

not the surviving Jerusalem of the Millennium that serves as Jesus Capital

it is God’s Celestial city which he conceived and constructed God will establish an

eternal Abode for the redeemed and an impeccable environment for Everlasting existence love joy and Enlightenment in

his presence on the new Earth where righteousness resides for here God will coexist with

his people and grief and death will be no more the grand controversy will

conclude and sin will be abolished all creation animate and

inanimate will extol God’s love and he will reign for all

eternity only a little while longer and the wicked will be no more you will look

for them and they will not be there but the humble will inh inherit the earth

and dwell in it forever he assures in Psalms yes the day of judgment will be a

blessing for all faithful Humanity in Matthew Jesus was Seated on

the Mount of Olives and his disciples approached him privately inquiring about

the timing of the culmination of this age and the accompanying signs of his

arrival Jesus proceeds to respond to their queries and provide them with

signs to be vigilant for the Bible delineates the culmination of this age

as the winding up of the current system of things the last days or the season of

the end in Timothy the Bible outlines the characteristics of the last

days describing them as perilous times the Amplified translation emphasizes

that these days will be marked by dangerous stress and trouble making them

difficult to endure as we delve into the chapter it becomes evident that the last days will

witness a widespread rejection of God’s principles in the world anything aligned

with the word of God will face rejection people will seek teachings

that cater to their desires favoring a gospel of prosperity over a life of

sacrificial devotion yet we recognize the necessity of embrace ring the pure gospel one that

pierces our hearts and challenges sinful behaviors as Christians we bear the

responsibility of spreading the message of Jesus Christ to all in Matthew

Jesus identifies the key sign of the end times the universal proclamation

of the Gospel this doesn’t imply reaching every individual on the planet

but establishing a credible Christian presence among all ethnic and cultural

groups what does this mean for us as Christians we are entrusted with the

duty of sharing the good news with all we encounter Our Lives should radiate the

love and light of Jesus and we should fervently pray for the Salvation of those around us trusting that God can

achieve the seemingly impossible remember we need not be fearful in in the face of the end times

for we know that our God is Sovereign and in complete control our focus should remain

steadfastly on Jesus living Our Lives to glorify him Timothy paints a star

portrayal of a society in Decay with individuals becoming treacherous

slanderous and devoid of self-control it envisions a world where

moral absolutes are disregarded and everyone pursues their own version of

right and wrong yet the challenges may not only arise from outside the

church in these end times the most formidable trials May emerge from within

the body of Christ This is why Paul in two Timothy

urges us to recognize the state of the times and stands strong in our faith he

cautions realize this there are things things we need to be aware of in the church if we want to stay strong in our

faith we can’t afford to be disillusioned or fall away because we didn’t recognize what was happening

around us the encouraging news is that as a community of Believers we can come

together supporting and uplifting one another with God’s strength we can

overcome any challenge that comes our way so let us persist in spreading the

gospel in supporting one another and in fixing our Gaze on Jesus the author and

perfector of our faith in the end times we may face the temptation of religious

Impostors these are individuals who may appear Godly outwardly but internally

they Harbor sin and deceit they might even quote scripture but their actions

speak louder than words in fact Timothy warns us to steer clear of

such individuals who have a superficial appearance of godliness but deny its

true power we find ourselves in an era of religious imposters where many ask

the right questions but follow misguided answers as genuine followers of Christ

we must be Discerning and anchor our faith on a solid foundation in Matthew Jesus teaches us

that those those who hear and obey his teachings are like builders on Solid Rock while those who hear and disregard

his teachings are like builders on Sand when the storms of life come the

foundation of Faith determines whether we stand firm or falter surveying the

world today we witness numerous signs foretold by Jesus and

Revelation one significant indicator is the escalation of conflicts and Wars

among nations as prophesied in Matthew this is strikingly evident in

current events with Wars threatening our societies and events such as the Russian

invasion of Ukraine another sign is the Spectre of famine while it may not yet Herald

apocalyptic proportions we observe the effects in Rising food prices and

environmental challenges such as desertification and ocean dep completion

Revelation symbolically depicts a Horseman representing widespread famine

as Christians we are called to maintain faith and trust in God believing that he

will guide and direct our paths Proverbs – instructs us trust

in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all

your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight let us hold

steadfast to our faith Anchored In God’s truth even amid trying times let’s

remain true to God’s word unswayed by worldly influences let’s trust in his provision

and find contentment in what we have instead of posting about ourselves let’s

give glory to God for his blessings in our lives as Christ Christians we

recognize that challenges will arise in this world Jesus himself warned us about

earthquakes and natural disasters in various parts of the world recent events

have demonstrated the reality of this bringing suffering and loss yet what

about the spiritual challenges we’ll face in two Timothy Paul informs us that

in the last days perilous and even violent times will come it’s a sobering

thought but we shouldn’t be taken by surprise we can find solace in knowing

that these trials aren’t unforeseen by God he’s forewarned us and he’s promised

to be with us in our times of need we can cry out to him in prayer confident

that he will rescue us from all troubles however there’s a condition we

must pursue righteousness to receive his help if you were in trouble wouldn’t you

turn to the most capable and trustworthy person you know it’s the same when we

turn to God by seeking righteousness and striving to honor him we build a sturdy

Foundation of faith that we can rely on in times of trouble when we do cry out

to him he hears us and delivers us from all our troubles so let’s draw inspiration from

Psalm and remember that the Lord attentively listens to the cries of his

righteous ones let’s persist in pursuing righteousness and establishing a strong

Foundation of faith that we can lean on even in the midst of trying times as God’s people we have the

privilege of calling upon him in times of trouble it’s remarkable to know that

the creator of the universe desires to hear from us and is ready to help us us in our moments of

need however being God’s people doesn’t mean we’re Flawless or have it all

figured out it means that our desire is to pursue righteousness and follow him

rather than conforming to worldly ways the Bible foretells that in the

last days many within the church will be consumed by a Love of Money regrettably

we’re already witnessing this trend the church has sometimes become a place of

Commerce which is not its intended purpose in fact Jesus himself cleansed

the temple expelling those who were buying and selling affirming that his house should be a House of Prayer not a

den of Thieves we must remember that we’re called to lead people to God’s house not

to isolate ourselves from them the Love of Money can be perilous and we must

guard against falling into that trap as first Timothy emphasizes godliness

with contentment is great gain how powerful is

unforgiveness can it truly destroy your life allow me to illustrate the

formidable impact of unforgiveness and how it can corrode the life of anyone who clings to it music you may have

experienced unjust treatment perhaps you yearn for resolution in a conflict where you were

wronged maybe someone inflicted harm upon you perhaps your childhood was

marred by mistreatment life is replete with such instances of individuals acting out of

self-interest a partner departs without a backward glance leaving their spouse

to raise the children alone a business associate deceives you resulting in

Financial loss damage to your reputation and loss of position betrayal can even

originate from family or close friends the Bible even forars that those

most likely to turn against you could be individuals from within your own

household Jesus himself Drew attention to a crucial point during your Earthly

existence as stated in Luke it is inevitable that stumbling blocks will

come but woe to the one through whom they come the King James version phrases

it this way then said he unto the disciples it is impossible but that

offenses will come but woe unto him through whom they come take note that

Jesus himself affirms that living a life without encountering offenses is

impossible no matter how righteous or holy you may be you can strive to avoid

offending in others but you can’t prevent others from causing you harm in

other words there will always be someone poised to step on your

toes you may try to evade them but the enemy will always Place someone

strategically to cause you to stumble to engage in actions you ought to abstain

from granting him the opportunity to bring harm into your life did you know

that some people may not even realize that they’re being used by the devil to make others stumble they might believe

they’re acting of their own accord yet in the spiritual realm Satan

is pulling the strings this is why he is the true adversary not the person causing the

hurt but the Devil Himself it’s analogous to a gun and a shooter the

police don’t arrest the gun for the crime they may seize it it but the

judgment and sentence fall upon the shooter the gun is the instrument that

inflicts the harm but the wielder is the wrongdoer not the gun Satan is the

instigator of every hurt you may have experienced and it’s all right to feel

the pain you’re human not a robot God

Gave You emotions to feel too nonetheless when you’re unaware of who

you’re true antagonist and adversary is you might clutch onto the hurts and offenses so tightly that they poison you

from within influencing your thoughts and actions thereafter this is what we call

unforgiveness the act of holding on to offenses and bitterness often with a malicious and vengeful intent you have a

choice to cling to the hurt fostering anger and bitterness and thereby

allowing it to poison your heart or or to release it the deceiver Satan May

relentlessly convince you that you can’t forgive due to the intensity of your pain but you must release it he may

persuade you that they deserve your hatred and should suffer for what they did to you however you must discern who

your true enemy is and let go of the hurt understand this you don’t forgive

the person because they Merit it or for their sake if that were the case scarcely anyone

would deserve forgiveness instead you forgive for your own

well-being when you extend forgiveness you strip them of the power to harm you

by forgiving you reclaim control over your life the error we often make is in

holding on to it nurturing bitterness and rage all the while we’re bestowing

upon them the power to keep inflicting harm upon us the individual might be out

there enjoying their life while you sit in your own Corner nursing your wounds

reliving your hurts repeatedly and growing more indignant this anger continues to Fester

making it even harder to let go and forgive ultimately it poisons your heart

towards that person or group and grants the devil a foothold in your life transforming you from who you’re meant

to be into someone else unforgiveness births an emotional Tempest of turmoil

where feelings of stress anxiety depression insecurity and fear begin to

take root and flourish in our hearts the Apostle Paul in Timothy

acknowledges Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm the Lord

will repay him according to his deeds Paul is hurt yet he’s making the choice

to walk away and allow God to handle it he’s choosing to follow what God has

stated in his word vengeance is mine I will repay unforgiveness is like a

self-inflicted wound it may feel Justified but it only perpetuates your

pain and hinders your own healing it’s as if you’re drinking poison and

expecting the other person to die so it’s time to release the hurt the

bitterness the resentment choose to forgive not for their sake but for your own

well-being it doesn’t mean that what they did was right it means you’re choosing to no longer let it control you

you’re taking back the power you’re choosing Freedom over bondage healing

over festering wounds peace over turmoil Cho choose to forgive not because they

deserve it but because you deserve peace you deserve to live a life free from the

chains of unforgiveness you deserve to walk in the light of God’s love knowing that he has

already borne your pain on the cross so let it go release it choose

forgiveness choose Freedom choose peace and watch as God

turns your ashes into Beauty your mourning into joy and your bitterness

into a testimony of his grace and healing power Romans

do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room for God’s wroth

for it is written it is mine to avenge I will repay says the Lord in this passage

Paul quotes from Deuteronomy demonstrating a powerful principle he

encourages us to follow the example of this servant of God who chose not to retaliate against those who wronged him

but instead entrusted the matter to God by focusing on higher virtues and

avoiding the path of bitterness and unforgiveness he walked in alignment

with God’s purpose for his life when Jesus spoke on forgiveness Peter driven

by his em itions sought clarification on the subject likely wondering when it was

acceptable to seek retribution Jesus response underscores the importance of choosing a higher path

one that denies the enemy a foothold in our lives as seen in Matthew

– Jesus teaches that forgiveness should extend far beyond a limited count

emphasizing a spirit of boundless forgiveness it it’s crucial not to allow

a single instance of mistreatment hurtful words a difficult past or

betrayal to impede our progress the example of Joseph who

forgave despite enduring betrayal from his own family and others illustrates

the power of maintaining the right perspective in doing so he not only

reached his god-ordained Destiny but did so with a heart free from hatred Jo

Joseph like any of us had ample reasons to Harbor bitterness and anger

especially towards his brothers and Po’s wife however by refusing to allow

unforgiveness to take root he prevented it from wielding power over him this

empowered him to enjoy the true richness of Life Joseph’s Journey marked by

forgiveness and a clear perspective culminated in God’s promotion he rose above his former

oppressors demonstrating that a heart free from bitterness can lead to exalted

positions when Joseph encountered his brothers later they failed to recognize

him until he revealed himself Joseph’s life was adorned with

God’s glory because he chose to forgive recognizing that God’s plan exceeded

human understanding in every hurt you experience remember that God has a

purpose for your destiny although painful it does not hold the power to

thwart your future unless you allow it by entrusting your pain to God and

seeking his healing you can witness the transformative difference he can make

betrayal may have initially disrupted God’s plan for Joseph’s dreams but by

choosing forgiveness Joseph added greater value to his life this same

principle applies To Us by forgiving we release the potential for God’s

Redemptive work in our Lives Many have emerged from painful

experiences to become beacons of Hope for others enduring similar

trials Nelson Mandela’s poignant statement underscores the importance of

leaving bitterness behind to find true Freedom your destiny is too Grand to be

hindered by one person’s actions living a Victorious Christian Life is

incompatible with harboring unforgiveness it’s not the offense itself that destroys relationships but

the refusal to forgive unforgiveness erects a barrier between us and others

effectively handing Victory to those who hurt us remember Mark –

where Jesus emphasizes that forgiveness is integral to receiving God’s

forgiveness embracing unforgiveness only leads to exhaustion frustration and

constant anger it exacts a toll on your mental and physical well-being let

forgiveness be your choice not a concession to the offense but a step

toward healing it’s a process that requires

perseverance as you lean on God for help those negative emotions will gradually

diminish eventually dissipating entirely Joseph’s story and Jesus

sacrifice on the cross highlight the transformative power of forgiveness as you release the hurt to

God and forgive those who have wronged you you allow Jesus to mend your

Brokenness prayer is a vital step in this process enabling you to exchange

pain for God’s peace God sees every hurt every betrayal every violation

he promises to restore and bless those who trust and submit to him in the end

love triumphs over all to experience true Freedom seek God’s help in

releasing every offense from your heart let it all


2 thoughts on “Bracing for What Lies Ahead: The Inevitable Future | God’s message”

  1. Amen. I surrender to your WILL HOPEFULLY YOU PLEASE READ my will mi d spirit whT I mean to it .I LOVE you my jesus. Iam durrell derives g to you.I live .other holy mother mary and your family. Humble request to read me my mind why iam Fraid..Love you for EVER AND ALWAYS. Amen

  2. The Devil lied when he proclaimed that there is no Heaven nor Hell. He conveniently forgot that he was originally from heaven and was expelled by Almighty God into Hell. Pride was his down fall and Mankind should learn from his folly.

    In Almighty God we place Our Trust.



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